Monday, September 6, 2010

What's An Ip Number For Byond Games

the greatest crime (give a pen Barnard)

the greatest crime

(you speak?) Paul Barnard

Who is Paul Barnard? Let's see what his website says .

"I'm a journalist, or perhaps I have been, and as such I have worked for numerous national publications including newspapers and periodicals such as La Stampa, Il Manifesto, Il Corriere della Sera, Il Mattino, Il Secolo di Genova, La Repubblica, La Voce di Montanelli, Saturday, Chorus, Today, and other events. For television RAI in Samarkand with Santoro during the Gulf War (1991) and with reports for ten years. For cultural magazines as Micromega, Elsewhere, Il Sole 24 Ore Golem, and news agencies and newspapers online. I dealt mainly with foreign policy. Never taken, never contracted . "

A journalist of investigation, with a lot of experience that guides us today to discover the" greatest crime in human history. " The crime had been given a pen to some people, I might add.

"This essay speaks of the greatest crime in the West since World War II to the present. Millions of human beings for generations and were made to suffer and still suffer for nothing. The details and extent of their pain are impossible to render into words. Suffered and will suffer for a decision was taken at a table by a few unscrupulous criminals, assisted by their intellectual and political assassins. They are at work now, as you read, and the plan of divestiture of our lives is intensifying day by day, year after year. "

I have a deja vu

"What this system is a gigantic fraud to take over the work and life of humans, as well as of their wealth. A fraud in which governments and parliaments are the abettor, especially in Italy. A fraud that affects not only the assets and business but even more so in freedom "

The last piece I took from the introduction of Euroslaves , real informative booklet on the" seigniorage "written by Marco Antonio Miclavez and the moon. Foolish things of the seigniorage argument we have already spoken on this site widely. Barnard follows the same path?

It seems not.

" The ingredients used to concoct this abomination has been the manipulation of mass political consensus, the castration of deficit spending in the state, the use of money, deflation of the market, and in particular the false dogmas of debt and inflation. It is not 'conspiracy of seigniorage'. There is something else, something infinitely more serious. "

E '... much much worse.

Let us briefly the "thesis" of Barnard

sovereign currency and coin sovereign

" currency sovereign as the dollar or pound is always issued, and invented from nothing from the State that has it: that the money originated, and its citizens can only use it, earn or borrow. The euro currency is not sovereign but because no European state is its owner and has instead issued by a central banking system, always invented from scratch. It is not originated from any of the Member European Union, then the euro is neither the Member nor the citizens, and both states that citizens can only use it to borrow or guadagnandoselo. This crucial difference is also the origin of European financial disaster, a crime masterminded at the table as well. You will understand then "

Thought is a confused but understand that Barnard for the State, if it has this" currency sovereign "if it can print at will. In reality in these countries does not work exactly like that but for the time we fly over. Here, however, as he continues:

" Also note the following, which I'll explain better later, because the currency sovereign has always originated from the state, that if the invented out of whole cloth, that state can give or subtracted at will and not I will never run out. can not exhaust its currency, then its debt is a false problem "

In the sense that if the State has the magic printer can also" give "all the money he needs to pay public debt? This would be a "false problem"?

Currency public and private money

Why do we accept the money "sovereign"?

" The state, in exchange for its currency, there is our right to settle all that we must use the same currency. Just this. One could argue that in this state is limited, because in fact it invents its own currency, it forces people to work to get it with the sole aim of being able to then leave the same tax that the state imposes. That is the state saddled with every citizen an 'original sin' (taxes payable) and forces him to use his money to get rid of that 'sin'. "

... and greetings to the currency as a medium of exchange.

" But it is not arbitrary. Think about it: if there was this system, who never worked for the public sector, ie state? Very few. Because individuals may invent other currencies in competition with the state, and under promise of greater profits and greater benefits for citizens, so almost no one would work for the public sector and that State would cease to exist "

Barnard So let me understand. If a "gentleman" makes up a coin from nothing and forces me to use it through the imposition of taxes is bad, but if it does the state is good, because otherwise ...

" would be the triumph of the local lords in feudal style, that is true and proper States coins with private individuals within the state. Chaos. But mind you that under the same principles, but also any coins Private lose all value if they were not recognized as valid in order to pay the inevitable taxes within those private mini-states. "

The mini state private! Horror of horrors!

The State debt is wealth

The "wise" at this point it becomes pure delirium ...

" The BC, in virtue of the fact that this case can come up with the money, has the power to accredit all bank reserves it wants, and this consequently allows the government to spend as much as he wants, creating wealth among the citizens and businesses. What does "creating wealth among the citizens"? Remember that I had previously argued that spending money to the state's debt to sovereign debt is NOT the citizens, but their wealth? Here are the details.
The currency sovereign government is the only existing entity that can create wealth in society or subtract net. The spending created when exactly, and subtracts when the tax.

So George W. Bush has reduced taxes in the U.S. and dramatically increased public debt has created wealth and prosperity (... And because too many were also exported to Middle East)! Oh I forgot! You individuals who may give you work to produce something you know that do not produce wealth! At best, stolen from someone else. Only the state can create wealth, because printing money.

" And so if this government is spending more than it collects when you buy, that is, if you pay more money to equity among the citizens than him take off with the taxes (if in deficit spending), this adds society. What you just read? You read that right the currency sovereign government to deficit spending, ie spending on debt creates wealth in the community. Here is shown that the so-called public debt is not debt of the citizens, quite the contrary. It can be argued that it is what we the citizens pockets, not what we as citizens owe it to someone. Keep this in mind, below you will learn many things. "

Barnard Oh look, this explains many things ....

" addition, the logical consequence of the above-mentioned equation that the more 'MONEY TO THE GOVERNMENT SOVEREIGN SPENDS A DEFICIT MORE 'empowering citizens is that if the government decides to remove or trim the deficit (or debt), it will automatically stop the enrichment of the citizens. This concept is of central importance for understanding the modern economy. "

I hear a chorus that slowly rises in tone: Mu-ga-be! Mu-ga-be! Mu-ga-be!

And inflation?

Azz ... we forgot price inflation. Should we worry?

" If money does not increase in parallel increases and also the products on the market, then we have inflation (the market has too much money chasing too few goods, nda). This can happen, but ... it is demonstrated that no harm, because even if prices rise a little, the benefit for the community to have less unemployed is much greater. "

Go Robert are all of us, welcome to your lands Barnard opulent ....

But if you delete taxing wealth because the state tax? Or ....

What are the fees?

"Ask anyone the following thing:" What are the taxes? ". The answer is invariably "To give money to the State for its operation." Is it not true that the taxes the state gets its spending on healthcare, schools, infrastructure or pensions? The extension of the retirement age is perhaps not justified by the need to raise more funds for social security?

La risposta è no, un secco e chiaro no se lo Stato è a moneta sovrana, come gli USA, la Svezia o il Giappone e l’Italia prima del 2002. Un secco sì per i 16 Paesi dell’eurozona, purtroppo, ma solo da poco. Milioni di adulti italiani non hanno mai saputo che le loro tasse non sono mai servite allo Stato per spendere . »

Ohibò ed allora a cosa servivano?

« Ma allora, perché diavolo uno Stato come gli USA o la GB tassano? Perché Roma tassava prima del 2002? The reasons were and remain four, one of which deserves attention, but Let's see. The sovereign state tax money to

1) to curb the economic power of the rich (not the common people). In fact, one of the few means that the state has to prevent private oligarchies to become immensely rich, and then to overthrow the state itself is taxed. He does too little? It depends on the reviews, but this is.

But I realized that I was created by creating money and wealth by taxing wealth is destroyed. So why take away wealth the rich and not print money to distribute to the poor? So we all become rich!

" 2) limit inflation. It has been said that: inflation = too much money around and too few products. If this happens, the state tax, you take his money lavished spending, so the flooding and draining of money to curb inflation. "

Oh no! I was assured that inflation was not a problem!

" 3) encourage or discourage certain behaviors. This tax alcohol, smoking, or pollution, and the tax-free charities or restructuring, etc.. "

E 'bread also taxed (VAT). You mean you do it to discourage the consumption of sandwiches?

" 4) impose on the public use of its currency sovereign. It 'the only way. "

Without taxes we do not use the currency of State, which printed a desire to make rich. But we take away wealth taxes. Very difficult to say. But if you use the currency sovereign makes us rich and taxes are just a limitation of this wealth, we should not only understand that we must use the currency sovereign without fuss? For posterity will judge.

A clear commitment: more work for everyone!

Barnard went to school with the Keynesian or better by L. Randall Wray, a "radical" Keynesian Krugman makes it appear that a moderate conservative. Here's what recommended in this paper of 2007 (!), After detto che secondo lui le politiche monetarie discrezionali alla Greenspan sono inutili perché troppo graduali e quindi di scarso impatto.

«Date queste considerazioni, in aggiunta agli argomenti avanzati da Keynes, si preferisce una regola per fissare la politica monetaria - fissare il tasso overnight a zero e tenerlo lì. Un uomo di latta ben programmato dovrebbe essere in grado di farcela. »

Wow, avevo sentito chiamare Bernanke “Elicottero Ben”, “Spaventapasseri Ben” ma “uomo di latta ben programmato” mi mancava!

Barnard said, however, that went from this "economist" at school. Here's what has made.

" Full employment - that is quell'inimmaginabile dream where there would be no men or women deprived of the dignity of work and livelihood of their children, where there would not be the humiliation of underpaid labor, where casual / flexible / on-call would have been just a nightmare on that joke, where domestic violence and alcoholism or drug abuse and crime would never have deepened the home of a licensed, where children would not have existed with the future broken by missing a paycheck - well That dream was possible, fully as possible in the economies of all countries, but was panned for its deliberately enslaving millions and test them with suffering, with the goal of accumulating power and profits for very few. "

Paul ... to the point we want the recipe!

" If we understand how the monetary system, if we understand that money is only waste paper or electronic impulses invented by the Treasury and the BC, then we say the currency sovereign government can inventasi all pulses e he wants with them can pay all the wages he wants to buy all he wants. We have full employment, the business can sell all he has to sell if the government wants to buy it . Can the government afford this expenditure? Of course, because the government will never exhaust the electronic impulses, therefore will never bankrupt, press a button and wages appear on the computer banks. The only limit is inflation, but if the government spends to increase productivity in the private sector, then inflation is no longer a problem . "

I just reviewed the letter of economists ... was not so bad by comparison

Ma .. drum roll ...

" But it happens that among the large economy with free thought someone manages to stand out, and this was the case of the Nobel Paul Samuelson, who affixed his seal of approval to the ideas of Randall Wray with this statement:

"There is an element of truth in the fact that the State budget is always balanced (ie that the state spends as is theorized by Wray, nda). But once we got rid of this belief, we have removed the wall that stands against any company spending out of control. It 'a belief similar to religion than once, whose function was to scare people with the myths that they behaved in the manner sought by the accepted customs. We (economists of full employment, nda) we have eliminated the belief in the need for the government spend within limits ".

With" economy "of full employment! We've got a dream! Then if you go to really dig Wray did not find out what all this nice review of Samuelson, guilty of not being an institutionalist like him, have not invented anything, that he "popularized" the ideas of Keynes with the neoclassical synthesis.

The interesting thing is that if your going to learn to read well and find out what the British economist Keynes prescribed deficit spending during the crisis to boost aggregate demand, production capacity and exploit the full return to a level full employment (I'm not saying he was right eh!) and then, during the fat years, the State would lead budgets in surplus to repay the debt.

It turns out that Keynes was well hidden in the cracks of the masters of the True Power. But maybe not: Keynes was among the good, indeed it was ....

Superman ....

" To provide a scientific facility in this economic turmoil were excellent ideas, in particular, a British economist named John Maynard Keynes. Keynes had actually given birth to another possible world, had thought of everything with competence and with a commendable academic rigor, and was rightly a great success for some years in much of the world, influencing legions of economists and governments. ""

Who destroyed the dream? Who prevented the Keynesian paradise?

... against Lex Luthor

" the first stirrings in Europe (compared to the paradise of Keynes my note) in this regard took place around a dark foundation of which almost no one knows the name: the Mont Pelerin Society. Founded in 1947 by the Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek , she picked up ideas that would later lead the next phases of the plan of destruction of states, laws and citizens and encouraged the emergence of other Think Tanks (learning centers) and harvesters of funds that brain, which still stands today between the Institute for Economic Affairs el'Adam Smith Institute in London. "
" Even then, Hayek envisioned his work as one that must colonize widely with their own ideas on academia, the media, governments and private ilsettore. "

Hayekian fact recall thousands of academics and a few, sparse, Keynesians who never the floor.

Pr finish (ok it was but the opening passatemelo ).... invective against the Austrian School, there is always a good idea.

"In addition, the influence of extreme libertarian Austrian school of economics, whose name was known as Ludwig Von Mises, who are pernicious lobbyists who seek in substance to a world of extremism in the Free market characterized by substantial loss of everything that rule is the rule, and especially taxes. They fan the flames of seigniorage their straw to get to this end, and in fact the seigniorage invariably end up with the rant history (false, see below) that we citizens must repay the huge debt of seigniorage with our taxes. This worries me a lot. "


It is not over! You thought it was over, right?

Barnard and conspiracy

Barnard is not conspiracy. Barnard hates conspiracy to seek the truth because they prevent the "real" and documented.

"I The short: if even a fraction of the" overwhelming evidence "of conspiracy had been credible, Messrs. Tarpley, Walter, Mazzucco, and church members would have been eight minutes later to float in face down in the Hudson or in the Tiber. But they are all alive, in fact, they're fine. The international crime has taught us that many witnesses are regularly killed for political crimes uncomfortable well below this (Ustica docet). But not them.

There seems to be possible? Conclude. If until now we have managed to convince those few people about the need to oppose the criminal designs of neo-liberal elites in the world, we owe it to the patient and precise work, steady and learned, calm and realistic than many serious journalists and activists who know how to read reality of the facts, and not to lay burning and lynchings emotional ramshackle army of conspiracy theorists and their uncritical followers.

But that was the old Barnard, that he had not studied economics. This is instead the new Barnard ... on tangentopoli

" was February 17, 1992, Mario Chiesa was arrested in Milan to kick off the celebrated season of Tangentopoli. Since those days, and within months, an entire Italian political class is wiped out by the ... investigations of Di Pietro and his associates. As I am personally told former Clean Hands Gherardo Colombo, in fact, the impetus that inspired the revolution came from farmers who autodenunciavano judges just to stop paying bribes to the Socialists and Christian Democrats. Two parties, as indeed the whole Italian political system, had one thing in common: they were soaked up to my neck of statism, ie were born and raised in the practice of using prebends and donations of state to buy the consent of the voters.

Something that looked like, however clumsily and too dishonest to the model of currency sovereign state in deficit spending to create wealth for all citizens. In fact, the Italy of the 80s was indeed a country with high inflation and debt, but it was one of the richest places on Earth, whose wealth is still nourishes a huge slice of civil society. "

We were ruled by a bunch of thieves, but they had expanded the national debt to capacity and brought the double-digit inflation, and then they made us all richer. W Craxi, Andreotti and Forlani!

But then intervened True Power and ...

" sum up: the 90s see become a reality, the European Union a supranational monetary union - that is the ultimate dream by the State Anti True Power, while in Italy the state is then blown away by Tangentopoli - where some judges suddenly acquire a power unprecedented in our country that still remains unexplained, within a few months the Italian political class today due to the center, it throws privatization, that is selling out to private capital in the huge building with decades of work for the common good of Italian citizens. "

But this is not ..... horror horror. ... conspiracy?

" Now, far be it from this account any mention in the plot, since there are data to speak , but an observer of these realities would be foolish if we did not at least some questions. For example, why entrepreneurs who agreed to enter the tunnel of the judicial investigation after years of peaceful and profitable status quo? It was so true that the game had become too exorbitant? Or maybe some other compensation was offered to undermine Italy then? And who gave it to him? In a country like Italy where each investigation a Hot Tin was transferred from prosecutors generally hostile to those friends, and still happens, what prevented the political giants of the DC and PSI Tangentopoli choke? Who took away the carpet from under their feet at that very moment? Who allowed a bunch of racists of the Po Valley to expand like wildfire in a few months, then to create the popular support of the rich part of Italy with the investigation of Di Pietro and his companions? It 's just a coincidence that Germany is in fact the reference point, ie the trading partner privileged, the separatism of Bossi? It 's just a coincidence that so few entrepreneurs are torn apart by bribes of PCI (and who like the author was born in Bologna knows what it speaks) came forward? Or this can be explained by the fact that the party had already been chosen by international finance to become, with the lifting of the center, its contact point in Italy? It 's a chance that what we just said really happened? ""

Take care .. this is not conspiracy data speak ..!