Division 3rd Round Odd
Division 3 rd In Pool 1
head always banned FC Juventus, but after losing a Filotto victories away from home take advantage of the direct pursuers and the group becomes very interesting, you play the two places to second division five teams separated by just three points, slightly favored acd revival that boasts three-point lead on the pursuers, already the next game sees the match of the day between FC Real gives and Bonascola, daunting task even for arsenic & champagne, while the other matches affordable on paper, in the area Salvation game between two little Angels and Gallipoli.
Division 3rd Round 3
There are more adjectives and words for the championship of the steamroller ACFFIORENTINA which has a ten-point advantage over second, the fight for second place becomes serrata and involves four teams separated by just three points, The next match will face a big match that could reopen the competition or cut out a team fighting to get into the second In fact, now the division leaders will face solitary Number nine Futsal is played in the house can not be cut off for second place. In low-lying areas Alves allultimo try to get on the train to escape relegation.
Division 3rd Round 5
Grisignano with a win takes advantage of its direct tie between inseuguitrici, We Love SmallTitans blink 182 and moves faster and taking three points from the second, equilibrium between the second will not profit nor Fc St. Marine who lost at home against the league leaders lost for hours and the train to approach the second rise in profit for the second division. In the safety zone now seems a struggle between two teams, and Anorthosis Famagusta real Cinecittà roma che sono appagliate a diciannove punti ma con la prima messa meglio come differenza reti.
Divisione 3° Girone 7
Koopian sempre avanti ed ormai i sette punti di vantaggio sulla seconda sembrano bastare per poter essere promossa in seconda divisione, nel derby in famiglia finisce con uno spettacolare 4 a 4 tra SS Lazio e ssLAZIO1900, di questo pareggio non ne approfitta Maerne che impatta in casa contro un ottima F.C. gaseria 1908, girone con ben sei bannate per la lotta salvezza non c’è niente da dire tutte salve
in questo girone.
Divisione 3° Girone 9
In questo girone iniziato tardi ancora tutto da decidere anche se ci sono già due bannate, in testa con un leggero vantaggio Ettifaq fc, ma alle loro spalle non mollano e sperano in cinque squadre di raggiungere il secondo posto utile.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
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At the top you bridge the gaps!
L'importanza della partita dello Stadio Serra della Ganja di Fonta è palese: erbalibera ha fame di punti che lo possano risollevare dalla zona paludosa della classifica in cui si trova, appena sopra la zona degli spareggi; Animal House F.C. mira al bottino pieno per rimanere in corsa con un Roma Club che sembra inarrestabile nella lotta verso il titolo. L'inizio di partita rispetta le attese del pubblico, con un paio di ottime occasione per entrambe le squadre, sventate non senza qualche difficoltà dai due portieri. E con un inizio così, il gol non può che arrivare abbastanza presto: è il 19° quando Bulgarian Petar Yakimov sweep a free kick that ends up in the seventh, being vain plastic dip Pasquale Buscetta. Broke the initial balance, the game, instead of coming on, seems to nod off. Animal control, erbalibera not react. And so ends the first half. At the beginning of recovery, almost by surprise at this point, get the equalizer: 59 ° to a pinpoint cross Arrigo Vittorio Ulivelli Gorbagli allows you to mark his second goal of the season with a powerful gore. And a minute after the game seems to have finally put down for the hosts. The Dane Bent Henningsen is not best way to stop an attacker to erbalibera stolen to the door as well as a real tackle. Red Animal exemplary and outnumbered. However, erbalibera not seem to sink the shot and is therefore punished. E ', 83 ° when illuminating a touch of Victor Di Napoli, best in the field, Luciano Scaboli free, that does not waste port and the result on the final 1 to 2. Nothing happens until the end of the game, with players hosts seemed rather soft and not well motivated. Three golden points really for animals. Mostly because
unexpectedly stops running triumphal Rome Club 28, which runs into a defeat to tell the truth rather than in front of their fans deserved. The author was 27 de Abril, which imposes itself with a nice 3 to 1, leaving the fans Romans davvero ammutoliti. E lo erano già dopo appena venti minuti, in cui si erano visti ben due gol degli ospiti: il primo, al 16°, segnato da Ivan Ferraboli e il secondo, al 19°, messo a segno da Alarico Grechi. E per chi si aspettava una veemente nonchè immediata reazione di Roma Club, solo una deludente attesa. La capolista sembra non riuscire ad esprimere il solito gioco spumeggiante, merito forse degli schemi difensivi di Mister Digisabio, che annullano le fonti di gioco capitoline. Le distanze si accorciano piuttosto a sorpresa al 56°, per merito di Alfonso Pavoncelli, bravo a staccare più in alto di tutti e a insaccare la palla di testa. Ma è un fuoco di paglia, dato che al 69° arriva la segnatura che chiude definitivamente the game, thanks again to Ferraboli, which marks the one-two staff of the day, earning the title of man of the match. We believe however that this will remain an isolated road in the Club of Rome, which remains the number one favorite to reach the championship in San Marino.
performs its task ACSAMPDORIA , which gets rid of quite easily Huusstt Football Club with a net 5 to 2 delivered to your home. The main protagonist of the day was Matthew Myrtle, author of two goals that led him to share eight seasonal signatures, but also a dispenser of tasty scoring for his teammates. Truly a masterful performance, which earned him the title of best in field la prima volta in questa stagione.
Passo falso anche per Club de Futbol Galactico , sconfitto in casa da Saturno F.C.. Evidentemente i nostri auguri di una buona ed immediata ripresa sono serviti anche in questo caso. Una sola rete di scarto, 0 a 1 il risultato finale, che decide un match piuttosto equilibrato. E' il 21° quando una splendida azione corale di Saturno permette a Luigi Pezzi di involarsi solo davanti al portiere e conseguentemente firmare il vantaggio. I giocatori di Galactico reagiscono, ma trovano sulla loro strada uno Sved Thorstansen in giornata super. Tre punti davvero preziosi per gli ospiti, che si scollano immediatamente lo scomodo titolo di fanalino di coda.
Nella quindicesima giornata, occhi puntati sullo Stadio Luigi Ferraris Carrara for ACSAMPDORIA - * * Fc Dieghito . A game that promises to show, given the quality of the players who will tread the playing field.
L'importanza della partita dello Stadio Serra della Ganja di Fonta è palese: erbalibera ha fame di punti che lo possano risollevare dalla zona paludosa della classifica in cui si trova, appena sopra la zona degli spareggi; Animal House F.C. mira al bottino pieno per rimanere in corsa con un Roma Club che sembra inarrestabile nella lotta verso il titolo. L'inizio di partita rispetta le attese del pubblico, con un paio di ottime occasione per entrambe le squadre, sventate non senza qualche difficoltà dai due portieri. E con un inizio così, il gol non può che arrivare abbastanza presto: è il 19° quando Bulgarian Petar Yakimov sweep a free kick that ends up in the seventh, being vain plastic dip Pasquale Buscetta. Broke the initial balance, the game, instead of coming on, seems to nod off. Animal control, erbalibera not react. And so ends the first half. At the beginning of recovery, almost by surprise at this point, get the equalizer: 59 ° to a pinpoint cross Arrigo Vittorio Ulivelli Gorbagli allows you to mark his second goal of the season with a powerful gore. And a minute after the game seems to have finally put down for the hosts. The Dane Bent Henningsen is not best way to stop an attacker to erbalibera stolen to the door as well as a real tackle. Red Animal exemplary and outnumbered. However, erbalibera not seem to sink the shot and is therefore punished. E ', 83 ° when illuminating a touch of Victor Di Napoli, best in the field, Luciano Scaboli free, that does not waste port and the result on the final 1 to 2. Nothing happens until the end of the game, with players hosts seemed rather soft and not well motivated. Three golden points really for animals. Mostly because
unexpectedly stops running triumphal Rome Club 28, which runs into a defeat to tell the truth rather than in front of their fans deserved. The author was 27 de Abril, which imposes itself with a nice 3 to 1, leaving the fans Romans davvero ammutoliti. E lo erano già dopo appena venti minuti, in cui si erano visti ben due gol degli ospiti: il primo, al 16°, segnato da Ivan Ferraboli e il secondo, al 19°, messo a segno da Alarico Grechi. E per chi si aspettava una veemente nonchè immediata reazione di Roma Club, solo una deludente attesa. La capolista sembra non riuscire ad esprimere il solito gioco spumeggiante, merito forse degli schemi difensivi di Mister Digisabio, che annullano le fonti di gioco capitoline. Le distanze si accorciano piuttosto a sorpresa al 56°, per merito di Alfonso Pavoncelli, bravo a staccare più in alto di tutti e a insaccare la palla di testa. Ma è un fuoco di paglia, dato che al 69° arriva la segnatura che chiude definitivamente the game, thanks again to Ferraboli, which marks the one-two staff of the day, earning the title of man of the match. We believe however that this will remain an isolated road in the Club of Rome, which remains the number one favorite to reach the championship in San Marino.
performs its task ACSAMPDORIA , which gets rid of quite easily Huusstt Football Club with a net 5 to 2 delivered to your home. The main protagonist of the day was Matthew Myrtle, author of two goals that led him to share eight seasonal signatures, but also a dispenser of tasty scoring for his teammates. Truly a masterful performance, which earned him the title of best in field la prima volta in questa stagione.
Passo falso anche per Club de Futbol Galactico , sconfitto in casa da Saturno F.C.. Evidentemente i nostri auguri di una buona ed immediata ripresa sono serviti anche in questo caso. Una sola rete di scarto, 0 a 1 il risultato finale, che decide un match piuttosto equilibrato. E' il 21° quando una splendida azione corale di Saturno permette a Luigi Pezzi di involarsi solo davanti al portiere e conseguentemente firmare il vantaggio. I giocatori di Galactico reagiscono, ma trovano sulla loro strada uno Sved Thorstansen in giornata super. Tre punti davvero preziosi per gli ospiti, che si scollano immediatamente lo scomodo titolo di fanalino di coda.
Nella quindicesima giornata, occhi puntati sullo Stadio Luigi Ferraris Carrara for ACSAMPDORIA - * * Fc Dieghito . A game that promises to show, given the quality of the players who will tread the playing field.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
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It 's hard to keep up the Rome Club! First defeat for SSC
unspeakable. There are no other words to describe the behavior of Michael Smimmo. A player who, in addition to poor performance shown in this season, has revealed significant imbalances in personality. Personality ... perhaps too large a concept for a person who does not accept criticism.
But we move on to play football, that counts. In sifda between the taillights U.S. Rifredi 2000 and Saturn FC Stadium staged the Madonna del Grappa di Firenze, the show certainly has not left to be desired. Certainly the tension has been felt throughout the ninety minutes, but the two teams have tried not to settle for the same from the beginning. In fact, after a first opportunity for Saturn avevrsario well neutralized by the goalkeeper, the balance is broken already in the 13th minute. And the balance is on the side of Rifredi, dribbling through Frederick Lapi, which offers a good opportunity for fellow Hamadi Amin, who turns into the network. The disadvantage is a real blow on the rump of the guests, who can not recover during the first portion of the game. Mr. Daniel Sabatino must surely have been felt in the range, as his players return to the field are highly motivated. The same does not arrive for a short more than one occasion, guilt, or on, depending on your point of view, goalkeeper Rifredi, Renato Cool, man of the match after the match. And the best time of the guests, comes the cold shower for them. At the 71 th minute, in fact, get the signature that leads to the result on the 2 0 and is signed by Olindo Diotalevi, which uses a bell'assist Pino Svend Thorstansen Put to beat again. Three golden points for Rifredi, which then picks up six points from their last two games, one fewer than the previous eleven. And if this team seems to have served our very best wishes for an immediate resumption, I sincerely hope will also serve to Saturn. This team, author of a beautiful season last year, is now in last place, but there is room for improvement and lifts. So rorza Saturn!
top of the charts in the meantime, it continues the streak of 28 Rome Club. The seventh consecutive useful result, the third victory comes sull'insidioso field AC Pro Vercelli. And this time the three points have been sweating more than usual. After initially very balanced, with a couple of occasions to hand the advantage comes at a Club of Rome in the 44th minute. This is the eleventh goal of the season for Stephen Robertson, who takes advantage of a valuable companion assists Gonkuro Okubo. For the Japanese it is the seventh assist baked in thirteen appearances. The doubling of the final 0 to 2 arrives at the 64th, when Damian Lazzeri puts Soren Salomonsen alone in front of the goalkeeper. The Dane, of course, no ffa pray and turn the occasion. The game ends with no other shocks: Pro Vercelli grinding game, but the conclusions course, although quite numerous, rarely frame the face of goal and then not bother the opposing goalkeeper, always very attentive. Even for the team in Piedmont now is not the best, but the players have already demonstrated on numerous occasions to have a thick skin and certainly relieved.
restrain his race, however, Club de Futbol Galactico , stuck on the tie by the hosts of Salento fc. The match was really very exciting, with frequent reversals in the face and multiple opportunities for both teams. The benefit to the people of Puglia arrive early as the third minute, thanks to a free kick by Lucio Costello Gennaro Nocerino, end, send behind goalkeeper guest. The reaction of Galactica is quite soft and, indeed, the team risks bell on several occasions to be the second signature. But it's always good Giampaolo Nespoli to avert any danger. The recovery has reversed: the protagonist becomes Nicky Polito, worthy bastion of good defense, but must surrender to the 73 th minute, when Petru Simonas advantage of a blunder of an adversary to collect a harmless reference of its doors and bring the results to cover 1 1. Next few minutes, just to point out, as teams seem content with a point apiece. Now for the Galactico points behind the leaders are four.
victories for ACSAMPDORIA , which recovers from the blow suffered by Rifredi last day. Stadio Luigi Ferraris di Carrara the final 2 to 1 suffered from Bartos team is pretty close to what we saw in the field. The gap between the two teams has become obvious to almost the entire game and the goleada is not only good performance of Thomas Pasqual goalkeeper. And to think that, paradoxically, the beginning Bartos had seen their big sweep, culminating with the opening goal, scored by Saudi Sultan Muhsin. Illusory advantage, however, perhaps because also sent off by Maurizio Rosolino, who leaves her outnumbered by more than half the game. The game of SAMP is overwhelming and comes open at the beginning of recovery, the 47th, thanks to an odd role reversal: Matthew Myrtle improvised assistman in favor of Comrade Julius Ciai, which produces. At 61 °, recover the roles and Myrtle marks his sixth goal of the season on guide service Biscardi. The endgame is a monologue Sampdoria, not fruit, however, as already mentioned, other networks. SAMP is now level on points with Galactica. No complaints about Smimmo, I will be happy, although the opportunities to be guilty of some flaw in reality there were.
one less pair of second place has it FC Animal House, which is imposed on opponents rather easily Juvenes guests. The networks all in the second half. Despite a rather marked territorial domination, even in this match to go ahead were the guests at the 57th with the network of Massimo Pagni. The numerous opportunities for all Animal materialize in the final and after the insult suffered by Diego, it will certainly be happy Mister John Belushi. 87th Lillo Sanotnastaso signing his first goal this season in his first appearance in the field and 92 °, in full recovery, Joel Bezzini piazza la zampata vincente. Anche per Animal, tre punti davvero preziosi.
Nella quattordicesima giornata, da seguire sarà sicuramente il match erbalibera - Animal House F.C. . Una delle peggiori difese contro uno dei migliori attacchi della lega, un incrocio che promette spettacolo. Non ce ne voglia Mister Iena.
unspeakable. There are no other words to describe the behavior of Michael Smimmo. A player who, in addition to poor performance shown in this season, has revealed significant imbalances in personality. Personality ... perhaps too large a concept for a person who does not accept criticism.
But we move on to play football, that counts. In sifda between the taillights U.S. Rifredi 2000 and Saturn FC Stadium staged the Madonna del Grappa di Firenze, the show certainly has not left to be desired. Certainly the tension has been felt throughout the ninety minutes, but the two teams have tried not to settle for the same from the beginning. In fact, after a first opportunity for Saturn avevrsario well neutralized by the goalkeeper, the balance is broken already in the 13th minute. And the balance is on the side of Rifredi, dribbling through Frederick Lapi, which offers a good opportunity for fellow Hamadi Amin, who turns into the network. The disadvantage is a real blow on the rump of the guests, who can not recover during the first portion of the game. Mr. Daniel Sabatino must surely have been felt in the range, as his players return to the field are highly motivated. The same does not arrive for a short more than one occasion, guilt, or on, depending on your point of view, goalkeeper Rifredi, Renato Cool, man of the match after the match. And the best time of the guests, comes the cold shower for them. At the 71 th minute, in fact, get the signature that leads to the result on the 2 0 and is signed by Olindo Diotalevi, which uses a bell'assist Pino Svend Thorstansen Put to beat again. Three golden points for Rifredi, which then picks up six points from their last two games, one fewer than the previous eleven. And if this team seems to have served our very best wishes for an immediate resumption, I sincerely hope will also serve to Saturn. This team, author of a beautiful season last year, is now in last place, but there is room for improvement and lifts. So rorza Saturn!
top of the charts in the meantime, it continues the streak of 28 Rome Club. The seventh consecutive useful result, the third victory comes sull'insidioso field AC Pro Vercelli. And this time the three points have been sweating more than usual. After initially very balanced, with a couple of occasions to hand the advantage comes at a Club of Rome in the 44th minute. This is the eleventh goal of the season for Stephen Robertson, who takes advantage of a valuable companion assists Gonkuro Okubo. For the Japanese it is the seventh assist baked in thirteen appearances. The doubling of the final 0 to 2 arrives at the 64th, when Damian Lazzeri puts Soren Salomonsen alone in front of the goalkeeper. The Dane, of course, no ffa pray and turn the occasion. The game ends with no other shocks: Pro Vercelli grinding game, but the conclusions course, although quite numerous, rarely frame the face of goal and then not bother the opposing goalkeeper, always very attentive. Even for the team in Piedmont now is not the best, but the players have already demonstrated on numerous occasions to have a thick skin and certainly relieved.
restrain his race, however, Club de Futbol Galactico , stuck on the tie by the hosts of Salento fc. The match was really very exciting, with frequent reversals in the face and multiple opportunities for both teams. The benefit to the people of Puglia arrive early as the third minute, thanks to a free kick by Lucio Costello Gennaro Nocerino, end, send behind goalkeeper guest. The reaction of Galactica is quite soft and, indeed, the team risks bell on several occasions to be the second signature. But it's always good Giampaolo Nespoli to avert any danger. The recovery has reversed: the protagonist becomes Nicky Polito, worthy bastion of good defense, but must surrender to the 73 th minute, when Petru Simonas advantage of a blunder of an adversary to collect a harmless reference of its doors and bring the results to cover 1 1. Next few minutes, just to point out, as teams seem content with a point apiece. Now for the Galactico points behind the leaders are four.
victories for ACSAMPDORIA , which recovers from the blow suffered by Rifredi last day. Stadio Luigi Ferraris di Carrara the final 2 to 1 suffered from Bartos team is pretty close to what we saw in the field. The gap between the two teams has become obvious to almost the entire game and the goleada is not only good performance of Thomas Pasqual goalkeeper. And to think that, paradoxically, the beginning Bartos had seen their big sweep, culminating with the opening goal, scored by Saudi Sultan Muhsin. Illusory advantage, however, perhaps because also sent off by Maurizio Rosolino, who leaves her outnumbered by more than half the game. The game of SAMP is overwhelming and comes open at the beginning of recovery, the 47th, thanks to an odd role reversal: Matthew Myrtle improvised assistman in favor of Comrade Julius Ciai, which produces. At 61 °, recover the roles and Myrtle marks his sixth goal of the season on guide service Biscardi. The endgame is a monologue Sampdoria, not fruit, however, as already mentioned, other networks. SAMP is now level on points with Galactica. No complaints about Smimmo, I will be happy, although the opportunities to be guilty of some flaw in reality there were.
one less pair of second place has it FC Animal House, which is imposed on opponents rather easily Juvenes guests. The networks all in the second half. Despite a rather marked territorial domination, even in this match to go ahead were the guests at the 57th with the network of Massimo Pagni. The numerous opportunities for all Animal materialize in the final and after the insult suffered by Diego, it will certainly be happy Mister John Belushi. 87th Lillo Sanotnastaso signing his first goal this season in his first appearance in the field and 92 °, in full recovery, Joel Bezzini piazza la zampata vincente. Anche per Animal, tre punti davvero preziosi.
Nella quattordicesima giornata, da seguire sarà sicuramente il match erbalibera - Animal House F.C. . Una delle peggiori difese contro uno dei migliori attacchi della lega, un incrocio che promette spettacolo. Non ce ne voglia Mister Iena.
Annick Goutal Minneapolis
La tredicesima giornata regala una sorpresa che sembra riaprire il Campionato.
Dopo 12 partite senza sconfitte, la corsa di PEGASO si arresta per merito di un REAL MASSA straripante che espugna il Pegasus Arena per 3 a 0.
SPARTAK ARGENTARIO ne approfitta vincendo una partita roccambolesca per 3-2 in casa della neo-promossa MILANO123.
Il match clow della giornata era senza dubbio AC TENAGLIA contro PAP TEAM. L'ha spuntata il secondo, forse immeritatamente, grazie al gol di Cappabianca ma soprattutto grazie alle parate di Celli eletto migliore in campo.
ATLETICO RJS perde ancora terreno e si allontana ancora di più dalle zone alte che valgono la Promozione o lo spareggio. Perde in casa di YOSHI MARIO che dimostra qualità ma anche una certa incostanza di risultati.
SIRIO e DINAMO non si fanno male e pareggiano per 1-1 e rimangono in zona medio-alta della classifica.
BIKINI invece battendo per 3-1 SLASH lo raggiunge a 18 punti e riprende ossigeno vista la vicinanza della zona retrocessione.
A livello individuale sono sempre più estasiato dalle prestazioni di Màzic, OML di ATLETICO, che in 13 partite has produced 7 goals, 11 assists with an average of 7.77! A phenomenon! I'll be repetitive but I like that too.
Kordyuk is still the top scorer with 12 goals in 13 games. Not bad. And pretty good even
Metehan Prifti and also with 11 goals and 9 assists Rat that has served successful.
Congratulations to the Presidents who have these players in their roses.
La tredicesima giornata regala una sorpresa che sembra riaprire il Campionato.
Dopo 12 partite senza sconfitte, la corsa di PEGASO si arresta per merito di un REAL MASSA straripante che espugna il Pegasus Arena per 3 a 0.
SPARTAK ARGENTARIO ne approfitta vincendo una partita roccambolesca per 3-2 in casa della neo-promossa MILANO123.
Il match clow della giornata era senza dubbio AC TENAGLIA contro PAP TEAM. L'ha spuntata il secondo, forse immeritatamente, grazie al gol di Cappabianca ma soprattutto grazie alle parate di Celli eletto migliore in campo.
ATLETICO RJS perde ancora terreno e si allontana ancora di più dalle zone alte che valgono la Promozione o lo spareggio. Perde in casa di YOSHI MARIO che dimostra qualità ma anche una certa incostanza di risultati.
SIRIO e DINAMO non si fanno male e pareggiano per 1-1 e rimangono in zona medio-alta della classifica.
BIKINI invece battendo per 3-1 SLASH lo raggiunge a 18 punti e riprende ossigeno vista la vicinanza della zona retrocessione.
A livello individuale sono sempre più estasiato dalle prestazioni di Màzic, OML di ATLETICO, che in 13 partite has produced 7 goals, 11 assists with an average of 7.77! A phenomenon! I'll be repetitive but I like that too.
Kordyuk is still the top scorer with 12 goals in 13 games. Not bad. And pretty good even
Metehan Prifti and also with 11 goals and 9 assists Rat that has served successful.
Congratulations to the Presidents who have these players in their roses.
Monday, June 21, 2010
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Division 3rd Round odd
Division 3rd Round 1
A banned in the first position to leave open a place, seems to have a three-way race teams, acd rebirth, Arsenic & champagne and Bonascola separated by just two points, the next turn, stands in front of rebirth and Arsenic wonder if Bonascola able to take advantage of the last acd turn ugly defeat of rebirth, took advantage of the direct pursuers to approach the first place, three teams fighting safety zone divided by two points.
Division 3rd Round 3
ACFFIORENTINA continues to ride and always keeps a safe distance the direct pursuers, Number Nine slight advantage in that three-point advantage over third and glasscastle atlketico Domagnano who win their respective matches, seems out by fc-raurine losing games at home against Number Nine and does not come close to the head, the hot zone two teams fighting for one place, in fact romultanea thanks to its top scorer of the round is held afloat and sons of the wolf, divided three-pointers, dominates ACFFIORENTINA markers with three players in the first four places in the overall standings.
Division 3rd Round 5
Won first three in the standings and nothing happens, these three points dividing the teams making passionate group, a slight advantage We Love Blink, but behind the pace rggono Grisignano winner at home and SmallTitans who have it easy in the field of ZannaReal now one step away from relegation, Girone also interesting for the markers are five players with seven goals at the top, in the lower areas Cantera not take advantage of the defeat of Anorthosis and fails to bring it to remain four points from the last place useful.
Division 3rd Round 7
Group with many Banna KOOPIAN are in position to win first away from home, behind him hangs on SS Lazio that is imposed by three-goal margin in the field of the dynamo pedal fast, but silently behind them does not give up hope that either FC Lazaros a misstep able to take advantage of the two above? Note the top scorer in the first positions where the players do not stand out first in the standings (not counting the Ban), despite five very likely banned Soccer San Marino who must recover four points out of last place bumer poer useful.
Division 3rd Round 9
Small brackets on this group with many teams still without a manager, there are five teams in the head with seven points behind three teams with six points, yet there can be no escape for anyone, even in the hot zone to be decided.
Division 3rd Round 1
A banned in the first position to leave open a place, seems to have a three-way race teams, acd rebirth, Arsenic & champagne and Bonascola separated by just two points, the next turn, stands in front of rebirth and Arsenic wonder if Bonascola able to take advantage of the last acd turn ugly defeat of rebirth, took advantage of the direct pursuers to approach the first place, three teams fighting safety zone divided by two points.
Division 3rd Round 3
ACFFIORENTINA continues to ride and always keeps a safe distance the direct pursuers, Number Nine slight advantage in that three-point advantage over third and glasscastle atlketico Domagnano who win their respective matches, seems out by fc-raurine losing games at home against Number Nine and does not come close to the head, the hot zone two teams fighting for one place, in fact romultanea thanks to its top scorer of the round is held afloat and sons of the wolf, divided three-pointers, dominates ACFFIORENTINA markers with three players in the first four places in the overall standings.
Division 3rd Round 5
Won first three in the standings and nothing happens, these three points dividing the teams making passionate group, a slight advantage We Love Blink, but behind the pace rggono Grisignano winner at home and SmallTitans who have it easy in the field of ZannaReal now one step away from relegation, Girone also interesting for the markers are five players with seven goals at the top, in the lower areas Cantera not take advantage of the defeat of Anorthosis and fails to bring it to remain four points from the last place useful.
Division 3rd Round 7
Group with many Banna KOOPIAN are in position to win first away from home, behind him hangs on SS Lazio that is imposed by three-goal margin in the field of the dynamo pedal fast, but silently behind them does not give up hope that either FC Lazaros a misstep able to take advantage of the two above? Note the top scorer in the first positions where the players do not stand out first in the standings (not counting the Ban), despite five very likely banned Soccer San Marino who must recover four points out of last place bumer poer useful.
Division 3rd Round 9
Small brackets on this group with many teams still without a manager, there are five teams in the head with seven points behind three teams with six points, yet there can be no escape for anyone, even in the hot zone to be decided.
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Third division: group of
Round two:
Desoerad collapses, Small Vercelli enchant. 0-2 ends the match of the day between mucha mierda Pro Vercelli and B, after 12 'minutes Morello thinks, served by Sniezek, to put my doorstep with a nice shot for a cross, another 20' minutes and games close, this time Śnieżek to sign the same network.
The other highlight of the match saw a dry day 5-0 against the league leaders San Fereol Carcaju, guests do not seem to have even taken the field and the team took advantage of Cornegliano.
Round four:
Assiostuni stopped to 2-2 at home by Cantera Galatia, game fun for the audience that will surely not be bored, after 10 'minutes already cover 1-1 thanks to goals from Wan Rohaimi bin Marjus Carlini before and after.
Lasala annihilates We Are the World with a 3-0 through the network of Cassani and two goals from Pope From the report of Perseverance 0-6 against Milionarios Pap Team, where the front door and ran into a resounding " bad day, three goals for spring practice time they closed the River Plate.
Round six:
Girone wide open to see the lead three teams. Northfalks resounding thud, just passing around a watch the kick-off and blue-white pass, but it seems Perssinotto program another victory sends the teams at half-time cover 1-1. The final insult comes resounding, 5 'minutes from the end Sock becomes Roberto Carlos and mutes the local public.
Draw for Real Marino Juventus1987 against a tricky, as it continues to amaze Kuventus, 1-0 win on Inactive, which is apparently easy game made difficult by the goalkeeper who sees Bertani well to make the phenomenon. Approaches the large group also Amploplof Warriors winning 2-1 thanks to Jose Garcia strpitosa test that avoids a blow to the team Wimpylnd.
Round two:
Desoerad collapses, Small Vercelli enchant. 0-2 ends the match of the day between mucha mierda Pro Vercelli and B, after 12 'minutes Morello thinks, served by Sniezek, to put my doorstep with a nice shot for a cross, another 20' minutes and games close, this time Śnieżek to sign the same network.
The other highlight of the match saw a dry day 5-0 against the league leaders San Fereol Carcaju, guests do not seem to have even taken the field and the team took advantage of Cornegliano.
Round four:
Assiostuni stopped to 2-2 at home by Cantera Galatia, game fun for the audience that will surely not be bored, after 10 'minutes already cover 1-1 thanks to goals from Wan Rohaimi bin Marjus Carlini before and after.
Lasala annihilates We Are the World with a 3-0 through the network of Cassani and two goals from Pope From the report of Perseverance 0-6 against Milionarios Pap Team, where the front door and ran into a resounding " bad day, three goals for spring practice time they closed the River Plate.
Round six:
Girone wide open to see the lead three teams. Northfalks resounding thud, just passing around a watch the kick-off and blue-white pass, but it seems Perssinotto program another victory sends the teams at half-time cover 1-1. The final insult comes resounding, 5 'minutes from the end Sock becomes Roberto Carlos and mutes the local public.
Draw for Real Marino Juventus1987 against a tricky, as it continues to amaze Kuventus, 1-0 win on Inactive, which is apparently easy game made difficult by the goalkeeper who sees Bertani well to make the phenomenon. Approaches the large group also Amploplof Warriors winning 2-1 thanks to Jose Garcia strpitosa test that avoids a blow to the team Wimpylnd.
How To Wear Panty Girdle
Diego Animal: thank you!
could not get a response our best "Rifredi Force!" last article. U.S. Rifredi 2000 he earned his first victory this season, scoring five goals in the beauty, when the signatures were the misier of seven so far. And the opponent was not a sparring partner, but one of the teams struggling to reach the top of the standings, as well as winning the national league and cup last season. We refer of course to AC SAMPDORIA . The first few minutes of Rifredi superiority was evident. And since we had accused the strikers of Florence is not up to the First Division, San Marino, Hamadi Amin must have taken it personally. They are his four goals in this match, what ever happened in his past career. The fifth network was signed by Emilio Taricone. But the match was definitely the young Olindo Diotalevi, author of winning two assists, but also the fulcrum of the team's game: every action has risen to his feet. It is not clear how a team like that swinging SAMP can be in the results, alternating great performances of the embarrassing fool. Perhaps affected by the European commitment, but perhaps one reason it is still an arduous task. We do not want raging, but, Michele Smimmo would need a break in this match was the worst of her. In the match
reported as being followed, another of the magnificent falls of the past three days. Arena Stadium board the show is really superb. The hosts of * Fc * Dieghito and guests Animal House FC have created a truly spectacular game, with constant twists and turns, sudden reversals in the face and numerous scoring chances for both teams since the first few minutes . The balance is released in favor of the Piedmont from the 17th minute, thanks to the first goal in the career of Dante Faith promettentissimo eighteen, on an assist by Victor Di Napoli. The draw, however, is near to 28 ° a wonderful team move Dieghito door Dirk De Coninck to kick from inside the area undisturbed. No escape for the opposing goalkeeper. But the first time there is room for another network. Animal and still is to go ahead. Put the ball in the area by Petar Yakimov free-kick was gored by Marco Mazzarino, with a detachment that he signed his imperious fourth goal of the season. The recovery is suitable for fine palates. The basic attacks have continued for a side with nothing short of incredible speed and is known for its quality. To be honest, are the times when pet goes near ko definitive than those in which Diego try to achieve equal. The decisive factor was the Porto Santo Botta, by far the best in the field, the author of interventions on the edge of the supernatural. However, the defeat seems to be close. E ', 88 ° when the nozzle Botta their long search for to create a final chance, De Coninck still picks it up and starts shooting a superb, unstoppable. It 's the 2 to 2. But it is not over yet. One minute later, a touch of the ball is free Albino Eleuterio Salvatore Izzo, who scored the final goal of 3 to 2. Not really an ending suitable for the faint of heart. Diego, a great satisfaction in carrying on for a continuation of the season happier. For animals, a rather undeserved defeat, but not to be forgotten immediately affect the spirit of the players.
to take advantage of this double slip was more than all Club de Futbol Galactico . Guests at Sao Paulo FC have not received some of the best reception, since after only eight minutes of the match were already trailing by two goals. The first came from the usual axis Federico Toniolo - Petru Simonas, while the second saw Tito Petri take the place of man assists and Tranquillo Mason to finalize. Sao Paulo tries to react, but can not create more than a couple of occasions, however, that the goalkeeper to be prepared for the hosts. The game is definitely close to the restart with another one - two of Galactica. Before Mason returns the favor to Petra, then back again to the same Mason Toniolo provides an assist to sign the final poker. Really a great performance of Galactica, the result was never in question and the defense has held up very well anche quando la pressione degli avversari è stata piuttosto alta.
Continua la sua marcia l'indisturbato Roma Club 28 . Ma non è stato facile come ci si sarebbe potuti aspettare contro Saturno F.C.. Il risultato finale è stato di 2 a 1: il primo vantaggio l'ha firmato Soren Salomonsen al 21° minuto, il provvisorio pareggio arriva dai piedi del fantasista Paolo Fonzoni, mentre l'ultima decisiva rete è stata messa a segno da Stephen Robertson, sempre più decisivo per la squadra capitolina. Ma va sottolineato che Saturno avrebbe perlomeno meritato un pareggio, viste le numerose occasioni create, non sempre ben finalizzate. I dieci punti in classifica di certo non rendono l'idea delle potenzialità che questa squadra has, but sometimes it looks really bad luck relentlessly. In the thirteenth
will be really interesting to follow the game USRifredi 2000 - FC Saturn . The current in the latest rankings come from different times, as we have seen. But both will need to turn the page and start from scratch.
could not get a response our best "Rifredi Force!" last article. U.S. Rifredi 2000 he earned his first victory this season, scoring five goals in the beauty, when the signatures were the misier of seven so far. And the opponent was not a sparring partner, but one of the teams struggling to reach the top of the standings, as well as winning the national league and cup last season. We refer of course to AC SAMPDORIA . The first few minutes of Rifredi superiority was evident. And since we had accused the strikers of Florence is not up to the First Division, San Marino, Hamadi Amin must have taken it personally. They are his four goals in this match, what ever happened in his past career. The fifth network was signed by Emilio Taricone. But the match was definitely the young Olindo Diotalevi, author of winning two assists, but also the fulcrum of the team's game: every action has risen to his feet. It is not clear how a team like that swinging SAMP can be in the results, alternating great performances of the embarrassing fool. Perhaps affected by the European commitment, but perhaps one reason it is still an arduous task. We do not want raging, but, Michele Smimmo would need a break in this match was the worst of her. In the match
reported as being followed, another of the magnificent falls of the past three days. Arena Stadium board the show is really superb. The hosts of * Fc * Dieghito and guests Animal House FC have created a truly spectacular game, with constant twists and turns, sudden reversals in the face and numerous scoring chances for both teams since the first few minutes . The balance is released in favor of the Piedmont from the 17th minute, thanks to the first goal in the career of Dante Faith promettentissimo eighteen, on an assist by Victor Di Napoli. The draw, however, is near to 28 ° a wonderful team move Dieghito door Dirk De Coninck to kick from inside the area undisturbed. No escape for the opposing goalkeeper. But the first time there is room for another network. Animal and still is to go ahead. Put the ball in the area by Petar Yakimov free-kick was gored by Marco Mazzarino, with a detachment that he signed his imperious fourth goal of the season. The recovery is suitable for fine palates. The basic attacks have continued for a side with nothing short of incredible speed and is known for its quality. To be honest, are the times when pet goes near ko definitive than those in which Diego try to achieve equal. The decisive factor was the Porto Santo Botta, by far the best in the field, the author of interventions on the edge of the supernatural. However, the defeat seems to be close. E ', 88 ° when the nozzle Botta their long search for to create a final chance, De Coninck still picks it up and starts shooting a superb, unstoppable. It 's the 2 to 2. But it is not over yet. One minute later, a touch of the ball is free Albino Eleuterio Salvatore Izzo, who scored the final goal of 3 to 2. Not really an ending suitable for the faint of heart. Diego, a great satisfaction in carrying on for a continuation of the season happier. For animals, a rather undeserved defeat, but not to be forgotten immediately affect the spirit of the players.
to take advantage of this double slip was more than all Club de Futbol Galactico . Guests at Sao Paulo FC have not received some of the best reception, since after only eight minutes of the match were already trailing by two goals. The first came from the usual axis Federico Toniolo - Petru Simonas, while the second saw Tito Petri take the place of man assists and Tranquillo Mason to finalize. Sao Paulo tries to react, but can not create more than a couple of occasions, however, that the goalkeeper to be prepared for the hosts. The game is definitely close to the restart with another one - two of Galactica. Before Mason returns the favor to Petra, then back again to the same Mason Toniolo provides an assist to sign the final poker. Really a great performance of Galactica, the result was never in question and the defense has held up very well anche quando la pressione degli avversari è stata piuttosto alta.
Continua la sua marcia l'indisturbato Roma Club 28 . Ma non è stato facile come ci si sarebbe potuti aspettare contro Saturno F.C.. Il risultato finale è stato di 2 a 1: il primo vantaggio l'ha firmato Soren Salomonsen al 21° minuto, il provvisorio pareggio arriva dai piedi del fantasista Paolo Fonzoni, mentre l'ultima decisiva rete è stata messa a segno da Stephen Robertson, sempre più decisivo per la squadra capitolina. Ma va sottolineato che Saturno avrebbe perlomeno meritato un pareggio, viste le numerose occasioni create, non sempre ben finalizzate. I dieci punti in classifica di certo non rendono l'idea delle potenzialità che questa squadra has, but sometimes it looks really bad luck relentlessly. In the thirteenth
will be really interesting to follow the game USRifredi 2000 - FC Saturn . The current in the latest rankings come from different times, as we have seen. But both will need to turn the page and start from scratch.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Telephone Combination Formula
Force Rifredi!
The news of the day beyond the playing fields and includes issues of power games. Many managers are tired of the Championship San Marino little weight given to them by the UETA. The complaints are not heard, the suggestions are not accepted, everything remains as it is, even what should be corrected. You are about to raise a fuss, that's for sure. We'll see if it will strengthen San Marino or not.
But let the results of the eleventh day. At Sergio Vantaggiato Stadium will be on stage the match between FC Salento, eager to point it at an early rapprochement of the class, and now former Rome Club 28 surprise. Most critics expected even before the starting whistle, a rather defensive attitude on the part of the owners and, unfortunately for football fans the show, have not been proven wrong. The first few minutes, then, Rome Club forward at full strength, with Salento in the trenches to defend themselves and ready to go whenever possible counterattack. Possibility that in the first half does not occur, since the people of Puglia are unable to overcome the almost half. The only stand out Nicky is the usual Polito, bravo to avert any threat posed by attackers Capitoline. Perhaps in the range of Mr. Nicholas realizes that he exaggerated the defensiveness and ordered his exposure a bit 'more. And it shows: the satisfaction of the fans arriving in the 56th minute the first shot of their heroes of a certain hazard. But the result is released only 75 ° and is in favor of the visiting team: Soren Salomonsen filter performs a precise touch, than the usual Stephen Robertson collects and turns in the network. E '1 to 0. Salento's reaction is immediate, but it's good goalkeeper to deny the same host. The expulsion of Pavoncelli Alfonso, who lands Gianni Schenone launched a network, it gives rise to a further increase pressure on the defense of Rome Club, which is thus able to bring home three points very valuable. A wasted opportunity to Salento, which throws away the whole time, keeping the ball game ever in the hands of opponents.
three valuable points, we said, why is obtained on a difficult pitch for both the contemporary faux pas of FC Animal House. The team of Novara, despite a more than decent performance, it fails to go beyond the same at home Vituzzo DREAM TEAM. And it had started well from the start, or more precisely from the 3rd minute, when the guests had gone ahead thanks to the network sales by Charles Previato, marking the fifth vacation. It really put fear in the Campania region of Piedmont, who can not reach the opponent's goal, if not the end of the first half, which ends with Animal still at a disadvantage. The second half started with Vituzzo which seeks to control and seems to do it rather easily. Until at least 62 °, when the immortal Joel Bezzina, the match today, it offers yet another assist of his career at Victor Di Napoli, who made no mistake and signed his tenth goal of the season. The pressure in the final minutes of the owners fruit occasion not just for its obvious and expulsion Previato, guilty of conduct grossly unfair. But it's too late. A point-to-head and a bit of disappointment for fans of Novara. It
approfitta A.C.SAMPDORIA , che nell'impegno casalingo contro F.c. Giliberti raccoglie il bottino pieno e ritorna ad avere un punto di più di Animal, ma sempre uno in meno di Roma Club. Anche in questo caso, la partita si era fatta in salita per i padroni di casa, vista la rete degli ospiti, firmata al 13° minuto dal saudita Alem Al Ouargui. Va detto che anche in questa occasione, Michele Smimmo non è sembrato del tutto esente da colpe. Forse l'eccessiva pressione, forse una personalità non troppo marcata, stanno trasformando questo giocatore da una sorprendente promessa a una deludente opera incompiuta. La reazione di SAMP è veemente ed il pari arriva in poco tempo. Al 30° minuto è Maurizio Rosolino a cogliere di sorpresa la difesa ospite, colpendo indisturbato di testa e battendo l'estremo difensore avversario. Nella ripresa sale di nuovo in cattedra Jindrich Lukes, che al 60° offre il suo secondo assist di giornata a chi di solito gli assist è abituato a farli, Giulio Ciai. Il missile che parte dai suoi piedi non è certo angolatissimo, ma si insacca comunque in rete, portando il risultato sul 2 a 1. Poco altro da raccontare dei minuti finali, con SAMP che tende a rallentare il gioco con un possesso a palla prolungato, quasi mai disturbato dal pressing degli avversari, parsi un po' in debito d'ossigeno.
Bisogna comunque sottolineare che alle spalle delle prime tre della classe, non manca la bagarre. Sono numerose le squadre che si trovano a pochi punti di distanza and that could bring them close to the summit with a series of results poit.
Finally, a brief analysis of the situation in which it USRifredi 2000. After a brilliant season last season, sealed by a salvation reached several days before the end of the season, this year's team seems to be in a state of irreversible problems. The final defeat against 27 de Abril, in fact, is just the latest in a long series: the boxes of victories still brings a sad zero, the points obtained so far are only four. The most emblematic, however, is the number of goals scored. If the defense is still good, the seven signatures in eleven games do not leave room for doubt: there is an end worthy of the name offensive. Perhaps the sale of Pantelis Mitsihostas last year is making us regret, but now it's too late. The championship is still long, but the company could now begin to add some young first team for the forthcoming season.
In the twelfth day, eye Dieghito Fc * * - Animal House FC . Diego is one of disappointment of this season and we will certainly make a good game against one of the first class, to redeem the standings, but also moral.
The news of the day beyond the playing fields and includes issues of power games. Many managers are tired of the Championship San Marino little weight given to them by the UETA. The complaints are not heard, the suggestions are not accepted, everything remains as it is, even what should be corrected. You are about to raise a fuss, that's for sure. We'll see if it will strengthen San Marino or not.
But let the results of the eleventh day. At Sergio Vantaggiato Stadium will be on stage the match between FC Salento, eager to point it at an early rapprochement of the class, and now former Rome Club 28 surprise. Most critics expected even before the starting whistle, a rather defensive attitude on the part of the owners and, unfortunately for football fans the show, have not been proven wrong. The first few minutes, then, Rome Club forward at full strength, with Salento in the trenches to defend themselves and ready to go whenever possible counterattack. Possibility that in the first half does not occur, since the people of Puglia are unable to overcome the almost half. The only stand out Nicky is the usual Polito, bravo to avert any threat posed by attackers Capitoline. Perhaps in the range of Mr. Nicholas realizes that he exaggerated the defensiveness and ordered his exposure a bit 'more. And it shows: the satisfaction of the fans arriving in the 56th minute the first shot of their heroes of a certain hazard. But the result is released only 75 ° and is in favor of the visiting team: Soren Salomonsen filter performs a precise touch, than the usual Stephen Robertson collects and turns in the network. E '1 to 0. Salento's reaction is immediate, but it's good goalkeeper to deny the same host. The expulsion of Pavoncelli Alfonso, who lands Gianni Schenone launched a network, it gives rise to a further increase pressure on the defense of Rome Club, which is thus able to bring home three points very valuable. A wasted opportunity to Salento, which throws away the whole time, keeping the ball game ever in the hands of opponents.
three valuable points, we said, why is obtained on a difficult pitch for both the contemporary faux pas of FC Animal House. The team of Novara, despite a more than decent performance, it fails to go beyond the same at home Vituzzo DREAM TEAM. And it had started well from the start, or more precisely from the 3rd minute, when the guests had gone ahead thanks to the network sales by Charles Previato, marking the fifth vacation. It really put fear in the Campania region of Piedmont, who can not reach the opponent's goal, if not the end of the first half, which ends with Animal still at a disadvantage. The second half started with Vituzzo which seeks to control and seems to do it rather easily. Until at least 62 °, when the immortal Joel Bezzina, the match today, it offers yet another assist of his career at Victor Di Napoli, who made no mistake and signed his tenth goal of the season. The pressure in the final minutes of the owners fruit occasion not just for its obvious and expulsion Previato, guilty of conduct grossly unfair. But it's too late. A point-to-head and a bit of disappointment for fans of Novara. It
approfitta A.C.SAMPDORIA , che nell'impegno casalingo contro F.c. Giliberti raccoglie il bottino pieno e ritorna ad avere un punto di più di Animal, ma sempre uno in meno di Roma Club. Anche in questo caso, la partita si era fatta in salita per i padroni di casa, vista la rete degli ospiti, firmata al 13° minuto dal saudita Alem Al Ouargui. Va detto che anche in questa occasione, Michele Smimmo non è sembrato del tutto esente da colpe. Forse l'eccessiva pressione, forse una personalità non troppo marcata, stanno trasformando questo giocatore da una sorprendente promessa a una deludente opera incompiuta. La reazione di SAMP è veemente ed il pari arriva in poco tempo. Al 30° minuto è Maurizio Rosolino a cogliere di sorpresa la difesa ospite, colpendo indisturbato di testa e battendo l'estremo difensore avversario. Nella ripresa sale di nuovo in cattedra Jindrich Lukes, che al 60° offre il suo secondo assist di giornata a chi di solito gli assist è abituato a farli, Giulio Ciai. Il missile che parte dai suoi piedi non è certo angolatissimo, ma si insacca comunque in rete, portando il risultato sul 2 a 1. Poco altro da raccontare dei minuti finali, con SAMP che tende a rallentare il gioco con un possesso a palla prolungato, quasi mai disturbato dal pressing degli avversari, parsi un po' in debito d'ossigeno.
Bisogna comunque sottolineare che alle spalle delle prime tre della classe, non manca la bagarre. Sono numerose le squadre che si trovano a pochi punti di distanza and that could bring them close to the summit with a series of results poit.
Finally, a brief analysis of the situation in which it USRifredi 2000. After a brilliant season last season, sealed by a salvation reached several days before the end of the season, this year's team seems to be in a state of irreversible problems. The final defeat against 27 de Abril, in fact, is just the latest in a long series: the boxes of victories still brings a sad zero, the points obtained so far are only four. The most emblematic, however, is the number of goals scored. If the defense is still good, the seven signatures in eleven games do not leave room for doubt: there is an end worthy of the name offensive. Perhaps the sale of Pantelis Mitsihostas last year is making us regret, but now it's too late. The championship is still long, but the company could now begin to add some young first team for the forthcoming season.
In the twelfth day, eye Dieghito Fc * * - Animal House FC . Diego is one of disappointment of this season and we will certainly make a good game against one of the first class, to redeem the standings, but also moral.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Can Runners Be Replaced
FC MASTINO Still Undefeated!
High scores are GENOA CFC after 11 games giocate, ammonta a ben 9 vittorie, 1 pareggio ed una sola sconfitta (28 Punti); nelle ultime due settimane riesce a vincere la bellezza di 5 partite consecutive, e che risultati! 4-0 con Calcio Catania1946, 1-0 contro vitussanmarco , 4-0 con Manchester United 97, 4-0 con acmilan 9625 e 2-1 contro San Marìne conclude con un pareggio di 0-0 Talèban , una neopromossa di tutto rispetto che si sta distinguendo molto bene e che può incutere timore.
Al secondo posto troviamo F.C. MASTINO che ha solamente un punto in meno rispetto alla capolista, a differenza di quest'ultima, però è ancora imbattuta, 8 vittorie, 3 pareggi e 0 sconfitte (27 Punti); dopo le prime 5 vittorie consecutive iniziali, riesce ad ottenere altre 3 vittorie, 1-0 contro Calcio Catania1946, 3-0 con Manchester United 97 e 2-0 contro A.C brindisi, e 3 pareggi, 0-0 contro Tre Fiori, 1-1 con acmilan 9625 e 1-1 contro FC Balo Team; anch 'essa è una squadra temibile e di tutto rispetto che non aspetta altro che tornare in 1° Divisione.
A seguito troviamo GLI SBANDATI, Parabita F.C., la neopromossa Talèban , gli amanti di diritz e SMFortesa .
Adesso passiamo ai fanalini di coda, agli ultimi tre posti troviamo tre neopromosse, all'ultimo posto AC toast with 0 points are now critical situation for this team you find yourself with an appalling goal difference, the first and second last place, respectively Calcio Catania acmilan 1946 and 9625 also with a rather critical situation but Comparison of AC toast is nothing, Parma Club 09 is located in the same situation as the third last but has a slightly better goal difference.
quieter but there is always a risk Manchester United 97, ac winners, San Marine and Three Flowers. In
league already has two inactive, it is Balo Team FC and FC Patolandia who do nothing but hinder the teams that would like to do better.
Although there is still a lot at the end of the season, you start to see the favorites, nothing is lost, it can happen again for everything!

High scores are GENOA CFC after 11 games giocate, ammonta a ben 9 vittorie, 1 pareggio ed una sola sconfitta (28 Punti); nelle ultime due settimane riesce a vincere la bellezza di 5 partite consecutive, e che risultati! 4-0 con Calcio Catania1946, 1-0 contro vitussanmarco , 4-0 con Manchester United 97, 4-0 con acmilan 9625 e 2-1 contro San Marìne conclude con un pareggio di 0-0 Talèban , una neopromossa di tutto rispetto che si sta distinguendo molto bene e che può incutere timore.
Al secondo posto troviamo F.C. MASTINO che ha solamente un punto in meno rispetto alla capolista, a differenza di quest'ultima, però è ancora imbattuta, 8 vittorie, 3 pareggi e 0 sconfitte (27 Punti); dopo le prime 5 vittorie consecutive iniziali, riesce ad ottenere altre 3 vittorie, 1-0 contro Calcio Catania1946, 3-0 con Manchester United 97 e 2-0 contro A.C brindisi, e 3 pareggi, 0-0 contro Tre Fiori, 1-1 con acmilan 9625 e 1-1 contro FC Balo Team; anch 'essa è una squadra temibile e di tutto rispetto che non aspetta altro che tornare in 1° Divisione.
A seguito troviamo GLI SBANDATI, Parabita F.C., la neopromossa Talèban , gli amanti di diritz e SMFortesa .
Adesso passiamo ai fanalini di coda, agli ultimi tre posti troviamo tre neopromosse, all'ultimo posto AC toast with 0 points are now critical situation for this team you find yourself with an appalling goal difference, the first and second last place, respectively Calcio Catania acmilan 1946 and 9625 also with a rather critical situation but Comparison of AC toast is nothing, Parma Club 09 is located in the same situation as the third last but has a slightly better goal difference.
quieter but there is always a risk Manchester United 97, ac winners, San Marine and Three Flowers. In
league already has two inactive, it is Balo Team FC and FC Patolandia who do nothing but hinder the teams that would like to do better.
Although there is still a lot at the end of the season, you start to see the favorites, nothing is lost, it can happen again for everything!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wedding Planners Cost In Rawalpindi
Animal: There are too!
Stadium in Porto Madison Emepdocle big match is staged on the tenth day: the hosts of Vituzzo DREAM TEAM face the fearsome opponents Club de Futbol Galactico . For Vituzzo A great chance to move back behind the front runners for Galactica, the obligation to win to keep pace with the earliest. And the beginning of the race just shows that everybody wants to go out winners: A great chance to party in the early minutes, but they are good at averting the dangers of the two goalkeepers. After about twenty minutes, blow to the guests, as Armando Picchi, pin offensive game, he is forced to leave the pitch to a slight muscle strain. And as if this were not enough, here comes the benefit of the owners: the 21 th minute Adalberto Grandinetti is the protagonist of a splendid solo effort, which leads him to put in half an inviting ball to the Danish partner Kurt Roest, bravo to express. E '1 to 0. The first half ends sull'infruttuosa pressure Galactico seeking equal, the match is still open to any result. He thinks the Lithuanian Doviltas Vaitiekaitis to close virtually, when, at 48, uses another assists usual Grandinetti, today the match to beat again Giampaolo Nespoli. The final blow comes at the 59th minute, thanks to Charles Previato that turns into a fine network of cross Soren Mortensen. A nothing, except to update personal statistics, serves the goals of Petru Simonas to 74 °. In the final minutes, in fact, men of Galactica can not go beyond a sterile possession, which never culminates in something decent. For Vituzzo, a very important victory. Meanwhile, in the end game of the presidents took the opportunity to formalize the transition of promising young Luciano Ravazzi the court just Galactico. Really quite a blow to the club of Caserta. For him the future in median nazionale è pressochè assicurato.
Risultato a sorpresa alla Bob Arena di Addis Abeba. I padroni di casa di Huusstt Football Club chiudono il primo tempo con un sorprendente doppio vantaggio sulla capolista Roma Club 28 . Merito delle reti dell'olandese Rob Droog al 25° e di Emanuele Tognetti al 34°. Ma va detto che sono stati due episodi isolati in un lungo dominio della squadra ospite. E dunque la seconda frazione si trasforma in un vero e proprio assedio. Per fortuna dei romani, il portiere Francesco Mazzarella, in giornata a dir poco eorica, si fa comunque battere per due volte, concedendo quindi il pareggio. Le reti portano la firma di Stephen Robertson, alla nona rete stagionale, e di Soren Salomonsen. Insomma, un mezzo passo false for Rome club, but yet another performance that leaves no room for doubt. And 'one of the teams fighting for the win until the end.
not profit AC SAMPDORIA in turn locked in the same house Juvenes. It must be said that Sampdoria have played more than eighty minutes in ten, guilty of conduct grossly unfair Kelvin Chinellato, launched an opponent who lands on goal. Nevertheless, the advantage had come just for SAMP, 23 °, when the usual Giulio Ciai, assists in the seventh season, the Lukes puts Jindrch gore condition of the network. The game is very balanced, as opposed to what might be expected, given the diversity number. The opportunities are not lacking either one side or the other, but the defenders seem to be two extremes in mood. Unfortunately for the hosts, however, arrives at the 78th draw: the Czech Bohumil Vylet'ala put the ball in the area that the Chinese Min Jun into the network, the first for him in the beginning of this year. In view of the expulsion in the opening minutes, SAMP could be content with this result, but the remorse there. The distance from Rome Club 28 is still a point.
What is more they took advantage of some Animal House FC, who went on to win at home against San Marino Angels playing spectacular. After a first study, in the second half we are witnessing a veritable rain of goals. The first two arrive almost immediately, at 47 ° and 50 °, and both are scored by players of Animal respectively by Marco Mazzarino and Vittorio Di Napoli, scoring in the tenth season. But there is no time to relax: the 2 to 2 is served within 20 minutes. The network bears the names of Nicholas Massa and Gianfranco Guarnieri. But a minute after the provisional draw, the 80th, the Bulgarian Petar Yakimov decided that the baked two assists so far could not be rendered useless. And so we think he, the match to complete a beautiful combination match mate Di Napoli and sign the final 3 to 2. Three points that make the fans explode with joy e che portano la squadra al comando a pari punti con Roma Club 28, ma con una miglior differenza reti. Era da quasi una stagione intera che in casa Animal non si respirava un'aria di così alta quota. E ora che ci sono arrivati, i giocatori di certo non vorranno tornare a valle.
Nell'undicesima giornata, bisognerà senzìaltro seguire la partita Salento f.c. - Roma Club 28 . L'attacco stellare dei capitolini si troverà di fronte il portiere della nazionale, Nicky Polito, e se sprecheranno tante occasioni come fatto nell'ultima partita, potrebbe pensarci Ruslan Sydorenko, bomber pugliese, a punirli.
Stadium in Porto Madison Emepdocle big match is staged on the tenth day: the hosts of Vituzzo DREAM TEAM face the fearsome opponents Club de Futbol Galactico . For Vituzzo A great chance to move back behind the front runners for Galactica, the obligation to win to keep pace with the earliest. And the beginning of the race just shows that everybody wants to go out winners: A great chance to party in the early minutes, but they are good at averting the dangers of the two goalkeepers. After about twenty minutes, blow to the guests, as Armando Picchi, pin offensive game, he is forced to leave the pitch to a slight muscle strain. And as if this were not enough, here comes the benefit of the owners: the 21 th minute Adalberto Grandinetti is the protagonist of a splendid solo effort, which leads him to put in half an inviting ball to the Danish partner Kurt Roest, bravo to express. E '1 to 0. The first half ends sull'infruttuosa pressure Galactico seeking equal, the match is still open to any result. He thinks the Lithuanian Doviltas Vaitiekaitis to close virtually, when, at 48, uses another assists usual Grandinetti, today the match to beat again Giampaolo Nespoli. The final blow comes at the 59th minute, thanks to Charles Previato that turns into a fine network of cross Soren Mortensen. A nothing, except to update personal statistics, serves the goals of Petru Simonas to 74 °. In the final minutes, in fact, men of Galactica can not go beyond a sterile possession, which never culminates in something decent. For Vituzzo, a very important victory. Meanwhile, in the end game of the presidents took the opportunity to formalize the transition of promising young Luciano Ravazzi the court just Galactico. Really quite a blow to the club of Caserta. For him the future in median nazionale è pressochè assicurato.
Risultato a sorpresa alla Bob Arena di Addis Abeba. I padroni di casa di Huusstt Football Club chiudono il primo tempo con un sorprendente doppio vantaggio sulla capolista Roma Club 28 . Merito delle reti dell'olandese Rob Droog al 25° e di Emanuele Tognetti al 34°. Ma va detto che sono stati due episodi isolati in un lungo dominio della squadra ospite. E dunque la seconda frazione si trasforma in un vero e proprio assedio. Per fortuna dei romani, il portiere Francesco Mazzarella, in giornata a dir poco eorica, si fa comunque battere per due volte, concedendo quindi il pareggio. Le reti portano la firma di Stephen Robertson, alla nona rete stagionale, e di Soren Salomonsen. Insomma, un mezzo passo false for Rome club, but yet another performance that leaves no room for doubt. And 'one of the teams fighting for the win until the end.
not profit AC SAMPDORIA in turn locked in the same house Juvenes. It must be said that Sampdoria have played more than eighty minutes in ten, guilty of conduct grossly unfair Kelvin Chinellato, launched an opponent who lands on goal. Nevertheless, the advantage had come just for SAMP, 23 °, when the usual Giulio Ciai, assists in the seventh season, the Lukes puts Jindrch gore condition of the network. The game is very balanced, as opposed to what might be expected, given the diversity number. The opportunities are not lacking either one side or the other, but the defenders seem to be two extremes in mood. Unfortunately for the hosts, however, arrives at the 78th draw: the Czech Bohumil Vylet'ala put the ball in the area that the Chinese Min Jun into the network, the first for him in the beginning of this year. In view of the expulsion in the opening minutes, SAMP could be content with this result, but the remorse there. The distance from Rome Club 28 is still a point.
What is more they took advantage of some Animal House FC, who went on to win at home against San Marino Angels playing spectacular. After a first study, in the second half we are witnessing a veritable rain of goals. The first two arrive almost immediately, at 47 ° and 50 °, and both are scored by players of Animal respectively by Marco Mazzarino and Vittorio Di Napoli, scoring in the tenth season. But there is no time to relax: the 2 to 2 is served within 20 minutes. The network bears the names of Nicholas Massa and Gianfranco Guarnieri. But a minute after the provisional draw, the 80th, the Bulgarian Petar Yakimov decided that the baked two assists so far could not be rendered useless. And so we think he, the match to complete a beautiful combination match mate Di Napoli and sign the final 3 to 2. Three points that make the fans explode with joy e che portano la squadra al comando a pari punti con Roma Club 28, ma con una miglior differenza reti. Era da quasi una stagione intera che in casa Animal non si respirava un'aria di così alta quota. E ora che ci sono arrivati, i giocatori di certo non vorranno tornare a valle.
Nell'undicesima giornata, bisognerà senzìaltro seguire la partita Salento f.c. - Roma Club 28 . L'attacco stellare dei capitolini si troverà di fronte il portiere della nazionale, Nicky Polito, e se sprecheranno tante occasioni come fatto nell'ultima partita, potrebbe pensarci Ruslan Sydorenko, bomber pugliese, a punirli.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
50th Wedding Anniversary Speech Son
situation after 10 days
Siamo arrivati alla decima partita giocata; la situazione sembra stabilizzarsi li davanti where SSC PEGASO with a great start to the season deserves to be alone at the top with 4 points ahead of the team is probably in better shape than the last game SPARTAK ARGENTARIO that has conquered the difficult field of PAP TEAM which remains in third place . AC
Tenaglia, and RSJ ATLETICO DYNAMO ride fast, credited to fight to the end for the promotion chase and seem to want to stay glued to the first without gaining too much points behind. However, given the roses this trio is failing at least their respective presidents.
In the central area of \u200b\u200bthe chart there are strong teams but is too erratic and imprevedibili.Si FONTARCELLONA, SIRIO, Yoshi, and SLASH BIKINI. Their results compel Presidents not sleep well because of the drop zone is not too far away.
The seven remaining teams are perhaps the most difficult in the beginning of this championship, struggling to understand the new category also because you are newly promoted. Anyway everything is still possible and then ask everyone to not give up because this game is very unpredictable and surprising!
scorer in the usual names are now a certainty: Metehan, Prifti, Kordyuk, Falsini, Silamente.
Among young people to watch Antonio Cabrini Cupito who is doing a league full of dazzling assists and a good average rating. Congratulations to his coach!
Siamo arrivati alla decima partita giocata; la situazione sembra stabilizzarsi li davanti where SSC PEGASO with a great start to the season deserves to be alone at the top with 4 points ahead of the team is probably in better shape than the last game SPARTAK ARGENTARIO that has conquered the difficult field of PAP TEAM which remains in third place . AC
Tenaglia, and RSJ ATLETICO DYNAMO ride fast, credited to fight to the end for the promotion chase and seem to want to stay glued to the first without gaining too much points behind. However, given the roses this trio is failing at least their respective presidents.
In the central area of \u200b\u200bthe chart there are strong teams but is too erratic and imprevedibili.Si FONTARCELLONA, SIRIO, Yoshi, and SLASH BIKINI. Their results compel Presidents not sleep well because of the drop zone is not too far away.
The seven remaining teams are perhaps the most difficult in the beginning of this championship, struggling to understand the new category also because you are newly promoted. Anyway everything is still possible and then ask everyone to not give up because this game is very unpredictable and surprising!
scorer in the usual names are now a certainty: Metehan, Prifti, Kordyuk, Falsini, Silamente.
Among young people to watch Antonio Cabrini Cupito who is doing a league full of dazzling assists and a good average rating. Congratulations to his coach!
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