During the debate in the House of DPEF here is a ' other provision economy, this time by the' Institute of Studies and Economic Analyses (ISAE)
GDP, in 2009, will mark a decline of 5.3% according to data adjusted for calendar (-5.2% in rough terms). The Institute for Studies and Economic Analyses (ISAE) in the ratio "Forecasts for the Italian economy" confirms the estimates presented in Parliament during consideration of the budget document. According to the ISAE
" the worst of the economic cycle should have been passed in Italy " but "the shooting will start very gradually, however, highlighted in annual average figures only from 2010," when the GDP mark a +0.2%, according to figures adjusted for the number of working days (+0.3% in termini grezzi). Secondo l'Isae, il secondo trimestre del 2009 sarà ancora negativo, ma « un segno positivo nell'evoluzione del prodotto lordo dovrebbe tornare a evidenziarsi a partire dal terzo trimestre ».
Quanto al 2010, sulla ripresa dovrebbe influire «il progressivo rafforzamento del commercio mondiale». I provvedimenti decisi dal Governo nella manovra estiva, sempre secondo l'Istituto, «contribuirebbero a dare sostegno alla domanda interna».
Alleluia! La crisi è ai minimi e dal prossimo trimestre si riparte! Prima di stappare lo champagne Is it better to check what to expect a few months ago ...
zero growth for the Italian economy in 2008 and the ' Next year a modest +0.2% . These new economic forecasts made by ISAE .[..] These elements could affect the progress of the European Union in the early months of 2009 only in the second half of next year there would be a recovery for the stabilization of financial stress and lowering inflation. The euro-zone GDP increase by 0.5% on average next year , after a change of 1, 1% estimated for 2008 .[..] In the labor market, the trend is still relatively positive view of the bad economic situation: in 2008 the 'employment would increase by 0.9%; in 2009, the creation of jobs would slow to 0.3%
What do you say? Replace the champagne al fresco?
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