Force Rifredi!
The news of the day beyond the playing fields and includes issues of power games. Many managers are tired of the Championship San Marino little weight given to them by the UETA. The complaints are not heard, the suggestions are not accepted, everything remains as it is, even what should be corrected. You are about to raise a fuss, that's for sure. We'll see if it will strengthen San Marino or not.
But let the results of the eleventh day. At Sergio Vantaggiato Stadium will be on stage the match between FC Salento, eager to point it at an early rapprochement of the class, and now former Rome Club 28 surprise. Most critics expected even before the starting whistle, a rather defensive attitude on the part of the owners and, unfortunately for football fans the show, have not been proven wrong. The first few minutes, then, Rome Club forward at full strength, with Salento in the trenches to defend themselves and ready to go whenever possible counterattack. Possibility that in the first half does not occur, since the people of Puglia are unable to overcome the almost half. The only stand out Nicky is the usual Polito, bravo to avert any threat posed by attackers Capitoline. Perhaps in the range of Mr. Nicholas realizes that he exaggerated the defensiveness and ordered his exposure a bit 'more. And it shows: the satisfaction of the fans arriving in the 56th minute the first shot of their heroes of a certain hazard. But the result is released only 75 ° and is in favor of the visiting team: Soren Salomonsen filter performs a precise touch, than the usual Stephen Robertson collects and turns in the network. E '1 to 0. Salento's reaction is immediate, but it's good goalkeeper to deny the same host. The expulsion of Pavoncelli Alfonso, who lands Gianni Schenone launched a network, it gives rise to a further increase pressure on the defense of Rome Club, which is thus able to bring home three points very valuable. A wasted opportunity to Salento, which throws away the whole time, keeping the ball game ever in the hands of opponents.
three valuable points, we said, why is obtained on a difficult pitch for both the contemporary faux pas of FC Animal House. The team of Novara, despite a more than decent performance, it fails to go beyond the same at home Vituzzo DREAM TEAM. And it had started well from the start, or more precisely from the 3rd minute, when the guests had gone ahead thanks to the network sales by Charles Previato, marking the fifth vacation. It really put fear in the Campania region of Piedmont, who can not reach the opponent's goal, if not the end of the first half, which ends with Animal still at a disadvantage. The second half started with Vituzzo which seeks to control and seems to do it rather easily. Until at least 62 °, when the immortal Joel Bezzina, the match today, it offers yet another assist of his career at Victor Di Napoli, who made no mistake and signed his tenth goal of the season. The pressure in the final minutes of the owners fruit occasion not just for its obvious and expulsion Previato, guilty of conduct grossly unfair. But it's too late. A point-to-head and a bit of disappointment for fans of Novara. It
approfitta A.C.SAMPDORIA , che nell'impegno casalingo contro F.c. Giliberti raccoglie il bottino pieno e ritorna ad avere un punto di più di Animal, ma sempre uno in meno di Roma Club. Anche in questo caso, la partita si era fatta in salita per i padroni di casa, vista la rete degli ospiti, firmata al 13° minuto dal saudita Alem Al Ouargui. Va detto che anche in questa occasione, Michele Smimmo non è sembrato del tutto esente da colpe. Forse l'eccessiva pressione, forse una personalità non troppo marcata, stanno trasformando questo giocatore da una sorprendente promessa a una deludente opera incompiuta. La reazione di SAMP è veemente ed il pari arriva in poco tempo. Al 30° minuto è Maurizio Rosolino a cogliere di sorpresa la difesa ospite, colpendo indisturbato di testa e battendo l'estremo difensore avversario. Nella ripresa sale di nuovo in cattedra Jindrich Lukes, che al 60° offre il suo secondo assist di giornata a chi di solito gli assist è abituato a farli, Giulio Ciai. Il missile che parte dai suoi piedi non è certo angolatissimo, ma si insacca comunque in rete, portando il risultato sul 2 a 1. Poco altro da raccontare dei minuti finali, con SAMP che tende a rallentare il gioco con un possesso a palla prolungato, quasi mai disturbato dal pressing degli avversari, parsi un po' in debito d'ossigeno.
Bisogna comunque sottolineare che alle spalle delle prime tre della classe, non manca la bagarre. Sono numerose le squadre che si trovano a pochi punti di distanza and that could bring them close to the summit with a series of results poit.
Finally, a brief analysis of the situation in which it USRifredi 2000. After a brilliant season last season, sealed by a salvation reached several days before the end of the season, this year's team seems to be in a state of irreversible problems. The final defeat against 27 de Abril, in fact, is just the latest in a long series: the boxes of victories still brings a sad zero, the points obtained so far are only four. The most emblematic, however, is the number of goals scored. If the defense is still good, the seven signatures in eleven games do not leave room for doubt: there is an end worthy of the name offensive. Perhaps the sale of Pantelis Mitsihostas last year is making us regret, but now it's too late. The championship is still long, but the company could now begin to add some young first team for the forthcoming season.
In the twelfth day, eye Dieghito Fc * * - Animal House FC . Diego is one of disappointment of this season and we will certainly make a good game against one of the first class, to redeem the standings, but also moral.
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