Saturday, October 11, in the Salone dei Cinquecento crowded with people, and Lele Tiscar Mariella Carlotti gave birth to the presentation of Florentine I'm recording everything for eternity
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The meeting, promoted by the 'Association In a sign of grace, was introduced by Gabril Toccafondi and preceded by a greeting from Mayor Leonardo Domenici .
Below, we publish the intervention of Lele Tiscar
When that September morning two years ago at 7.00 the phone rang I was having coffee before going to the office. I guessed that something special had happened and the voice of Alfio was the signal that the news was tragic.
Like when you cut with a sharp knife spend a few moments during which we as outsiders to what happens to us and only after facing the pain, even then the only thing I could stammer out was that it was not possible, could not be true and how often each of us does in similar cases, I held on to all the information at times a bit 'trivial as it happened and when, how to ask for help to recover from the stunning and return to the real world from which I had been momentarily kidnapped.
Da quando vivo e lavoro in Lombardia i rapporti con molti amici di Firenze si sono inevitabilmente allentati, spesso ridotti a delle telefonate o sporadiche visite lampo o appuntamenti assembleari. Ma il mio rapporto con Graziano non potevo definirlo allentato, proprio no. Piuttosto, riducendosi all’essenziale come sempre la distanza geografica costringe, si era consolidato nel tempo. Così, solo pochi giorni prima della telefonata di Alfio, era suo l’SMS che mi chiedeva se poteva estendere l’invito alla festa per il mio venticinquesimo anniversario di matrimonio anche a Robertino Gaita , un amico down che lui andava a trovare periodicamente alla residenza dove vive.
Chi era Graziano per me? Faccio prima a dire cosa I was for him. Grande Lele "was the name by which he called me, certainly suggested by my height, but he was really great in the sense of point of reference, guide, mentor. This estimate was increased with time and strengthened, even if we had not seen so often I was no more political. There were many times, passing through Florence on business, was not happy unless I'm invited to dinner at home or at least I can see, exchange a few words on city politics and national communities of the CL, what I did. He wanted just to know me and if I said that I would pass from Florence where he took it really. Over the years this attachment was for me a goad uncomfortable. How could she ever be so excited about a relationship and a sense of esteem so tenacious? What reasons could be? When you
politics full-time as I made it for a few years ago is a bit 'used to the fact that people look for you, want to know your views, get advice, ultimately it is for them a symbol and you end up regarded as an important character to the point that it is sometimes difficult to avoid the abyss of cynicism in which there is no room for the surprise of an encounter at the end you get used to this. How many times have I asked myself: I am no more politics for thirteen years, to whom it may concern what I think? Well, Graziano cared very much, sincerely and affectionately I was interested in him seriously.
Only with time I realized that politics was an excuse: he was interested in knowing me, I used the criterion to judge, because hidden behind the appearance of things and events, another point of view that would help and support, and this was me, I was the person he was looking for. He was looking for me.
find that someone else is excited for you, always, every time as if it were the first, which takes you as if you were the person whose friendship is the most precious and important to the world, you look like something important is shocking, but it is what most want in their hearts. And 'the miracle of friendship, yes, yes, we know it or maybe sometimes we think we know, so that there is no need to say it. The friendship can be seen from the eyes, the happiness that one when he meets you, who puts the passion to be with you. Yes, because what's better than being with your friends? Surprised wanted and desired by a friend is the most shocking of life, out of this world so much better, to tears of emotion. For this beauty lived Graziano was remarkably easy for someone enthusiastic and enter into friendship with him. I remember the surprise for my 50th birthday or the party on the eve of Moving in Brianza, everything was an opportunity to give expression to the gratitude that one "keeps a good present," as he himself had written to Gianna.
Graziano was a man happy, grateful and happy because of this gratitude (which defines it as "what is most reasonable and simple is the desire of our hearts") to both men and things, his wife and children, work and politics.
What was grateful Graziano? The article says written on the occasion of the funeral of Don Giussani : "A claim of Christ as the fulfillment of this hunger for meaning, hidden in every human aspiration, was not dogmatic or taken for granted: I've heard I was say to my mother and also in the parish, but felt more like an echo of the Catholic tradition of our country rather than as a lived experience, to meet. "In his meeting with Communion and Liberation," Christianity is not finally presented itself to me more like a set of moral rules, however annoying, but as a handy and persons to whom the Christian encounter had enlarged heart and head "
In that meeting, which marked him indelibly to his death Graziano had met "its fulfillment and happiness" in which "in which nothing of my passions was censored, but welcomed back and developed in a breath larger, conscious and appropriate. "
And what were the passions of grace? "Girls, football and politics," he wrote, and that after his meeting with Giovanna and the advent of her beautiful kids (it was the term he used for all children, including those of friends), will become "family, football and politics ".
Passion is not the abstract interest of those who do not really feel the protagonist, but the ardor of a total involvement that takes it all himself. Graziano was not a football fan, but a player who wants to enter an agonist on the court playing and suffering like a dog to stay on the bench. When he broke the ligaments Paul wrote to , Gaetano Bruno and and described his mood as well: "I would not seem a pathetic one way or another superficial, though I confess that when, lying on a bed that Sunday night's emergency room, I was ruled that I should give up the players, it was to me an awful, in a moment I realized that it closed a chapter for me (I was going to write a love) really great, and even now, to be honest I doubt if you can identify with the way down to what football means to me in my life. "
There is no true love without passion, without burning up to consume everything. Every passion brings with it the desire to find true Love, self-fulfillment. And in that Graziano was a giant in its disarming simplicity. So the letter continues:
"After the initial bewilderment, however, the first impression, very healthy, which has taken consistency was that of a massive downsizing, perhaps not by chance arrived to dismantle point by point all of my little program, in my pre- use and consumption, and to do justice, in one fell swoop, I had the idea that nothing prevented and that of my future I could have it at my leisure, it was the exact opposite: just a tendon that jumps to make us appreciate the humility needed when we are in terms of having to depend on the availability of others even the most basic needs.
However this is not really the issue, in itself quite obvious that the more I want to emphasize, but rather to realize that these situations require a "rethink" and even more than a "review" indemandabile; on my examination case can only be to verify if indeed Christ is enough for me to live, regardless of the circumstances which surround this I feel like the most important fact of my life, whatever that is, the work they like or dislike, by having whether or not the girl from being top of the table or they can not even play anymore. "
Although no longer able to play football, not the clothes dismise agony, ready for the challenge of verifying that if Christ is enough to live, only that the court then was no more than football, but that of life marked by the encounter with Jesus: "Success in these tests is already in the belief he wants to tackle," he concluded.
Thus, "the playing field is the representation of all life" as he wrote to Gianna "It 's impossible that there are never any puddles of water, that is difficult to cross. There are training specifically for fortified and know how to deal with when captain. A life that does not go through is something "artificial" just like these playing fields. It's not just the technical ability that says the value of a player, is also its competitive strength and morale in bringing a ball out of the mud "
The same passion for football hit all the emotions, work, politics, happy man passion, for infinitely grateful for everything.
Since his beloved Joan , whose meeting and whose love will never cease to thank God
"Dear John, we still expect a lot of appointments, but the birth of Gabrielle will always remain a key point in our history. In the months that we wait we have already helped a lot to appreciate the free and the mystery of life. From now on, his presence will be an inexhaustible mine of wonder and gratitude to the mystery that we all have to be done. I'll write a letter to their brothers. I am so grateful to him that he wanted this to happen and to you that you've been through these miracles in my life. May Our Lady always watch our family. "
" Dear Jane, as well as our Gabriel is giving me sweet and intense vibration of existence, your presence beside me and they always makes me more aware and grateful of the mystery we wanted we met. I'm "recording" for all eternity. "
the dearly beloved Anna , Giulio , Francesco e Gabriele “tutti e quattro regalati da Gesù” a cui ricorda che “nessuno di noi ha scelto di esistere, tutti ci ritroviamo a vivere senza scegliere né i figli, né i genitori, né il secolo né la nazione in cui nascere” “né decideremo noi come e quando la nostra precarietà si interromperà. La nostra vita è dentro una gratuità totale.”
Fino ai suoi colleghi di lavoro, i suoi amici, ai suoi avversari di partito. Tutto e tutti sono investiti dallo struggimento di un grande Amore incontrato, incontenibile nella sua tenerezza.
Per tutti Graziano aveva un segno di attenzione, un gesto, una visita, una letterina o un SMS. Ogni volta che andava a trovare Robertino Gaita, il down comune amico fin dai tempi dell’università, non mancava di telefonarmi e passarmelo, sapendo di fargli e farmi un bellissimo regalo. A partire dall’incontro che lo aveva sedotto, Graziano avrebbe abbracciato il mondo intero a cui dire la bella notizia che il positivo della vita è presente.
In politica non era diverso, altra grande passione di Graziano in cui tutto era occasione per mettere in gioco se stesso e ciò che lo muoveva, mettendo a frutto ciò che aveva imparato nello spogliatoio “reagire alle sconfitte e non inorgoglirsi delle vittorie” come scrive a Gianna.
Sempre a Gianna: “Nelle istituzioni ci si affanna spesso in grandi progetti, investimenti e programmazioni per un traguardo , se viceversa si potessero moltiplicare uomini ed educatori come Enio, il mondo sarebbe sicuramente migliore.” Graziano sapeva bene che non è la politica che può rendere migliori gli uomini, ma come lui stesso dice “l’aver di fronte un uomo vero, nei cui confronti la voglia di assomigliargli scatta immediata.”
Per Graziano politica era servire con lealtà. Servire come ha fatto Cristo, servire tutti con letizia e generosità perché si è coscienti di essere i più piccoli e di avere tutto in dono, ma proprio così affermare la grandezza, la magnificenza dell'agire umano: servire l'uomo è fare lo stesso mestiere di Gesù, fare proprio come Lui. Servire con lealtà anche a costo di essere giudicati ingenui, non sufficientemente scaltri, ma servire tutti senza calcolo, soprattutto coloro che non hanno a chi rivolgersi.
Per questo c'è sempre un qualcosa che va oltre la battaglia politica; un sorriso, un abbraccio, una comprensione dell'umano che non è capacità nostra: è di Gesù, è Lui che fa il suo mestiere usando noi. Uno non vede Gesù, vede noi. Noi non saremmo mai capaci di far bene questo mestiere, perché siamo fragili, meschini e peccatori. Ma quando facciamo il suo mestiere immedesimandoci in Lui, Lui ci fa grandi, facciamo miracoli, siamo come Lui. Graziano era così. Entusiasta come un ragazzo che scopre that this job was for him the most precious thing in life. And using him Jesus has touched the hearts of many. Graziano was not, Jesus was acting strong, sweet, kind, never bad, sensitive, generous. For by grace was and still is in the heart of all great!
This we say loud in this building that would Savonarola consecrated to Jesus Savior of Man! Graziano to the center of the policy was and remains the heart of Jesus, because politics is the man, but the old man is Jesus Politics without Christ is ultimately only the pursuit of power and interest. Lately violence to assert an idea even if it distorts reality. But the power as a service recognize that man is at the bottom of the happiness we can not do by ourselves, but we all need to be loved by someone. And Jesus loves each of us.
You can not do politics without the friends that you belong. Well you can do this job unless you have friends from whom we learn Jesus with whom we experience his love, his forgiveness. You can not love if we are not loved, to forgive if you are not forgiven. You can only give what you had. Graziano met fellow to his fate with which the hundredfold here on earth could touch and experience every day, every hour. Many, many friends were the face of his blessed one hundred times he had met. And there was attaccato come un albero alla sua radice.
Graziano ci ricorda che non si può fare il mestiere della vita senza che Gesù si faccia sensibile ogni giorno della vita tramite gli amici, il loro volto e il loro sguardo.
La sua fede cristiana era una esperienza sensibile, a cui tutti potevano partecipare, che potevano incontrare come era capitato a lui. Non un ideale, non un'ispirazione, non un'utopia o un sogno. Era una cosa concreta come il dolcissimo amore per e di Giovanna.
E' vero o no che tutti abbiamo bisogno di un amico? Senza di un amico cosa sarebbe la vita? Graziano lo sapeva bene, benissimo. Per questo lui era così attaccato ai suoi amici. Erano la sua vita. E per questo il suo entusiasmo era sempre l'offerta di un'amicizia and a company. Now
Graziano is no longer physically present. But it is more than before because he had learned his craft well and his acting has scored. He left so many tears, of course, but do not despair and melancholy. "The melancholy comes to no good," he wrote, but we're talking about a presence that works effectively.
There he writes: "However, it remains a treasure that you never stop to learn and appreciate: a faith that can account for the hope that door, that does not conflict with reason, but rather uses it to its limit which is openness to the mystery, obedience becomes support rather than hindrance to their freedom, a deepening of their personal identity and that people become open to other worlds and cultures "doing an admirable summary of the Christian experience.
"Woman do not cry" Jesus said to the widow of Naim, "Women do not cry," repeated Don Giussani at the end of the retreat in 2002. "Men do not cry! You do not cry! Do not cry because it's not for death but for the life that I did! I have put the world and I have put in a great company of people! Man, woman, boy, girl, you, you, do not weep! Do not cry! There is an eye and a heart that penetrates to the marrow of bones and loves you from your destiny, a sguardo e un cuore che nessuno può fuorviare, nessuno può rendere incapace di dire quel che pensa e quel che sente, nessuno può rendere impotente!
Gloria Dei vivens homo. La gloria di Dio, la grandezza di Colui che fa le stelle del cielo, che mette nel mare goccia a goccia tutto l’azzurro che lo definisce, è l’uomo che vive. Non c’è nulla che possa sospendere quell’impeto immediato di amore, di attaccamento, di stima, di speranza. Perché è diventato speranza per ognuno che lo ha visto, che ha sentito: “Donna, non piangere!” che ha udito Gesù dir così: “Donna, non piangere!”
Non c’è nulla che possa fermare la sicurezza di un mysterious destiny and good! "
Graziano let the desire to be like him to do like him, the same desire to imitate Christ, who had him in a completely normal life, but a normal happy and exciting.
This is holiness, this is the tenderness of God to the caresses of our misery that are the saints as Graziano.
Good God the Father gave him to our traveling companion because we understood better what it needs our hearts. And Florence
welcome him, embrace him and love him always as one of its most cherished sons.
Florence, October 11, 2008
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