Friday, September 5, 2008

2009 Church Contribution Letters

At the second anniversary of the death, family and friends Graziano Grazzini be found in Florence for two moments of remembrance.
The first is a prayer service, scheduled at 11.00, the Cemetery Settignano (Florence), where Graziano rests.
The second is set for 18.00, at the Church of S. Michele a San Salvi , Florence, with the celebration of the memorial Mass on the part of Don Silvano Seghi.
A memorial Mass is planned also to Giussano (Milan), to 9.00 at the Basilica, on the initiative of some friends who live in Florence in Brianza.
A celebration is also planned to Ancona, to 18.30, in the parish of Santa Maria della Grazie, on the initiative of Francis Vintrici.
In the month of September there will be a presentation of the Florentine book.

Placemat Scripture Tote Lds

were many at the Meeting in Rimini, on August 26 last, during the presentation of I'm recording everything for eternity , the book that collects some of the letters of Ithaca Graziano Grazzini friends.
Four hundred people in the room and Mimosa in a room adjacent and the same (maybe more) out. Present members of the family, many friends and even people curious dal tam tam di questi due anni.
Al tavolo, assieme a Gabriele Toccafondi , due politici fiorentini che con Graziano hanno condiviso anni di politica, Matteo Renzi , presidente della Provincia di Firenze, e Denis Verdini , deputato e coordinatore nazionale di Forza italia. Due figure che con Graziano si incontrarono e scontrarono più e più volte, apprezzandone sempre la grande statura umana.
Renzi e Verdini hanno regalato al pubblico del Meeting ricordi personali, talvolta davvero intimi, della loro amicizia.
In platea, molti politici che hanno conosciuto Graziano nel suo lungo impegno politico: il vicepresidente del Parlamento europeo, Mario Mauro , Vice President of the Chamber, Maurizio Lupi ; Members Renato Farina and Raffaello Vignali, the Regional Councillor for Transport of Lombardy, Raffaele Cattaneo , the Provincial Council of Florence Massimo Mattei ;

Not miss a meeting video on YouTube posted by Matteo Renzi

- London: Library Alfano, University Library, St. Paul Editions, Library Salesian.
- Pisa, Pellegrini Library.
- Pistoia, Library of the Diocese.
- Siena, catechetical Library.
- Livorno, St. Paul Library
- Grosseto, Library St. Paul
- Massa Carrara, Library ecclesiastical

The book can also be purchased online or requested Itacalibri

The photos are courtesy of Stephen Malapelle