Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Lilli Caratiuna Ragazza Molto Viziosa
The world's central banks are competing to see who first destroys its currency.
Other than super Yen!
Monday, September 6, 2010
What's An Ip Number For Byond Games
the greatest crime
(you speak?) Paul Barnard
Who is Paul Barnard? Let's see what his website says .
"I'm a journalist, or perhaps I have been, and as such I have worked for numerous national publications including newspapers and periodicals such as La Stampa, Il Manifesto, Il Corriere della Sera, Il Mattino, Il Secolo di Genova, La Repubblica, La Voce di Montanelli, Saturday, Chorus, Today, and other events. For television RAI in Samarkand with Santoro during the Gulf War (1991) and with reports for ten years. For cultural magazines as Micromega, Elsewhere, Il Sole 24 Ore Golem, and news agencies and newspapers online. I dealt mainly with foreign policy. Never taken, never contracted . "
A journalist of investigation, with a lot of experience that guides us today to discover the" greatest crime in human history. " The crime had been given a pen to some people, I might add.
"This essay speaks of the greatest crime in the West since World War II to the present. Millions of human beings for generations and were made to suffer and still suffer for nothing. The details and extent of their pain are impossible to render into words. Suffered and will suffer for a decision was taken at a table by a few unscrupulous criminals, assisted by their intellectual and political assassins. They are at work now, as you read, and the plan of divestiture of our lives is intensifying day by day, year after year. "
I have a deja vu
"What this system is a gigantic fraud to take over the work and life of humans, as well as of their wealth. A fraud in which governments and parliaments are the abettor, especially in Italy. A fraud that affects not only the assets and business but even more so in freedom "
The last piece I took from the introduction of Euroslaves , real informative booklet on the" seigniorage "written by Marco Antonio Miclavez and the moon. Foolish things of the seigniorage argument we have already spoken on this site widely. Barnard follows the same path?
It seems not.
" The ingredients used to concoct this abomination has been the manipulation of mass political consensus, the castration of deficit spending in the state, the use of money, deflation of the market, and in particular the false dogmas of debt and inflation. It is not 'conspiracy of seigniorage'. There is something else, something infinitely more serious. "
E '... much much worse.
Let us briefly the "thesis" of Barnard
sovereign currency and coin sovereign
" currency sovereign as the dollar or pound is always issued, and invented from nothing from the State that has it: that the money originated, and its citizens can only use it, earn or borrow. The euro currency is not sovereign but because no European state is its owner and has instead issued by a central banking system, always invented from scratch. It is not originated from any of the Member European Union, then the euro is neither the Member nor the citizens, and both states that citizens can only use it to borrow or guadagnandoselo. This crucial difference is also the origin of European financial disaster, a crime masterminded at the table as well. You will understand then "
Thought is a confused but understand that Barnard for the State, if it has this" currency sovereign "if it can print at will. In reality in these countries does not work exactly like that but for the time we fly over. Here, however, as he continues:
" Also note the following, which I'll explain better later, because the currency sovereign has always originated from the state, that if the invented out of whole cloth, that state can give or subtracted at will and not I will never run out. can not exhaust its currency, then its debt is a false problem "
In the sense that if the State has the magic printer can also" give "all the money he needs to pay public debt? This would be a "false problem"?
Currency public and private money
Why do we accept the money "sovereign"?
" The state, in exchange for its currency, there is our right to settle all that we must use the same currency. Just this. One could argue that in this state is limited, because in fact it invents its own currency, it forces people to work to get it with the sole aim of being able to then leave the same tax that the state imposes. That is the state saddled with every citizen an 'original sin' (taxes payable) and forces him to use his money to get rid of that 'sin'. "
... and greetings to the currency as a medium of exchange.
" But it is not arbitrary. Think about it: if there was this system, who never worked for the public sector, ie state? Very few. Because individuals may invent other currencies in competition with the state, and under promise of greater profits and greater benefits for citizens, so almost no one would work for the public sector and that State would cease to exist "
Barnard So let me understand. If a "gentleman" makes up a coin from nothing and forces me to use it through the imposition of taxes is bad, but if it does the state is good, because otherwise ...
" would be the triumph of the local lords in feudal style, that is true and proper States coins with private individuals within the state. Chaos. But mind you that under the same principles, but also any coins Private lose all value if they were not recognized as valid in order to pay the inevitable taxes within those private mini-states. "
The mini state private! Horror of horrors!
The State debt is wealth
The "wise" at this point it becomes pure delirium ...
" The BC, in virtue of the fact that this case can come up with the money, has the power to accredit all bank reserves it wants, and this consequently allows the government to spend as much as he wants, creating wealth among the citizens and businesses. What does "creating wealth among the citizens"? Remember that I had previously argued that spending money to the state's debt to sovereign debt is NOT the citizens, but their wealth? Here are the details.
The currency sovereign government is the only existing entity that can create wealth in society or subtract net. The spending created when exactly, and subtracts when the tax. "
So George W. Bush has reduced taxes in the U.S. and dramatically increased public debt has created wealth and prosperity (... And because too many were also exported to Middle East)! Oh I forgot! You individuals who may give you work to produce something you know that do not produce wealth! At best, stolen from someone else. Only the state can create wealth, because printing money.
" And so if this government is spending more than it collects when you buy, that is, if you pay more money to equity among the citizens than him take off with the taxes (if in deficit spending), this adds society. What you just read? You read that right the currency sovereign government to deficit spending, ie spending on debt creates wealth in the community. Here is shown that the so-called public debt is not debt of the citizens, quite the contrary. It can be argued that it is what we the citizens pockets, not what we as citizens owe it to someone. Keep this in mind, below you will learn many things. "
Barnard Oh look, this explains many things ....
" addition, the logical consequence of the above-mentioned equation that the more 'MONEY TO THE GOVERNMENT SOVEREIGN SPENDS A DEFICIT MORE 'empowering citizens is that if the government decides to remove or trim the deficit (or debt), it will automatically stop the enrichment of the citizens. This concept is of central importance for understanding the modern economy. "
I hear a chorus that slowly rises in tone: Mu-ga-be! Mu-ga-be! Mu-ga-be!
And inflation?
Azz ... we forgot price inflation. Should we worry?
" If money does not increase in parallel increases and also the products on the market, then we have inflation (the market has too much money chasing too few goods, nda). This can happen, but ... it is demonstrated that no harm, because even if prices rise a little, the benefit for the community to have less unemployed is much greater. "
Go Robert are all of us, welcome to your lands Barnard opulent ....
But if you delete taxing wealth because the state tax? Or ....
What are the fees?
"Ask anyone the following thing:" What are the taxes? ". The answer is invariably "To give money to the State for its operation." Is it not true that the taxes the state gets its spending on healthcare, schools, infrastructure or pensions? The extension of the retirement age is perhaps not justified by the need to raise more funds for social security?
La risposta è no, un secco e chiaro no se lo Stato è a moneta sovrana, come gli USA, la Svezia o il Giappone e l’Italia prima del 2002. Un secco sì per i 16 Paesi dell’eurozona, purtroppo, ma solo da poco. Milioni di adulti italiani non hanno mai saputo che le loro tasse non sono mai servite allo Stato per spendere . »
Ohibò ed allora a cosa servivano?
« Ma allora, perché diavolo uno Stato come gli USA o la GB tassano? Perché Roma tassava prima del 2002? The reasons were and remain four, one of which deserves attention, but Let's see. The sovereign state tax money to
1) to curb the economic power of the rich (not the common people). In fact, one of the few means that the state has to prevent private oligarchies to become immensely rich, and then to overthrow the state itself is taxed. He does too little? It depends on the reviews, but this is. "
But I realized that I was created by creating money and wealth by taxing wealth is destroyed. So why take away wealth the rich and not print money to distribute to the poor? So we all become rich!
" 2) limit inflation. It has been said that: inflation = too much money around and too few products. If this happens, the state tax, you take his money lavished spending, so the flooding and draining of money to curb inflation. "
Oh no! I was assured that inflation was not a problem!
" 3) encourage or discourage certain behaviors. This tax alcohol, smoking, or pollution, and the tax-free charities or restructuring, etc.. "
E 'bread also taxed (VAT). You mean you do it to discourage the consumption of sandwiches?
" 4) impose on the public use of its currency sovereign. It 'the only way. "
Without taxes we do not use the currency of State, which printed a desire to make rich. But we take away wealth taxes. Very difficult to say. But if you use the currency sovereign makes us rich and taxes are just a limitation of this wealth, we should not only understand that we must use the currency sovereign without fuss? For posterity will judge.
A clear commitment: more work for everyone!
Barnard went to school with the Keynesian or better by L. Randall Wray, a "radical" Keynesian Krugman makes it appear that a moderate conservative. Here's what recommended in this paper of 2007 (!), After detto che secondo lui le politiche monetarie discrezionali alla Greenspan sono inutili perché troppo graduali e quindi di scarso impatto.
«Date queste considerazioni, in aggiunta agli argomenti avanzati da Keynes, si preferisce una regola per fissare la politica monetaria - fissare il tasso overnight a zero e tenerlo lì. Un uomo di latta ben programmato dovrebbe essere in grado di farcela. »
Wow, avevo sentito chiamare Bernanke “Elicottero Ben”, “Spaventapasseri Ben” ma “uomo di latta ben programmato” mi mancava!
Barnard said, however, that went from this "economist" at school. Here's what has made.
" Full employment - that is quell'inimmaginabile dream where there would be no men or women deprived of the dignity of work and livelihood of their children, where there would not be the humiliation of underpaid labor, where casual / flexible / on-call would have been just a nightmare on that joke, where domestic violence and alcoholism or drug abuse and crime would never have deepened the home of a licensed, where children would not have existed with the future broken by missing a paycheck - well That dream was possible, fully as possible in the economies of all countries, but was panned for its deliberately enslaving millions and test them with suffering, with the goal of accumulating power and profits for very few. "
Paul ... to the point we want the recipe!
" If we understand how the monetary system, if we understand that money is only waste paper or electronic impulses invented by the Treasury and the BC, then we say the currency sovereign government can inventasi all pulses e he wants with them can pay all the wages he wants to buy all he wants. We have full employment, the business can sell all he has to sell if the government wants to buy it . Can the government afford this expenditure? Of course, because the government will never exhaust the electronic impulses, therefore will never bankrupt, press a button and wages appear on the computer banks. The only limit is inflation, but if the government spends to increase productivity in the private sector, then inflation is no longer a problem . "
I just reviewed the letter of economists ... was not so bad by comparison
Ma .. drum roll ...
" But it happens that among the large economy with free thought someone manages to stand out, and this was the case of the Nobel Paul Samuelson, who affixed his seal of approval to the ideas of Randall Wray with this statement:
"There is an element of truth in the fact that the State budget is always balanced (ie that the state spends as is theorized by Wray, nda). But once we got rid of this belief, we have removed the wall that stands against any company spending out of control. It 'a belief similar to religion than once, whose function was to scare people with the myths that they behaved in the manner sought by the accepted customs. We (economists of full employment, nda) we have eliminated the belief in the need for the government spend within limits ". "
With" economy "of full employment! We've got a dream! Then if you go to really dig Wray did not find out what all this nice review of Samuelson, guilty of not being an institutionalist like him, have not invented anything, that he "popularized" the ideas of Keynes with the neoclassical synthesis.
The interesting thing is that if your going to learn to read well and find out what the British economist Keynes prescribed deficit spending during the crisis to boost aggregate demand, production capacity and exploit the full return to a level full employment (I'm not saying he was right eh!) and then, during the fat years, the State would lead budgets in surplus to repay the debt.
It turns out that Keynes was well hidden in the cracks of the masters of the True Power. But maybe not: Keynes was among the good, indeed it was ....
Superman ....
" To provide a scientific facility in this economic turmoil were excellent ideas, in particular, a British economist named John Maynard Keynes. Keynes had actually given birth to another possible world, had thought of everything with competence and with a commendable academic rigor, and was rightly a great success for some years in much of the world, influencing legions of economists and governments. ""
Who destroyed the dream? Who prevented the Keynesian paradise?
... against Lex Luthor
" the first stirrings in Europe (compared to the paradise of Keynes my note) in this regard took place around a dark foundation of which almost no one knows the name: the Mont Pelerin Society. Founded in 1947 by the Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek , she picked up ideas that would later lead the next phases of the plan of destruction of states, laws and citizens and encouraged the emergence of other Think Tanks (learning centers) and harvesters of funds that brain, which still stands today between the Institute for Economic Affairs el'Adam Smith Institute in London. "
" Even then, Hayek envisioned his work as one that must colonize widely with their own ideas on academia, the media, governments and private ilsettore. " "
Hayekian fact recall thousands of academics and a few, sparse, Keynesians who never the floor.
Pr finish (ok it was but the opening passatemelo ).... invective against the Austrian School, there is always a good idea.
"In addition, the influence of extreme libertarian Austrian school of economics, whose name was known as Ludwig Von Mises, who are pernicious lobbyists who seek in substance to a world of extremism in the Free market characterized by substantial loss of everything that rule is the rule, and especially taxes. They fan the flames of seigniorage their straw to get to this end, and in fact the seigniorage invariably end up with the rant history (false, see below) that we citizens must repay the huge debt of seigniorage with our taxes. This worries me a lot. "
It is not over! You thought it was over, right?
Barnard and conspiracy
"I The short: if even a fraction of the" overwhelming evidence "of conspiracy had been credible, Messrs. Tarpley, Walter, Mazzucco, and church members would have been eight minutes later to float in face down in the Hudson or in the Tiber. But they are all alive, in fact, they're fine. The international crime has taught us that many witnesses are regularly killed for political crimes uncomfortable well below this (Ustica docet). But not them.
There seems to be possible? Conclude. If until now we have managed to convince those few people about the need to oppose the criminal designs of neo-liberal elites in the world, we owe it to the patient and precise work, steady and learned, calm and realistic than many serious journalists and activists who know how to read reality of the facts, and not to lay burning and lynchings emotional ramshackle army of conspiracy theorists and their uncritical followers. "
But that was the old Barnard, that he had not studied economics. This is instead the new Barnard ... on tangentopoli
" was February 17, 1992, Mario Chiesa was arrested in Milan to kick off the celebrated season of Tangentopoli. Since those days, and within months, an entire Italian political class is wiped out by the ... investigations of Di Pietro and his associates. As I am personally told former Clean Hands Gherardo Colombo, in fact, the impetus that inspired the revolution came from farmers who autodenunciavano judges just to stop paying bribes to the Socialists and Christian Democrats. Two parties, as indeed the whole Italian political system, had one thing in common: they were soaked up to my neck of statism, ie were born and raised in the practice of using prebends and donations of state to buy the consent of the voters.
Something that looked like, however clumsily and too dishonest to the model of currency sovereign state in deficit spending to create wealth for all citizens. In fact, the Italy of the 80s was indeed a country with high inflation and debt, but it was one of the richest places on Earth, whose wealth is still nourishes a huge slice of civil society. " "
We were ruled by a bunch of thieves, but they had expanded the national debt to capacity and brought the double-digit inflation, and then they made us all richer. W Craxi, Andreotti and Forlani!
But then intervened True Power and ...
" sum up: the 90s see become a reality, the European Union a supranational monetary union - that is the ultimate dream by the State Anti True Power, while in Italy the state is then blown away by Tangentopoli - where some judges suddenly acquire a power unprecedented in our country that still remains unexplained, within a few months the Italian political class today due to the center, it throws privatization, that is selling out to private capital in the huge building with decades of work for the common good of Italian citizens. "
But this is not ..... horror horror. ... conspiracy?
" Now, far be it from this account any mention in the plot, since there are data to speak , but an observer of these realities would be foolish if we did not at least some questions. For example, why entrepreneurs who agreed to enter the tunnel of the judicial investigation after years of peaceful and profitable status quo? It was so true that the game had become too exorbitant? Or maybe some other compensation was offered to undermine Italy then? And who gave it to him? In a country like Italy where each investigation a Hot Tin was transferred from prosecutors generally hostile to those friends, and still happens, what prevented the political giants of the DC and PSI Tangentopoli choke? Who took away the carpet from under their feet at that very moment? Who allowed a bunch of racists of the Po Valley to expand like wildfire in a few months, then to create the popular support of the rich part of Italy with the investigation of Di Pietro and his companions? It 's just a coincidence that Germany is in fact the reference point, ie the trading partner privileged, the separatism of Bossi? It 's just a coincidence that so few entrepreneurs are torn apart by bribes of PCI (and who like the author was born in Bologna knows what it speaks) came forward? Or this can be explained by the fact that the party had already been chosen by international finance to become, with the lifting of the center, its contact point in Italy? It 's a chance that what we just said really happened? ""
Take care .. this is not conspiracy data speak ..!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Wall Paint Colors With Walnut Floors
missing a single game at the end of this exciting season, but all in higher areas has already been decided! PEGASO
SSC is the winner of the 2.1 and it goes straight in series amps! Now his concern is to build a competitive team prepared to face the new venture.
Those who dream of reaching SSC is PEGASO SS SPARTAK ARGENTARIO which is according to a mathematician, and addressing the play-offs league team (from sestultimo the third to last place) in a fight "dry".
Congratulations to these two teams, however, that for most of the season they fought shoulder to shoulder, alternating the lead. Congratulations especially because none of the second game as favorites.
relegation zone instead of hot for YOSHI MARIO STORM TEAM and both at 39 points. YOSHI, in fact, is the first of prejudice and STORM TEAM is the first of the demoted. Both of them can not overcome and be overcome by any other. It 's a challenge between them 2! Who will win the day? Good
Championship, instead, Tenaglia and DYNAMO ride fast reaching 62 and 60 points respectively. Perhaps the beginning of the year had other ambitions, but cmq be for several seasons sempre nelle zone alte è segno di qualità, esperienza e dedizione.
Appena sotto di loro la Rivelazione SIRIO FOOTBALL CLUB che stà per concludere un gran Campionato e si candida ad essere uno dei protagonisti della prossima. Bravo! (unica pecca il nome del Manager....).
Campionato discreto per FONTARCELLONA che alterna grandi prestazioni a risultati incredibilmente negativi e paga un inizio non brillante. L'età media dei giocatori comincia ad essere altina. Mi permetto di consigliarti, caro Filippo, di cominciare a pensare a vendere i tuoi gioiellini che cominciano ad avere problemini soprattutto di cominciare ad investire sui giovani per garantirti un futuro a TM.
Quest'oggi nomino a livello individuale l'ala right AC TONG: Debilio Giampaolo, 27,
27 appearances, 8 goals, 11 assists and an average of 7.04! Congratulations indeed!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Ideas For Bridesmaid Dresses
The days left before the end of the season are now only four, but there is virtually no final verdict is still up in the championship San Marino. Both the top, both in the rear, the three hundred and sixty minutes more to recover missing the final whistle will be key for many of the teams participating in the first division.
In the fight that most passionate viewers, one for winning the title, are certainly not lost the plot twists in recent days. In the twenty-eighth of the season, we witnessed the clash at the summit between the hosts of Rome and Club 28 fc Salento. Capitoline was necessary for a win, to get the two points behind and jump to the command, while Puglia was enough for a draw. After a balanced start, we understand that Mr. Nicholas did not send in his field to collect a single point: Salento stationed in the court and opposing, to the amazement of the audience, the network arrives at the 19th. A label was Lucio Costello, John Schenone on an assist than usual. The reaction of the owners is almost immediate and even the network also becomes a long wait: the 32nd thinks Alexander Annibaldi to redress the balance, as always from a Nicky Polito davvero prezioso, uno dei migliori dei suoi. Nella ripresa le occasioni non mancano nè da una parte nè dall'altra, ma il pari sembra essere il risultato che si dovrà scrivere nel tabellino finale. Tuttavia la svolta è dietro l'angolo: all'84° Costello veste i panni dell'assist-man a favore di Giorgios Polycarpou, che beffa Roma Club e sancisce il definitivo 1 a 2. Per i padroni di casa sembra dover essere l'addio definitivo ad ogni residua speranza di vittoria finale del campionato, ma ci pensa proprio Salento a rimettere in discussione tutto. Nella ventinovesima giornata, infatti, i pugliesi si fanno sconfiggere per 1 a 0 in casa da Bartos Team, al quale i tre punti risultano essere ossigeno nella battaglia per evitare la retrocessione diretta. Merit Network Gulfi Walter and excellent day of the goalkeeper, the young Thomas Pasqual. But the Romans did not take advantage and make the block of Saturn FC, most likely cease to exist after this season: the owner seems to have tired of investing and Möller everything in football. In the thirtieth day, still full of surprises. Salento is engaged in the difficult battle against Dionysius Cappioli Arena Club de Futbol Galactica is able with difficulty to tear a single point, thanks especially, again, the goalkeeper of the national Polito, who has made at least three occasions shouting reporters as a miracle. And back home in Rome Club seems to be a Christmas atmosphere. Another opportunity thrown away, perhaps the last available. It comes, in fact, even a defeat at home against AC Pro Vercelli, another formation of the lower floors of the league. The end result was 0 to 1, with the only goal scored by Nico Popescu. For Romania this is the first marking this season, but you will certainly not soon forget, given the importance.
In the relegation zone, we still have to fight for many teams. If you already seem doomed to fall directly to the second division Huusstt Football Club and FC Saturn, which will form a company Juvenes already mathematically relegated, the teams that are still at risk are at least five playoffs and last games will therefore be very tense. A GOOD luck to all!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Used 2006 Kawasaki Mule
It is said that Jean Baptiste Colbert , Minister of Finance French during the reign of Louis XIV, had called together the most influential French merchants to ask them what could the government do to help. One of the most influential merchants, called the Legendre, the Minister said: "laissez faire Nous", literally "let us do."
For some strange reason we are accustomed to thinking that capitalists and entrepreneurs are in favor of free trade and opposed to any kind of interference by the state. The idea is that capitalists and entrepreneurs in a market free from government intervention, can do the good and the bad weather, unimaginable profits, fell like a shark in a fish farm.
Far from it!
entrepreneurs, not all is clear, they are terrified - terrified I repeat - the free market. Let us repeat once again: terrified. You know why?
Richard Cantillon was perhaps the first economist to theorize dell'entrepreneur the figure, describing it as having to cover costs "certain" shall bear the risk of selling at a future time at a price "uncertain." Entrepreneurs, which is the Italian translation of the word entrepreneur , were those who direct the production and trade to bear the risk. Quite the opposite
degli imprenditori nostrani e mi riferisco in particolare ai grossi imprenditori che sono membri di Confindustria.
I “nostri” non dormono la notte pensando di vendere a “prezzi incerti”, sono terrorizzati dal pensiero di una concorrenza che possa far calare i profitti, di un calo delle vendite che possa portare loro delle perdite. Sopportare il rischio? Ma scherziamo?
Gli imprenditori italiani odiano il mercato libero. Vogliono un mercato ben regolamentato dallo stato, dove siano tutelati dalla concorrenza italiana ed internazionale (i dazi contro i cinesi per Dio! Servono i dazi!), dove siano garantiti i profitti normal (privatization of the services anyone?), where a system of production quotas raise the selling price (someone came to mind milk?), where the licensing prevent the breaking of existing oligopolies (remember them strikes against the Bersani decree?) and where subsidies and incentives to guarantee huge profits and socialize losses was .
Free Market? No. This is the philosophy of Italian corporatism !
History repeats itself.
few months ago, as scrapping incentives expired, car sales reached a record level again and all newspapers spoke of the automotive industry as the symbol of the recovery, the sector that had managed before the others in overcoming the crisis, which thanks to the intervention of the state was able to save thousands of jobs.
Of course, the last of idiots would stop for a moment and get two accounts. But if you change all the cars now and take advantage of the incentives, what will happen in the months following the end of same? Simple. As those who were willing to change the car have anticipated their decision, this means that in the months ahead there will be a period of low and sales are still lower than the level that would have been in the absence of incentives. If 100 families who wanted to change a car in July 2010, 50 have decided to bring forward the purchase in December 2009 to July sales will drop to 50 instead of 100.
Simple, no ? Apparently not. Pavan declares Bernacchi (remember that name is not there a central banker?), President of Frederick (a corporation toh!):
"Serving the President of Consiglio prendesse in mano la situazione. Un altro: "Ghe pensi mì". Da un lato rinnovando dei bonus pluriennali per svecchiare il parco auto e incentivare le vetture a basso impatto ambientale; in primis quelle alimentate a GPL e a Metano»
Eh certamente! Questa gente vorrebbe il futuro garantito per legge, con lo stato che, in un modo o nell’altro, fa in modo che abbiano sempre vendite record e profitti alle stelle. Incentiviamo le auto a basso impatto ambientale! Prendete la vostra automobile nuova di tre mesi e rottamatela per comprarne una a GPL o metano! Non fatelo per la Fiat ma per l’ambiente, per Madre Terra!
E infine, rullo di tamburi, il piagnisteo preferito dai corporativisti:
second Ferauto State introiterà about 2 billion less in taxes for various reasons, dealers must act on personnel costs eliminating about 15,000 jobs , which will be added at least 30,000 industries ...
Jobs? Mica we want to suppress thousands of jobs! The government must do something.
been more than three hundred years since Legendre and Colbert exchanged those lines and now the role has reversed. Entrepreneurs are now running the government and ask for assistance, incentives and subsidies and the government can only respond: "You garantiscimi votes and then .... Lassa fa”
Cyat Gay Senza Iscrizione
Here we are to make a quick assessment of the situation in four days of the end: SSC PEGASO
always commands that only 3 points ahead of SPARTAK ARGENTARIO ... will be their second game, the first two places in the ... first from right to immediate promotion to Serie A. ... the second is at high risk because it gives the right to participate in the playoff with a team of Serie ...
The fight for first place still seems to be a private thing between these two teams that did not set out at the beginning of the championship favorites. Whatever happens, congratulations to both for the grand championship!
from third to sixth place there are the teams that were initially considered to be "favored" to fight for the Promotion and instead are at least 6 points behind. I'm talking about: Tenaglia, DYNAMO ride fast, and FONTARCELLONA ATLETICO RSJ. Following the acrobatic
Sirius is the surprise early-season PAP TEAM that but then went off like a match.
still wide open but the relegation where about 5 teams are struggling to-end .... Fairly quiet and
scorer Prifti bomber command centers with 25 followed by Kordyuk with 23 and gradually all the others a little loose.
The King of the assist is the idol Mazic instead of athletes sent to the network 21 times their peers.
Among the young, Note on: Paone, Cabrini, Kruszanchin, Sanchi.
Tenete duro per il finale di stagione che nulla è ancora deciso.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Dental Beef Age Slaughter
E' ormai definitivamente una lotta a due quella che sarà necessario combattere per arrivare all'ambito e valido obiettivo della vittoria del campionato di prima divisione sanmarinese. Le contendenti del duello saranno Salento f.c. e Roma Club 28 . La prima viene da ottimi risultati nelle scorse stagioni, con un secondo posto messo in bacheca sia due anni fa sia nell'ultima annata. La vittoria sarebbe dunque il coronamento di un sogno rincorso per moltissimo tempo. La seconda è la rivelazione, non del tutto inattesa, di questo campionato, visto che si presentava ai nastri di partenza come neopromossa. Il first place would be almost a surprise, but it sure would be deserved. Of them are still missing eight games, it can happen all over again. Really handled these last three days, with many surprising results, which keep alive the comparison. In the twenty-fourth day, the crucial victory at home against the current league leaders Sao Paulo FC. Basic said, given the parallel Roma Club is stuck on the same field of the now former champions of San Marino ACSAMPDORIA. A fair result in a well played game by both teams, who exalted above all the tactical skills of the two coaches, committed to vary the positions of their men under the opponent's moves. In the twenty-fifth day still equal to the Romans, this time stopped on the result of a 2 by 2 Huusstt Football Club in a match that saw the shields, for a change, Soren Salomonsen, author of a splendid double. This result is a wonderful opportunity for Roma Club wasted, since the difficult field of Fc * * Dieghito Salento meets the fourth defeat of the season. The zero points in the box is collected for the Giallorossi deserved, given the domain Diego, lasted almost the whole ninety minutes. The final 1 to 0, initialed by the fourth goal of the season of Ezekiel Libutti, it is also a bit 'close to the Ligurian, who deserved to score on some other occasion. Be stressed, however, that if it were not for the extreme defender of the owners, the author of excellent saves, the same would go for Salento, given the effectiveness of his attackers, good at the game even when they endanger the rest of the training does not shine. In the twenty-fifth day it was different the outcome was different at the Arena Stadium in San Diego, since Rome Club went on to win by 2 to 1 against his Diego. Not an easy game, won thanks to the net in the final minutes scored by the usual Salomonsen, affecting share thirteen in the scorer. But even more sweaty were the three points, precious, obtained from the Salento area of \u200b\u200bAnimal House FC. A 0 to 1 decision by a network in mid-shot sales by David Turner, good to realize perhaps the only real chance happened to her throughout the match. It was in fact almost a siege at the door of Puglia and of course of the match was far better Nicky Polito. The goalies are really a safety Salento, the pivot on which many times are based victories of leaders. Moral of the story, the Apulian hours traveling with two lengths ahead of the Romans, but there is little to worry.
At the rear, the situation has become permanently compromised Juvenes virtually doomed to relegation direct. The second and ranked third last will leave the trio made up of Team Bartos, Huusstt Football Club and FC Saturn, gathered into poverty a single point. Higher, at an altitude twenty-nine points, are U.S. Rifredi 2000 and Sao Paulo FC. But they can rest assured that the teams directly above, given the short distances that exist in the standings. They are still in danger even playoff FC Giliberti, who took a victory against SAMP amazing final day, AC Pro Vercelli and erbalibera. In the coming days we will see who will say a lot of direct confrontation, but not all, how will this mad rush to escape relegation.
Monday, July 19, 2010
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Well yes ... the run is over! SS 4-1 Spartak Argentario from the innocent to Blackboard USD jumps to the top reaching a 51-point SSC Pegasus in recent days has perso la brillantezza di inizio stagione.
Ne sa qualcosa AC Tenaglia che espugna proprio il campo di Pegaso e sorpassa Dinamo Pedala Veloce inspiegabilmente sconfitto per 0-1 in casa di Team Tempesta.
Al quinto posto, ma a 10 lunghezze dalla vetta, un ritrovato Fontarcellona spinto da un brillantissimo Lori che segna il quarto gol in 2 partite e si prende un bel 10 di voto con lode.
Sirio, Pap Team e Atletico ottengono tre belle vittorie anche se il loro Campionato sembra essere un pò appassito per mancanza di stimoli...è molto difficile che riescano a lottare per la promozione e ancora più difficile che perdano posizioni rischiando zone pericolose.
Tra le sorprese individuali nomino una punta che mai ho segnalato fino ad ora:
Danio Cantini di Lavagna USD stà facendo un campionato eccellente con i suoi 17 gol e 3 assist in 23 partite con una media del 6,52 !! Complimenti!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
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Ebbene sì! La rincorsa di Salento f.c. alla vetta della classifica, che dura ormai da più di una stagione, è finalmente terminata. I risultati dell'ultima giornata hanno permesso ai pugliesi di affiancare a quota trentotto punti in classifica la squadra di Roma Club 28 , che guidava il gruppo praticamente da inizio stagione. Decisivo è stato il risultato ottenuto proprio dai capitolini in casa dei vincitori dello scorso campionato, A.C.SAMPDORIA. L'1 a 1 finale è un risultato piuttosto veritiero per quel che si è seen throughout the ninety minutes. After a strong start to the game of colors Sampdoria, Roma Club picks up, but in the first fraction the initial balance remains unchanged. Only at 65 ° the guests leave the network, thanks to Soren Salomonsen tenth goal of the season. But there is SAMP and the tie is rather abrupt: the 76 ° a splendid solo effort of Matthew Myrtle, topped by a beautiful conbinazione with a partner, setting the balance that lasts until the end of the match. The simultaneous victory on the difficult field of Salento AC Pro Vercelli then leveled accounts in the standings. The only goal of the game, and then the decisive one, is signed by Lucio Costello. It should be said that the defeat to Blackburn Rovers was a nothing short of excessive punishment. Just think of the match was by far the keeper of Salento, Francesco Domizzi, who with his actions did not regret the injured Nicky Polito. Domizzi turned out to be really an insurmountable barrier for attackers to Pro Vercelli, who has repeatedly strangled in the throats of screaming fans Piedmont goals.
And the pair of head may have been even a trio, if FC Animal House had not done away unexpectedly defeated by Huusstt Football Club, the team that now seems doomed with regard to the race to salvation. The hero of the day was again a goalkeeper, to Huusstt specifically. Francesco Mazzarella ha impedito ai vari Di Napoli, Yakimov, Bezzini di riservare alla loro squadra un risultato migliore, esibendo degli interventi davvero al limite delle possibilità umane. Davvero una grossa occasione sprecata per Animal. A sole due lunghezze di distanza dai novaresi, ora come una partita fa, si trova Club de Futbol Galactico , anche lui sconfitto in casa di erbalibera con il pirotecnico risultato di 5 a 4.
Queste quattro sono verosimilmente le formazioni che si contenderanno il titolo fino alla fine. A.C.SAMPDORIA , infatti, a sette punti di distacco dalle capoliste pare ormai tagliata fuori.
Nella prossima giornata, la venticinquesima, da seguire il match *Fc Dieghito* - Salento f.c. . It will be a very difficult task for the people of Puglia, who now certainly will not want to abandon their position classification.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
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The warm and sunny weather has certainly helped to fill the Anfield Road SM of Novara, but his party has made sure that the quality of the match was played. The hosts of Animal House FC face the increasingly formidable players of Club de Futbol Galactica, chasing in the standings separated by a few points. In the past, these teams have created some really exciting challenges, but in this case the expectations were not met. Perhaps the key importance of the game in the standings, maybe the fact that the number of matches now begin to weigh on the legs of the players, perhaps the heat, the fact is that ninety minutes have passed without giving great emotions. Of note only a couple of good speeches goalkeepers of both formations, but also a lack of precision of the strikers in front of goal Galactico, which more than one occasion they threw to the winds can break the deadlock from 0 to 0. One point that unhappy more than anything else the guests, who remain five points behind third place, occupied by Animal right, virtually in the area European Cups.
The distance from the summit of the Piedmont, however, does not increase, since the result behind leaders Roma Club 28. At Mons Stadium Titanum the Capitoline get a single point against a formation that is caught up in the slums of the league, USRifredi 2000. The Florentines putting in all the grit and desire that has been good at the first opportunity that comes on their feet went ahead. And 'the 28th when Leonardo Graziano made a long ball from the defense, that the Arab national Hamadi Amin collects and turns in the network, the eleventh for him this season. Club of Rome's reaction is slow in coming and the first half ends on the surprising result of 0 to 1. At the beginning of shooting a music sounds very different: the Giallorossi pouring forward and bring the chills several times to the visiting fans, but the network does not come. After a few minutes in which it seemed a bit 'in disarray, the defense of Rifredi reorganizes itself quite well and keeps in an easy manner. But the trick is just around the corner. E 'body already the 92nd minute when Gonkuro Okubo bakes his eleventh season assists, this time in favor of Brendan Solano, who beat the goalkeeper. The whistle comes amid protests from players Rifredi, because the network was built with a few seconds to two minutes later than indicated by the fourth official just before. However, a good result for them, ripping a point from the field more difficult in the league.
not even take advantage of this double tie Salento fc , even though his opponent, erbalibera, was to be feared, because it was a very long streak six days. It must be said that also went well in Salento, given how things went in the field. After a spectacular first half, with numerous balls and goals on the one hand is on the other, the team from Puglia is the advantage to the 41 th minute. Good work from Lorenzo Vidoni gave the Cypriot Giorgos Polycarpou companion the chance to beat the goalkeeper of the owners and it was: 0 to 1. In the second half there was a real monologue erbalibera. A siege at the door by Nicky defense Polito, gate-day version, by far the best in the field. Unfortunately for Mr. Jena, about a dozen clear opportunities happened to his men in the second half, only one went to sign in 66 °, when a party-to-air missile from the feet of Henry Fornaciari has slipped under the seven. One point that is close to erbalibera then, but still a useful result in the race to salvation.
Who is worse among the first in the standings is definitely ACSAMPDORIA , home loss to 1 to 0 of Vituzzo DREAM TEAM. This team, after reaching the stay in the top flight until after the playoffs, is playing really good season, as it is close to the earliest. It should however be mentioned that SAMP has been playing really unfortunate. The beginning of the game saw numerous chances to score for Sampdoria, but in the 35th minute came the cold shower of Guests of the goals, signed by the turkish Yakup Ulusu, neoacquisto its first production in three appearances. In the second half is always SAMP to have the game in hand, but the players never fail to put their superiority. Moral of the story, Fred Carini, Vituzzo goalkeeper, is the best on the pitch and his team earn three valuable points.
In the twenty-second day, eye to match Club de Futbol Galactica - Rome Club 28. Who knows what the bells do not make a tripping leaders to reopen and a league that seems to have channeled towards a goal clear.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
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Dionigi Cappioli The Arena of Caserta is packed into every type of places and the reason is simple: the owners of Club de Futbol Galactico face the reigning champions of ACSAMPDORIA and therefore have a great opportunity to stand up after a period of contrasts. A victory, indeed, enough men closer to Mister Flavietto Brigantaggio the summit. For their part SAMP players aiming to win to avoid losing further ground behind leaders Roma Club What emerges is a rather fun and enjoyable match, which certainly has not disappointed the audience. The start of the race is all for the people of SAMP, which exploit the moment to move ahead now: is the 12th minute when Matthew myrtle leaves from a torpedo from the average distance learning for the goalkeeper of the masters di casa. Raggiunto lo 0 a 1, gli ospiti commettono l'errore di allentare la presa sul gioco, lasciandolo in mano a Galactico. E infatti al 30° arriva il pareggio: Tranquillo Masoero imbecca ottimamente il giovane compagno Tito Petri, che non sbaglia e marca la sesta rete stagionale. Si va a riposo sull'1 a 1. L'inizio di ripresa è scoppiettante: al 53° passa in vantaggio Galactico. Di nuovo Masoero, in giornata fenomenale, sarà migliore in campo al termine della partita, sforna il decimo assist stagionale e offre a Petru Simonas la possibilità di segnare. E così è: 2 a 1. Ma passa un solo minuto e il 2 a 2 è servito. Un'azione di Guido Biscardi sulla fascia frutta uno spiovente in area, che Matteo Mirto controlla con uno strabiliante colpo di tacco, sistemandoselo all'altezza del piede destro, che esplode tutta la sua potenza sulla sfera. L'azione è di quelle da registrare e far vedere ai bambini. Il resto della partita offre pochi spunti: un paio di occasioni per parte, su cui però sono bravi i portieri a controllare agevolmente ogni pericolo. Un punto a testa che non soddisfa appieno nessuno dei contendenti.
Impressionante il successo di Roma Club 28 , che continua la sua marcia al comando della classifica. Certo, la difesa di Sao Paulo FC non ha mai dimostrato di essere impenetrabile, ma le cinque reti subite sono una vera dimostrazione della potenza d'attacco del reparto avanzato capitolino. Un reparto che concretizza con percentuali elevatissime le occasioni che the team creates. Even Sao Paulo, in fact, the opportunities had them, but has not always use them properly. The hero of the day is undoubtedly the Dane Soren Salomonsen, who with a stunning hat-trick touches share ten signatures in the first half of this wonderful season. Certainly gave him a hand Guanda Francis, Sao Paulo goalkeeper, who is living a year certainly not exciting, perhaps the worst of his long career.
They keep pace with the leaders of the most immediate pursuers. The Salento Puglia fc have imposed fatigue on good opponents 27 de Abril, in the usual fantastic result of Sergio Vantaggiato Stadium. Very valuable three points, as well as sono arrivati. Nel corso dei novanta minuti, infatti, il migliore in campo è stato il portierone della nazionale Nicky Polito. Il sanmarinese ha in più occasioni evitato la rete degli avversari, che sono poi stati puniti nei minuti finali. Per la precisione all'87° minuto ci ha pensato Lorenzo Vidoni a servire Lucio Costello, che con una precisa incornata marca la personale undicesima rete stagionale e regala la vittoria ai suoi, tra gli applausi e i cori dei tifosi.
Per quanto riguarda Animal House F.C. , molto più agevole l'impegno contro Bartos Team, inchiodato con un secco 0 a 3 davanti a dei delusi supporter di casa. Già dopo mezz'ora di gioco il risultato vede Animal sul doppio vantaggio. Merito delle reti di Luciano Scaboli to 20 ° and Vittorio Di Napoli at 29. On both occasions the service is from the foot of giocane Danish Bent Henningsen, who proves once more that he still has great room for improvement. In the rest of the game was limited to Animal control, finding the final third goal at the beginning of recovery, when Joel Bezzina uses a bell'assist Petar Yakimov.
In the twenty-first day, followed by the match Animal House FC - Club de Futbol Galactico , which promises to give to those who will watch the show.
Friday, July 9, 2010
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I noticed that arrived in mid-season there is someone who has already lost!
I wonder: "Why try to cheat?", "Because enter 2 teams when you can not? "
" why leave the game ?".....
... the answer is simple ... these people are losers!
First you must understand that we are a group of Boys age range and that we have a shared passion for football and for this great game. And 'nice in any case ... you win or lose ... but one who tries to cheat has no respect even for opponents who play honestly.
Chi spring but why? For the weak performance by their team? .... boh ... I'm almost last in the standings, but I enjoy the game anyway ... we talk .. . I often find myself talking with friends on Saturday and caught the last purchase often ... I talk with friends on facebook that I have ever seen in person but who have this passion as me ... and we seem to always be friends ....
So ... thumbs down to the 2.1 to
- Turbo squad BANNED
- Milano123 win and immediately was connected to every day ... when he loses no longer connected .. last February 8
connection - not Ibra95 connects from 16 January
- Overhead usd does not connect the 8 February
Thursday, July 8, 2010
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The eighteenth day saw play in a big match between the most anticipated. Anfield Road Stadium SM of Novara, the hosts of Animal House FC have faced the fearsome players Club Rome 28 . The situation before the match saw the two teams paired at the top: we knew from before, then, that would have been ninety minutes of fire. And it is noticed by now: ready, go, now hosts the lead after a few seconds of the game. A colossal sleep allows the defense to Animal Brendan Solano to serve well mate Stephen Robertson, who does not pray and beat goalkeeper landlord for the sudden 0 to 1. The reaction is immediate, but the good times that occur on the feet of the attackers of animals are not put into practice and make the best use. And in the 18th minute came the second blow: a cross pregecole Japanese Gonkuro Okubo area is free Annibaldi Alexander, who Avgousti drills for the partial 0 to 2. The team continues to try the landlord and finally to 34 °, shortening distances, thanks to good work from Joel Bezzina, offering the Scot Nick Melrose, migliroe in the field at the end of the match, a unique opportunity, that is not failure. In the final minutes of the first fraction, a blow to the hopes of getting back the Piedmontese: Dante Faith pays perhaps the inexperience and remedy the second yellow card of the day. Animal outnumbered. And in the opening minutes of the restart, the network that seems to come close accounts. It 's still going to Robertson on the net, this time on an assist by comrade Andrew Bertagnolli: is 1 to 3 and three points for Roma Club now seem to be on ice. The Animal Network of 55 minutes, signed by Bezzina on beautiful assist from Luciano Scaboli, only serves to increase the regrets and is still frustrated by the red direct remedied within minutes from the South African Joe Nówka, which leaves her in nine. There is therefore nothing to do, to dull is Rome Club, that if he goes home with a victory that is worth gold. Also important is that obtained the next day against Vituzzo DREAM TEAM, which serves to maintain the gap on rivals with animals, but their victory against AC Pro Vercelli.
It appears second in the team standings at Piedmont Puglia Salento fc. Merit, as well as the great victory Angels against San Marino, especially with the result against the reigning champions of ACSAMPDORIA . The people of Liguria, which were themselves obtained by three points on the field of Sao Paulo FC, have perhaps paid accidents occurring to their players. After the first few minutes of equilibrium, in fact, the outputs required Azerbai Nikita Ostroushko and kelvin Chinellato for physical ailments have destabilized the balance of Sampdoria, who have made themselves almost immediately put by opponents. And 'the 34th when Mohammed Al-Harti discard a couple of opponents and put in half a ball lift, which Lorenzo Vidoni into the network. Salento in the lead and the fans cheered. The reaction of SAMP there but it is weak. It comes at the beginning of recovery 2 0, thanks to David Turner, an assist sparked the Al-Harti, the third this season. At this point there is little left to say: players guests can not get out of this situation and rampant Salento. At 59 ° Tymon Trusiak signature on 3 to 0, and poker is served at 66 ° new to Turner, the third goal in eight games this season, which saw its arrival in the ranks of Salento. For SAMP a result too heavy, but it has to meditate Abbondio Mister Toni. Last season had never happened to lose in this manner, even in the most difficult games. It seems very difficult samples reconfirmed this season. And now there are five points off the top. Meanwhile, from a news report that has shaken a lot of fans Puglia: Ruslan Sydorenko is officially for sale. Or rather, it is already secure his move to French second division club Exile, a figure certainly not exciting. Perhaps the leaders hoped to gain salentini something more. About the reasons that led to this unexpected divorce, the situation is unclear. Voices speak of unspecified disagreements with Mr. Nicholas. Certainly the Ukrainian could not ask for more play, since it is always used when available. Mysteries of football.
In the twentieth day, all to watch the game Club de Futbol Galactica - ACSAMPDORIA . The bells are going after a moment of fog and will face players SAMP, perhaps stunned by the blow remedy Salento, but certainly keen to get back on track.
Monday, July 5, 2010
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Lionel Messi has said ... ... and now it screams the entire 2.1-MARIO-LUIGI YOSHI! Beating the SSC leaders
PEGASO shows that everyone can beat everyone!
2-1 for him thanks to the enormous test bomber Galassini author of both goals and the match. To be honest the game was well played by SSC PEGASO that has created more scoring chances but very few shots have been addressed in the mirror.
truckload reopened? TONG
mmm ... not with emotions but takes advantage with a superb 3-3 with SIRIO!
SPARTAK ARGENTARIO 2-1 by beating FC SLASH is raised and comes with one point from second place.
The race for second place, which is the tie for the league is even more exciting ride fast with DYNAMO OLBIA dominating at home 3-0. It seems a little lost
RSJ ATHLETIC TEAM STORM against which levels and remain slightly detached from the race for promotion.
SIRIO, and PAP TEAM YOSHI three teams are very interesting, but also capable of great enterprises of high-profile flops ... if they can reach a good consistency of their results will also be able to challenge for promotion.
FONTARCELLONA are paying for the lack of investment in youth and now, perhaps, end up with a team with average age of high and difficult to overturn in positivo.
Spero che riesca a trovare la svolta e a tornare ad essere protagonista.
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Divisione 3° Girone 1
Ancora avvincente questo girone, vincono tutte le squadre in lotta per salire con risultati roboanti, tranne acd rinascita che impatta in casa contro la penultima in classifica, ne approfittano gli altri che si accorciano le distanze verso la promozione, quattro squadre in appena cinque punti, saranno decisivi gli scontri diretti e vista la partita di acd rinascita anche il random, girone con due bannate (per ora), in zona salvezza due squadre avanzano a braccetto con gli stessi punti e sembrano coloro che si salveranno senza problemi.
Divisione 3° Girone 3
In testa sempre ACFFIORENTINA that even in this day walks on the field of Castiglion Fosco 6 to 0 with a net to score the points lined up, stretch up to second place by winning glasscastle struggling, do not draw that takes advantage of Number Nine in the house and is reached at the third place from fcraurine, with two banned group, view the rankings and points ahead of FC MASTINO that seems to have been saved, yet can not be said for Alves team that you will still sweat salvation.
Division 3rd Round 5 Round
uncertain is pulled, all victorious in the first four charts that you are playing two useful places for promotion, three teams on three points with a slight advantage for We Love on Blink and SmallTitans Grisignano, but also hopes real cassano anche se deve recuperare tre punti, girone senza bannate, la salvezza sembra un gioco per quattro squadre appena divise da due punti, real Cinecittà per differenza reti per ora è quella che rischia di più ma ci sono ancora tante giornate.
Divisione 3° Girone 7
Girone con più bannate KOOPIAN prosegue la sua lenta corsa verso la seconda divisione, le inseguitrici seguono a suon di gol SSlazio ne fa quattro ma Maerne si supera facendone addirittura dodici, mattatore frattini con cinque gol, anche F.C. lazaros segue ed aspetta un passo falso delle sopracitate per avvicinarsi e dire la sua in questo girone, nella zona calda tutte salve.
Divisione 3° Girone 9
Anche qui tante bannate nel giro three matches, if not to turn heads for high-ranking seems made for Ettifaq fc which has six points clear of second-placed pandas, you should look away from agguerite two teams, both internal AC and ferrets Winning away from home and seem not to give up hopes of promotion, in the salvation of all prejudice.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
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After a week needed to recover, especially from a moral point of view, after the unpleasant facts that I have been involved, unfortunately, in person, return the comments to the exciting matches in the top division San Marino!
's been three days, not without surprises. Now the command is Animal House FC , which in this period has seven points in the barn. Over all, the shining result of the seventeenth day. Stadio Luigi Ferraris di Carrara, Animal players went to gather a very important victory on the field in a direct rival in the title race. We are talking of ACSAMPDORIA. The match was really exciting and really neither team deserved to end up defeated, but the game of football is too. The opportunities are not missed either one side or the other, but appeared to be concentrated both goalkeepers, especially Andreas Avgousti, one of the better of her, that more than one occasion has avoided attacking the net when it did not seem to be più nulla da fare. Ma il migliore tra i giocatori di Animal è stato sicuramente il vecchio Gioele Bezzini, che ha dimostrato ancora una volta di essere l'uomo in più di questa squadra. Tutte le azioni buone sono passate per i suoi piedi, ogni pallone è stato dispensato ai compagni con la giusta misura e nel modo migliore. Davvero una pedina difficilmente sostituibile nello scacchiere di Mister John Belushi. La rete decisiva, che fissa lo 0 a 1 finale, è arrivata nei minuti finali, quando il calcio di punizione di Petar Yakimov è stato trasformato in rete dal centrale difensivo col vizio del gol, Marco Mazzarini, diciannovenne promettentissimo alla quinta realizzazione stagionale. Ma la leadership di Animal è dovuta solo al fattore differenza networks. A portion
thirty-five points, in fact, there is also Club 28 Rome. Actually, the team does not seem Capitoline through a period of particularly brilliant form. After the daring tie at home to San Marino Angels, in fact, Rome club was immediately taken up with a victory in the derby against FC Giliberti. But here's the last day to get another half slip. This time, the block of the newly promoted Roman was just another Cinderella's top division, Bartos Team. To secure the cover 1 to score first we thought the networks Brendan Solano, jewel of the American leaders, and the Hungarian Csaba Bozic. And the attackers Bartos will also have some regrets, given che in molte occasioni la loro precisione sotto porta ha lasciato a dir poco a desiderare. Quello raccolto, comunque, è stato un punto prezioso nella corsa per la salvezza.
La terza in classifica è distanziata di sole due lunghezze dalla coppia al comando: si tratta di A.C.SAMPDORIA . Detto della sconfitta nell'ultima giornata, il problema di SAMP in questa stagione sembra proprio essere la mancanza di continuità nei risultati. La pesante vittoria ottenuta in casa contro Dieghito col risultato netto di 5 a 2 poteva lasciar intendere che da quel momento in poi sarebbe cominciata una vera e propria marcia verso il bis campionato, ma così non è stato. Lo testimonia il pareggio ottenuto contro 27 de Abril, che ha visto come protagonista negativo il neoacquisto dei blucerchiati, il portiere danese Jorgen Flansmose. Da quello che si è visto, forse Smimmo non era poi così male a questo punto.
Tra le altre squadre, da sottolineare il brutto momento attraversato da Club de Futbol Galactico . La vittoria nell'ultima giornata ha solo parzialmente riscattato le due sconfitte precedenti subite per opera di F.c. Giliberti e San Marino Angels. Le battute d'arresto per Galactico cominciano davvero ad essere troppe per una squadra che ad inizio stagione dichiarava apertamente di voler puntare al titolo.
La situazione nelle parti basse della classifica resta ancora molto confusa e aggrovigliata. Detto della parziale ripresa di Rifredi e Saturno, ora i punti di distanza dal fanalino Tail Juvenes to sest'ultima are only four, while the safety zone is given a further three points ahead and is represented by erbalibera.
The next day, to be followed absolutely the match which could decide, at least from a psychological point of view, the League: FC Animal House - Rome Club 28. Entertainment assured, given the offensive mentality of both teams.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
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Division 3 rd In Pool 1
head always banned FC Juventus, but after losing a Filotto victories away from home take advantage of the direct pursuers and the group becomes very interesting, you play the two places to second division five teams separated by just three points, slightly favored acd revival that boasts three-point lead on the pursuers, already the next game sees the match of the day between FC Real gives and Bonascola, daunting task even for arsenic & champagne, while the other matches affordable on paper, in the area Salvation game between two little Angels and Gallipoli.
Division 3rd Round 3
There are more adjectives and words for the championship of the steamroller ACFFIORENTINA which has a ten-point advantage over second, the fight for second place becomes serrata and involves four teams separated by just three points, The next match will face a big match that could reopen the competition or cut out a team fighting to get into the second In fact, now the division leaders will face solitary Number nine Futsal is played in the house can not be cut off for second place. In low-lying areas Alves allultimo try to get on the train to escape relegation.
Division 3rd Round 5
Grisignano with a win takes advantage of its direct tie between inseuguitrici, We Love SmallTitans blink 182 and moves faster and taking three points from the second, equilibrium between the second will not profit nor Fc St. Marine who lost at home against the league leaders lost for hours and the train to approach the second rise in profit for the second division. In the safety zone now seems a struggle between two teams, and Anorthosis Famagusta real Cinecittà roma che sono appagliate a diciannove punti ma con la prima messa meglio come differenza reti.
Divisione 3° Girone 7
Koopian sempre avanti ed ormai i sette punti di vantaggio sulla seconda sembrano bastare per poter essere promossa in seconda divisione, nel derby in famiglia finisce con uno spettacolare 4 a 4 tra SS Lazio e ssLAZIO1900, di questo pareggio non ne approfitta Maerne che impatta in casa contro un ottima F.C. gaseria 1908, girone con ben sei bannate per la lotta salvezza non c’è niente da dire tutte salve
in questo girone.
Divisione 3° Girone 9
In questo girone iniziato tardi ancora tutto da decidere anche se ci sono già due bannate, in testa con un leggero vantaggio Ettifaq fc, ma alle loro spalle non mollano e sperano in cinque squadre di raggiungere il secondo posto utile.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
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L'importanza della partita dello Stadio Serra della Ganja di Fonta è palese: erbalibera ha fame di punti che lo possano risollevare dalla zona paludosa della classifica in cui si trova, appena sopra la zona degli spareggi; Animal House F.C. mira al bottino pieno per rimanere in corsa con un Roma Club che sembra inarrestabile nella lotta verso il titolo. L'inizio di partita rispetta le attese del pubblico, con un paio di ottime occasione per entrambe le squadre, sventate non senza qualche difficoltà dai due portieri. E con un inizio così, il gol non può che arrivare abbastanza presto: è il 19° quando Bulgarian Petar Yakimov sweep a free kick that ends up in the seventh, being vain plastic dip Pasquale Buscetta. Broke the initial balance, the game, instead of coming on, seems to nod off. Animal control, erbalibera not react. And so ends the first half. At the beginning of recovery, almost by surprise at this point, get the equalizer: 59 ° to a pinpoint cross Arrigo Vittorio Ulivelli Gorbagli allows you to mark his second goal of the season with a powerful gore. And a minute after the game seems to have finally put down for the hosts. The Dane Bent Henningsen is not best way to stop an attacker to erbalibera stolen to the door as well as a real tackle. Red Animal exemplary and outnumbered. However, erbalibera not seem to sink the shot and is therefore punished. E ', 83 ° when illuminating a touch of Victor Di Napoli, best in the field, Luciano Scaboli free, that does not waste port and the result on the final 1 to 2. Nothing happens until the end of the game, with players hosts seemed rather soft and not well motivated. Three golden points really for animals. Mostly because
unexpectedly stops running triumphal Rome Club 28, which runs into a defeat to tell the truth rather than in front of their fans deserved. The author was 27 de Abril, which imposes itself with a nice 3 to 1, leaving the fans Romans davvero ammutoliti. E lo erano già dopo appena venti minuti, in cui si erano visti ben due gol degli ospiti: il primo, al 16°, segnato da Ivan Ferraboli e il secondo, al 19°, messo a segno da Alarico Grechi. E per chi si aspettava una veemente nonchè immediata reazione di Roma Club, solo una deludente attesa. La capolista sembra non riuscire ad esprimere il solito gioco spumeggiante, merito forse degli schemi difensivi di Mister Digisabio, che annullano le fonti di gioco capitoline. Le distanze si accorciano piuttosto a sorpresa al 56°, per merito di Alfonso Pavoncelli, bravo a staccare più in alto di tutti e a insaccare la palla di testa. Ma è un fuoco di paglia, dato che al 69° arriva la segnatura che chiude definitivamente the game, thanks again to Ferraboli, which marks the one-two staff of the day, earning the title of man of the match. We believe however that this will remain an isolated road in the Club of Rome, which remains the number one favorite to reach the championship in San Marino.
performs its task ACSAMPDORIA , which gets rid of quite easily Huusstt Football Club with a net 5 to 2 delivered to your home. The main protagonist of the day was Matthew Myrtle, author of two goals that led him to share eight seasonal signatures, but also a dispenser of tasty scoring for his teammates. Truly a masterful performance, which earned him the title of best in field la prima volta in questa stagione.
Passo falso anche per Club de Futbol Galactico , sconfitto in casa da Saturno F.C.. Evidentemente i nostri auguri di una buona ed immediata ripresa sono serviti anche in questo caso. Una sola rete di scarto, 0 a 1 il risultato finale, che decide un match piuttosto equilibrato. E' il 21° quando una splendida azione corale di Saturno permette a Luigi Pezzi di involarsi solo davanti al portiere e conseguentemente firmare il vantaggio. I giocatori di Galactico reagiscono, ma trovano sulla loro strada uno Sved Thorstansen in giornata super. Tre punti davvero preziosi per gli ospiti, che si scollano immediatamente lo scomodo titolo di fanalino di coda.
Nella quindicesima giornata, occhi puntati sullo Stadio Luigi Ferraris Carrara for ACSAMPDORIA - * * Fc Dieghito . A game that promises to show, given the quality of the players who will tread the playing field.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
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unspeakable. There are no other words to describe the behavior of Michael Smimmo. A player who, in addition to poor performance shown in this season, has revealed significant imbalances in personality. Personality ... perhaps too large a concept for a person who does not accept criticism.
But we move on to play football, that counts. In sifda between the taillights U.S. Rifredi 2000 and Saturn FC Stadium staged the Madonna del Grappa di Firenze, the show certainly has not left to be desired. Certainly the tension has been felt throughout the ninety minutes, but the two teams have tried not to settle for the same from the beginning. In fact, after a first opportunity for Saturn avevrsario well neutralized by the goalkeeper, the balance is broken already in the 13th minute. And the balance is on the side of Rifredi, dribbling through Frederick Lapi, which offers a good opportunity for fellow Hamadi Amin, who turns into the network. The disadvantage is a real blow on the rump of the guests, who can not recover during the first portion of the game. Mr. Daniel Sabatino must surely have been felt in the range, as his players return to the field are highly motivated. The same does not arrive for a short more than one occasion, guilt, or on, depending on your point of view, goalkeeper Rifredi, Renato Cool, man of the match after the match. And the best time of the guests, comes the cold shower for them. At the 71 th minute, in fact, get the signature that leads to the result on the 2 0 and is signed by Olindo Diotalevi, which uses a bell'assist Pino Svend Thorstansen Put to beat again. Three golden points for Rifredi, which then picks up six points from their last two games, one fewer than the previous eleven. And if this team seems to have served our very best wishes for an immediate resumption, I sincerely hope will also serve to Saturn. This team, author of a beautiful season last year, is now in last place, but there is room for improvement and lifts. So rorza Saturn!
top of the charts in the meantime, it continues the streak of 28 Rome Club. The seventh consecutive useful result, the third victory comes sull'insidioso field AC Pro Vercelli. And this time the three points have been sweating more than usual. After initially very balanced, with a couple of occasions to hand the advantage comes at a Club of Rome in the 44th minute. This is the eleventh goal of the season for Stephen Robertson, who takes advantage of a valuable companion assists Gonkuro Okubo. For the Japanese it is the seventh assist baked in thirteen appearances. The doubling of the final 0 to 2 arrives at the 64th, when Damian Lazzeri puts Soren Salomonsen alone in front of the goalkeeper. The Dane, of course, no ffa pray and turn the occasion. The game ends with no other shocks: Pro Vercelli grinding game, but the conclusions course, although quite numerous, rarely frame the face of goal and then not bother the opposing goalkeeper, always very attentive. Even for the team in Piedmont now is not the best, but the players have already demonstrated on numerous occasions to have a thick skin and certainly relieved.
restrain his race, however, Club de Futbol Galactico , stuck on the tie by the hosts of Salento fc. The match was really very exciting, with frequent reversals in the face and multiple opportunities for both teams. The benefit to the people of Puglia arrive early as the third minute, thanks to a free kick by Lucio Costello Gennaro Nocerino, end, send behind goalkeeper guest. The reaction of Galactica is quite soft and, indeed, the team risks bell on several occasions to be the second signature. But it's always good Giampaolo Nespoli to avert any danger. The recovery has reversed: the protagonist becomes Nicky Polito, worthy bastion of good defense, but must surrender to the 73 th minute, when Petru Simonas advantage of a blunder of an adversary to collect a harmless reference of its doors and bring the results to cover 1 1. Next few minutes, just to point out, as teams seem content with a point apiece. Now for the Galactico points behind the leaders are four.
victories for ACSAMPDORIA , which recovers from the blow suffered by Rifredi last day. Stadio Luigi Ferraris di Carrara the final 2 to 1 suffered from Bartos team is pretty close to what we saw in the field. The gap between the two teams has become obvious to almost the entire game and the goleada is not only good performance of Thomas Pasqual goalkeeper. And to think that, paradoxically, the beginning Bartos had seen their big sweep, culminating with the opening goal, scored by Saudi Sultan Muhsin. Illusory advantage, however, perhaps because also sent off by Maurizio Rosolino, who leaves her outnumbered by more than half the game. The game of SAMP is overwhelming and comes open at the beginning of recovery, the 47th, thanks to an odd role reversal: Matthew Myrtle improvised assistman in favor of Comrade Julius Ciai, which produces. At 61 °, recover the roles and Myrtle marks his sixth goal of the season on guide service Biscardi. The endgame is a monologue Sampdoria, not fruit, however, as already mentioned, other networks. SAMP is now level on points with Galactica. No complaints about Smimmo, I will be happy, although the opportunities to be guilty of some flaw in reality there were.
one less pair of second place has it FC Animal House, which is imposed on opponents rather easily Juvenes guests. The networks all in the second half. Despite a rather marked territorial domination, even in this match to go ahead were the guests at the 57th with the network of Massimo Pagni. The numerous opportunities for all Animal materialize in the final and after the insult suffered by Diego, it will certainly be happy Mister John Belushi. 87th Lillo Sanotnastaso signing his first goal this season in his first appearance in the field and 92 °, in full recovery, Joel Bezzini piazza la zampata vincente. Anche per Animal, tre punti davvero preziosi.
Nella quattordicesima giornata, da seguire sarà sicuramente il match erbalibera - Animal House F.C. . Una delle peggiori difese contro uno dei migliori attacchi della lega, un incrocio che promette spettacolo. Non ce ne voglia Mister Iena.
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La tredicesima giornata regala una sorpresa che sembra riaprire il Campionato.
Dopo 12 partite senza sconfitte, la corsa di PEGASO si arresta per merito di un REAL MASSA straripante che espugna il Pegasus Arena per 3 a 0.
SPARTAK ARGENTARIO ne approfitta vincendo una partita roccambolesca per 3-2 in casa della neo-promossa MILANO123.
Il match clow della giornata era senza dubbio AC TENAGLIA contro PAP TEAM. L'ha spuntata il secondo, forse immeritatamente, grazie al gol di Cappabianca ma soprattutto grazie alle parate di Celli eletto migliore in campo.
ATLETICO RJS perde ancora terreno e si allontana ancora di più dalle zone alte che valgono la Promozione o lo spareggio. Perde in casa di YOSHI MARIO che dimostra qualità ma anche una certa incostanza di risultati.
SIRIO e DINAMO non si fanno male e pareggiano per 1-1 e rimangono in zona medio-alta della classifica.
BIKINI invece battendo per 3-1 SLASH lo raggiunge a 18 punti e riprende ossigeno vista la vicinanza della zona retrocessione.
A livello individuale sono sempre più estasiato dalle prestazioni di Màzic, OML di ATLETICO, che in 13 partite has produced 7 goals, 11 assists with an average of 7.77! A phenomenon! I'll be repetitive but I like that too.
Kordyuk is still the top scorer with 12 goals in 13 games. Not bad. And pretty good even
Metehan Prifti and also with 11 goals and 9 assists Rat that has served successful.
Congratulations to the Presidents who have these players in their roses.
Monday, June 21, 2010
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Division 3rd Round 1
A banned in the first position to leave open a place, seems to have a three-way race teams, acd rebirth, Arsenic & champagne and Bonascola separated by just two points, the next turn, stands in front of rebirth and Arsenic wonder if Bonascola able to take advantage of the last acd turn ugly defeat of rebirth, took advantage of the direct pursuers to approach the first place, three teams fighting safety zone divided by two points.
Division 3rd Round 3
ACFFIORENTINA continues to ride and always keeps a safe distance the direct pursuers, Number Nine slight advantage in that three-point advantage over third and glasscastle atlketico Domagnano who win their respective matches, seems out by fc-raurine losing games at home against Number Nine and does not come close to the head, the hot zone two teams fighting for one place, in fact romultanea thanks to its top scorer of the round is held afloat and sons of the wolf, divided three-pointers, dominates ACFFIORENTINA markers with three players in the first four places in the overall standings.
Division 3rd Round 5
Won first three in the standings and nothing happens, these three points dividing the teams making passionate group, a slight advantage We Love Blink, but behind the pace rggono Grisignano winner at home and SmallTitans who have it easy in the field of ZannaReal now one step away from relegation, Girone also interesting for the markers are five players with seven goals at the top, in the lower areas Cantera not take advantage of the defeat of Anorthosis and fails to bring it to remain four points from the last place useful.
Division 3rd Round 7
Group with many Banna KOOPIAN are in position to win first away from home, behind him hangs on SS Lazio that is imposed by three-goal margin in the field of the dynamo pedal fast, but silently behind them does not give up hope that either FC Lazaros a misstep able to take advantage of the two above? Note the top scorer in the first positions where the players do not stand out first in the standings (not counting the Ban), despite five very likely banned Soccer San Marino who must recover four points out of last place bumer poer useful.
Division 3rd Round 9
Small brackets on this group with many teams still without a manager, there are five teams in the head with seven points behind three teams with six points, yet there can be no escape for anyone, even in the hot zone to be decided.