In Paris, the drawing room of the writer Elémire Bourges, Ungaretti know Marcel Proust. But for him the decisive encounter with Gaullaume Apollinaire, the poet of calligrams, who lives Boulevard Saint - Germain, above the Cafe de Flore , his kingdom, where every evening together intellectuals and artists.
Apollinaire is an essential reference point for the artistic avant-garde. Linked to Picasso, Braque and Henri Rousseau, adheres to futurism and draw up a manifesto, antitradizione The Futurist , where it supports the need to renew the techniques and rhythms, and to focus on intuition and a characteristic''fast impressive language sung or whistled over ' '. The games graphics, the simultaneity of images, the poem - conversation, playing with bits of dialogue are just some of the innovations introduced by this poet in the art of the twentieth century.
The poem he conceived as absolute freedom can accommodate any subject and represent many things simultaneously as in the columns of newspapers or in the movies.
In calligrams, published in 1918 with the subtitle '' Poems of Peace and War'', Apollinaire express his taste test by creating beautiful examples of visual poetry, where words, arranged in vertical lines, and broken curves, spread out to form rays and drawing, with free combinations, abstract: mirror, rain, mandolin, geto water.
poetry strays into technology and the writing becomes automatic, random.
With this brilliant artist, Ungaretti order established from the first moment a friendship based on common Italian heritage and significant similarities of thought and literary

Paris itinerary existential Ungaretti means the assimilation of a culture of life, awareness of ongoing trials that attracted him so much, attention to artistic styles that left their mark The discovery, perhaps, of his vocation as a poet.
But Paris is also home to''foreign''where the old fellow student Moammed Sceab committed suicide in 1913, nell'alberghetto of a small street that leads right in front of Sorbonne.
Ungaretti He will dedicate the poem in memory that opens, not casualmente la sua prima raccolta di versi, Il porto sepolto :
Si chiamava
Moammed Sceab
Di emiri di nomadi
Perché non aveva più
Amò la Francia
E mutò nome
Fu Marcel
Ma non era Francese
E non sapeva più
Nella tenda dei suoi
Dove si ascoltava la cantilena
Del Corano
Gustando un caffè
E non sapeva
Il canto
Del suo abbandono
L’ho accompagnato
the landlady where we lived in Paris
From number 5 rue des Carmes
Wilted alley down
rests in the cemetery of Ivry
suburb that seems to always
On a day of a fair
And maybe I just
I still know who lived
Moammed Sceab
Di emiri di nomadi
Perché non aveva più
Amò la Francia
E mutò nome
Fu Marcel
Ma non era Francese
E non sapeva più
Nella tenda dei suoi
Dove si ascoltava la cantilena
Del Corano
Gustando un caffè
E non sapeva
Il canto
Del suo abbandono
L’ho accompagnato
the landlady where we lived in Paris
From number 5 rue des Carmes
Wilted alley down
rests in the cemetery of Ivry
suburb that seems to always
On a day of a fair
And maybe I just
I still know who lived
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