Night of 29 - 30 January 2011
The night is long ... I live in the old city ... homes that are followed in the narrow streets and alleys. Roads that climb to the Acropolis and falling fast.
not sleeping! the town council has allowed the opening of a Cultural Centre which is a disco. Decibel shot glasses and trembling ... and I do not sleep.
I called the police, I have appealed to the law 447 / 95 - Framework Law on Noise Pollution -
The intervention had the desired effect ma ormai non si dorme.
Che fare ?
Mia madre lentamente muore e noi impotenti
Impotenti sembrano le nostre preghiere
le lacrime dentro
la speranza .
E' la vita ! mi dico…

Lascio al tempo di scorrere e non scrivo.
La testa è impagliata di niente .
Leggo i giornali, ascolto il TG news della RAI ... la mia generazione lascia ai giovani una società confusa e corrotta. Sarà difficile ricominciare. Riuscirete a scusarci ?
Non temo per me... I have fought for the good. I've lost, I won ... I do not know!. The young people of the Maghreb
are in revolt. Down the despots ...
Egypt is on fire. The future is uncertain.
What to do?
do is take a pen and write as twenty years ... ''People do not eat the smell of bread''

The paintings of Jean Fouquet,
a French painter and miniaturist, painting of the highest representative of his country in the fifteenth century.
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