Luciano for his teammates, sixth to the registry, and my father died too soon and too young. I remember his face, double-barreled shotgun, the stories of the mountain, the story of nights spent in the open, when, along with a partisan shot Slavic taken a column of Germans in the process of capturing a group of fighters left trapped in the Black River where it opens and leaves the forest. Un fatto realmente accaduto.
. Le mani smisero di accarezzare il legno e lentamente ripose la sgorbia ; un silenzio assordante avvolse la bottega , i trucioli sparsi sul pavimento, i mobili in attesa, l’odore delle colle, le tavole accatastate di legno asciutto, stagionato.
Muti i macchinari respirarono il silenzio .
Lentamente alzò gli occhi di un azzurro bagnato, impastato dagli anni e guardò il figlio, l’ultimo maschio rimasto, gli altri dispersi e non sapeva dove; quel figlio avuto in vecchiaia , il più amato…
Non c’era altro da fare e lo sapeva ma come fai a staccarti da un figlio, il solo in grado di proseguire l’impresa che faticosamente avevi realizzato..
Una vita spesa per costruire, riparare mobili, sedie, tavoli.
I primi apprendisti da guidare, il lavoro che cresce, la prima esposizione, i clienti che aumentano ma sei solo . Resisti perché hai un figlio, intelligente, istruito, capace.
Puoi fidarti e allora attendi.
Due sono gone missing, disappeared along the years of war, the war that had been hated. Socialist
the first hour had remained faithful to its ideals. Had not consented to fascism and had remained calm .. aside.
. The remaining properties resumed
hands caressing the wood.
imagined the curve and the depth of carving. Shooting the scrawl.
"there is nothing else to do," he said and added, "you know nothing of war: be careful! "
drawing the curve and a chip fell on the floor ...

him, with the Nazis - would not go fascist.
He spoke with friends, had said to Emma, \u200b\u200bthe girl he loved and the priest.
"Don Franco, with those I do not go" and the poor priest, in desperation, he nodded.
was also his fault that guys like Luciano hated the fascists, the war, that war, the racial laws, the meetings and hypocrisy ocean of words, many who heard as: "Winning!" Winning what? He missed freedom, the possibility of dissent, to propose, to express their thoughts.
idea of \u200b\u200bthe inevitable fate to which the whole nation had voted.
And destiny, that destiny based on bayonets was rapidly maturing into a catastrophe.
No, he did not intend to answer the call to arms. Better
the mountain, the woods. ... Armed struggle against the Nazi-Fascists.
the axle is a thrill thinking of battle, the dead to life taken or left.
Emma hugged, shook her again and again.
He filled the eyes of his, stroked her long brown hair, Emma cried his 16 years and those who wanted to go with him ...
He left at dawn on a September day. The comrades, some were already gone. I think I get
Gavelli, the headquarters of the partisan, with a day's march.
reached the crest of the mountain overlooking the city ... ... back to the Valley of blurred white transparencies ... .... Autumn began to play with the colors and the wood of Licinius evergreen.
eyes dipped into the valley and the city clinging to the hill, the summer's events, ... ... .... to braid her brunette Emma had melted for him.
Un profumo dolcissimo invase la mente.
Raccolse i pensieri, le emozioni e riprese a salire verso Patrico lungo sentieri che conosceva lontano dai villini e dai casolari.
Andava verso i monti più alti dell’Appennino , lo zaino leggero sulle spalle , la roncola e un bastone per sostenere i passi, le salite e le discese.
Non aveva armi tranne la roncola e un coltello a serramanico.
Le armi erano sul posto.
Le avevano trafugate con vari colpi di mano dalle caserme di Spoleto, complici alcuni militari in servizio ed erano state portate, di notte, a dorso di mulo fino a Gavelli.
Stavolta non andava a funghi o a caccia di selvaggina ma verso un futuro ignoto …di lotta….. un futuro di libertà … he said to himself .... to be built along with its Emma. It was to cross the Black
where a pole thrown between the banks and a rope stretched between two trees allowed to reach the other side and not be seen.
knew then and the surrounding woods.

"You know nothing of war: be careful! "
The warning sounded in the mind of the father and the accompanying steps, thoughts.
Who could have known him twenty years of war.
was fascinated by the stories del genero, un piemontese figlio di militari che la guerra, la grande guerra l’aveva fatta.
Lui, giovane tenente degli alpini era dove i monti sono più alti e il nemico davanti, sull’altra cima uniti dal freddo di quell’ultimo inverno.
C’era stata la disfatta e nessuno sapeva cosa bisognava fare, se andare in soccorso o restare dove faticosamente erano giunti.
Rimase a difesa dei passi del Pasubio, delle piccole Dolomiti.
Attacchi e contrattacchi e restare vivo.
Un giorno scese e risali la montagna e la successiva e quella più avanti perché a valle, finalmente, avevano sfondato le linee nemiche.
Andò avanti, attacchi e contrattacchi poi solo avanti al comando della compagnia, di quello che restava perché il capitano era morto, ucciso all’alba di un mattino e non seppe mai della vittoria.

Era rimasto affascinato da quei racconti ma ora che c’era , che toccava a lui, figlio di un falegname, saliva e scendeva con rabbia i suoi monti .. non c’era altro da fare … .
In città , nelle riunioni clandestine, ne avevano discusso insieme agli ufficiali.
La loro, quella partigiana non era una guerra di posizione … dovevano attaccare e scomparire; occupare il territorio, rendere insicure le strade, impraticabili i boschi, le comunicazioni.
Non era una guerra di posizione ma un mordi e fuggi….. piccoli gruppi sparsi nei punti nevralgici.
Azioni di sabotaggio di impianti, di ponti, e vie di fuga tracciate nella mente .
Niente attacchi e contrattacchi lungo i pendii tortuosi dell’Appennino ma nascondigli protetti dal fitto della boscaglia e caverne nei dirupi montani per fare sosta e ripartire.
La loro era una guerra d’attesa.
Gli alleati erano sbarcati a Salerno …. Bisognava occupare il territorio, renderlo insicuro e attendere...

crossed the Black and the uphill stretch that precedes the trail, a winding trail that climbs and fast through the woods and plains before the passage of Terminaccio.
He measured the distance, the distances, the midday sun.
The moisture of the earth accompanied the ascent to the turbulent Valley Gavelli that one side looks at the Mount of the host and the other the mass of Coscerno with its rocky sides, rugged, stony canyons of corrugated.
"This" thought "is my new home."
early Autumn, short, long and hard winters, heavy snowfall, forced isolamenti.In distant sound of bells told the presence of grazing on the high seas .... saw Chianina cows that drink in a natural lake carved out from the sky dotted with clouds. To the north
walked faster.
He thought of Emma, \u200b\u200bhow it would be nice to have with him, her brown braid.
In the distance, beautiful but fragile down the rainbow.
The god of the mountain he would aiutati.Finalmente was in sight of the fortified castle clinging to a spur of Coscerno overlooking the Moat, Castle Gavelli and homes that put downward slope just below. ..

The captain called Ivan and Luciano, a Slavic escaped from a concentration camp Colfiorito.
"I have a task for you," he said "you have to watch the mule track that goes from Scheggino ..."
took the map and pointed to the area
"You're hiding and avoid the Germans, it is important" and added "we are organizing the escape of the British and Slavic prisoners in Spoleto. ... you need to check the driveway and the mule track and protect their arrival, "They went to
Sant'Anatolia Narco looking for the right place ... they found a side road and very close to the trail, the ideal position to control both roads.
chose a safe place protected from the bush and forest.
tried the escape route, the route that would follow in case of attack.
"Let's build a shed," Ivan suggested.
"How did you end up here," said Luciano
"War! I entered the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade when the Germans invaded. I reached the Yugoslav resistance ... and here I am ... ... "
... ... Luciano feel, we should put a cloth camouflage on the roof ... the risk of rain"
"Okay ... put a towel covered with green branches"
".... I I said, when action has been captured by the Italians .. "
" What you have interned in Italy than in Germany. We have it good "
" I went with Tito to fight the Nazis .... Since then I have no news of my family, my father and my mother, my sisters .... do not know that I'm alive "
" Damn it! "
sigheretta trembled, fell, dropped his eyes to resume
" Damn Nazis! "Rabid
a branch cut with a sickle and then another ..." ... Damn Germans! "
He put his back against a tree, slid down the trunk, crouched ... looked at the shed and that horrible war, the days which succeeded, the war that they were being mangled in the most horrible of ways.
There was nothing else to do but the war to avoid being swept away .... and go home.
The darkness overtook them.
faster through the bushes and hid the highest branches, went down the logs, wrapped them up.
the road disappeared and the plateau that precedeva.Entrarono in the shed. Luciano
hung a lantern acetylene, lit.
prepared the stove alcol.Sistemarono weapons and backpacks.
They had water, bread, some potatoes and sausages.
Slavic threw a potato into the water and herbs that had gathered down da Gavelli...
Il freddo umido, bagnato, sempre più gelido, attraversò la coperta di lana, i vestiti e non riusci a dormire.. …..… i pensieri raccolsero il respiro del bosco, le ore, il silenzio .
Era la sua prima notte da combattente partigiano ed altre ne sarebbero venute, diverse, peggiori di quella. Pensò all’inverno e alla neve che sempre cadeva abbondante.
Come avrebbero fatto a resistere lui e il fratello che aveva trovato, quello slavo così diverso da lui, così lontano dalla sua terra… che combatteva la stessa guerra per restare vivo, libero, in un paese libero …. sentimenti mai vissuti agitavano la mente per quello stare there, in that eerie silence.
was there and wanted, tried ... had sought, war .... to escape from the youth refused to resume the life he wanted to have.
Dawn was breaking.
She could not stand that cold and decided to start a fire to warm his hands.
A small fire and drink a mess of barley hot, hot.
"You could not sleep ... .. you think? "Asked Ivan
" I do not know. .... For everything. It's a little 'feel like dying ... ... this expectation, the beauty of the mountains, thinking of the family, Emma ... "
" Fear? ... ... .. .. you want to do .. give it won ? are murderers! "
" It is not fear, but something different comes along, suddenly ... I do not know what it is.
Maybe it's anxiety, something I had never tried it ... a little 'feel like dying ... ... .. For what could happen ... the battle .. defend and take life of another and you do, be able to do so as not to lose yours or that of your fellow ... .... You must defend yourself and kill .... not to lose yours, the ones you love .. Emma the waiting, my father, who relies on my help, my mother is waiting for the missing children and can not find peace ... .. . mates as we went up on these mountains ... "
" I tried the same your feelings, "said Ivan.
"Thoughts come alone ... and you can not stop ... do not you die ... .. you think and your heart beats inside ... I feel ... feel the thoughts that come to die alone and no peace ... and scared. "
" The war will end. The Americans are at Salerno, not far away .... Think about this ... think about your ... Emma .. the future that awaits you ... "
" Time! .... Yesterday I went out with mates and now they are here, armed, ready to defend these mountains and the future that I have. "
" Shut up! "He paused
The morning breeze gently, lightly, the first leaves of autumn, the autumn was silent.
"Turn off the fire ... .. soon! "
noise of trucks braking, entries that cut the air like arrows, the breeze again, stronger ... and imperious waves his woods.
"We have seen ...! ".
The church bells were beating the morning when the battle began.
The rattle of a machine gun hit the woods.
had been identified. Responded with a volley of rifle fire while keeping an eye on the side left, where the trees are more dense, the way chosen to disappear.
They had tried the action, the tactics to be followed in case of confrontation with the Germans.
They had tried the route of escape.
began to move quickly from one tree to another, along a long-imagined, experienced, forward, backward, short stops and on, on.
charged during the race ...
decided to return fire to warn the others, those on the lookout between Scheggino and chisel and give them time to find shelter and prepare for confrontation.
loaded and moved to shoot and give the enemy the idea of \u200b\u200ba large group in a fan. Forward, forward and back, separated each other along the imaginary line and tested in the days of rest, from tree to tree, loading and firing.
lasted a long battle then silence.
decided to break away not to be bypassed and trapped ... they decided to cut to the river where the rocks and cliffs provide a dominant position and easy hiding places.
went down fast towards the river, touched the town, a shed and then down to the rocks and the cliff where the river narrows and you see the bend in the road and the bridge crossing.
down when the Slav now that the deck was visible and the road.
A German truck followed by a larger vehicle had stopped the Germans descended from the truck.
Uno di questi, pistola in mano cominciò a sparare ad un ragazzo che correva lungo il ponte .
Correva il ragazzo e il tedesco sparava quando dal bosco tagliato un gruppo di partigiani provenienti da Fionchi aprì il fuoco.
Una mossa avventata perché subito dal camion la mitragliatrice cominciò a battere il terreno.
Si rifugiarono dietro una carbonaia composta ma non ancora arsa , bloccati dal fuoco nemico, ormai persi.
I tedeschi, quelli della camionetta e quelli scesi dall’automezzo cominciarono ad avanzare. Erano persi.
Il bosco tagliato non offriva ripari ; solo la carbonaia ma nulla potevano contro il numero, le armi automatiche e la mitragliatrice che batteva il terreno.
Avevano perso la speranza when from the left, the spot above the rocks and cliffs a large fire of musketry swept the enemy forcing them to retreat quickly to the truck.
had fallen quickly, the partisan Luciano and slave, to that vantage point, near the rocks and in deep, well above the road and the bridge over the Black.
more fires Caught between the Germans fled precipitately ..
remained in the area. The order was to await the arrival of Slavic prisoners escaping from prison in Spoleto. The order was accompanied to the mountains of Gavelli the 94 escapees.
They spent that night and the following hiding in the thick rough boscaglia.Le nights between 10 and 14 October 1943 (continued)
(sixth to the registrar, Luciano for his teammates, the Partisan Luciano was my Father. The facts are that the story really happened and some the protagonists are still alive)