Saturday, February 26, 2011

Acne And Perimenopause


The bass Sapri
(Mercantini Louis, 1857)

were three hundred, they were young and strong, and they died!
I was going in the morning to glean,
when I saw a boat in the sea:
was a boat that was going to steam
and raised a tricolor flag, the island of Ponza
has stopped, was
a little, and then returned;
has run and came back to earth;
went down with their arms, and we have not made war.

went down with their arms, and we did not do war, but
s'inchinaron to kiss the ground,
looked at them one by one in the face;
all had a tear and a smile. Li said they
thieves out of their holes,
but not carried away even a bread
and heard them send a single cry: We have come to die
PEL our shore. "

With blue eyes and golden hair
with a young man walking ahead of them.
I made bold and took him by the hand,
asked, "Where are you going, handsome captain?"
He looked at me and said, "O my sister,
'm going to die for my country better."
I felt all my heart tremble, nor
I could say, "V'aiuti 'the Lord!"

Quel giorno mi scordai di spigolare,
e dietro a loro mi misi ad andare.
Due volte si scontrar con li gendarmi,
e l'una e l'altra li spogliar dell'armi;
ma quando fur della Certosa ai muri,
s'udirono a suonar trombe e tamburi;
e tra 'l fumo e gli spari e le scintille
piombaro loro addosso più di mille.

Eran trecento, e non voller fuggire;
parean tremila e vollero morire;
ma vollero morir col ferro in mano,
e avanti a lor correa sangue il piano:
fin che pugnar vid'io per lor pregai;
ma un tratto venni men, né più guardai;
io non vedeva più fra mezzo a loro
quegli occhi azzurri e quei capelli d'oro.

were three hundred, they were young and strong, and they died!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ecstasy And Brain Hemorrhage


Chagall - Ulysses

We have the ability, unique in this selfish and sick time, to bring hope, friendship, tolerance, future men and women who are victims of the wars that now more and more devastated the boundaries of the West.

affects us!

We have the opportunity to earn the confidence of people too Long restricted in the absence of freedom.
We have the opportunity to develop policies, bold and bright.
We can dispel fear and overcome anything that is around the
days ... We can see another, different from us in an opportunity ....
We have the chance to drive the recommencement of work and the economy
We have the opportunity to rediscover the benefits of solidarity among men

We can rediscover everything that is really true, good, fair, then that is all ... what is really nice

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Ne sono stata davvero felice,grazie ancora.
Passo a mia volta il premio a: Natalia thanks for your wonderful recipes Barbara thanks for the beautiful things that we hear daily thanks Mammapapera because every day you tell us a little about yourself thanks for the valuable advice Francesca thanks for your



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Monday, February 21, 2011

Jack In The Box Commercial What College

Eccomi quì !

Here I am,
head consumed by twenty
the warmth of a fireplace burning thoughts. Words like smoke

looking at the sky. The young

studies and prepare the future
For what, has lost its meaning.
not raise the curtains, there is no better ...

One generation has given and then removed.

Nothing more ...
in the hands of economists
what remains of the failures.

red geraniums
On the windowsills of the house in ruins ...
The jew singing at sunset
the land along the
Limat in some Tea Room in Zurich.

''Wenn Rufe ich, erhòre mich, Gott, du mein Retter
Du hast mir gescaffen Raum, als mir angst war
You gnàdig mir, und auf mein Flehen hor!

''Sing now the Arab
along the alleys of the city that tells history
stones raised, slaughtered and again raised
as bastions and towers on the hill. You

dirge of colors, almost a lament
and not mine.
The girl wears a headscarf.

I fought waving the sword ...

GSN ...

To interpret and tell myself I choose Vincent van Gogh .... Portrait of Dr. Gachet (1890)
To tell our confused and uncertain time I chose a beautiful painting by Hieronymus Bosch ... The Ship of Fools ...

.... Ship of Fools is a satirical work published in 1494 in Basel by Sebastian Brant, a conservative German theologian. (Der Narrenspiegel, das groß Narrenschiff).
are those of Brant, confused and uncertain years following introduction of major changes.
It 's the time of Erasmus of Rotterdam and the famous In Praise of Folly

About the madness and the Ship of Fools Michel Foucault writes ...
"Because you see a sudden rise in the shape of the ship of fools, and his insane crew invades the most familiar landscapes? Because water from the old alliance with the madness, was born a day, and that very day, this boat?


Insanity and the insane become important figures in their ambiguity: menace and mockery, dizzying unreason of the world, ridiculous and petty men. "

Friday, February 18, 2011

Locking Up Snowboards

Francesco Gaeta

Yes, I leave the old walls, where
a bit 'of my heart with a tender longing

remain attached

And I'll leave that lasts even
between the feast of the swallows and the dismal evening

goodbye So, if the sunset, where
fire, butterfly
on your yellow wall, an extreme beam

cards with flowers, where the footprint of each painting

known friend and puts his Talking empty
who can not even fade;

hollow rooms, hence the unusual step
alarm boomy
grass roof where pigeons from resting

e tu ancora, che dal sasso
esci, trepida lucerta,
a la loggia ormai deserta
che d’asfalto odora al sol.

Or, se qui svolga la vita
Senza me le sue vicende,
altra casa non m’attende,
non mi chiama, aprica, a sé ?

Ma una parte ahimé svanita
Dei miei giorni è qui sepolta.
Vecchie mura, qualche volta
Ricordatevi di me.


La situazione is very simple: there is a traslco.

A man in leaving the house where he lived for a long, lingering look at those old walls in his family. The memories invade the soul along with a moment of sadness that everyone in similar situations, may have tried. The lyrics could easily fall into sdolcinatura formal or relaxed, yielding to the temptation of tearful regret, the insistence of the minute description. The poet instead keeps the tone of lyrical tenderness measured on a plan of redeeming the banality of the references in realistic dignity of a literary vocabulary and constructs its pouring ... in the sweet melancholy of the music that pervades the verses. Francesco Gaeta is a Neapolitan poet born in 1879, who committed suicide in 1927. Critics described him as a poet of transition from pasture to twilight. On the first approach for the strong sense of mystery, death and pain; other for the tone of the arguments and dismissed the taste of realistic scenes of everyday life. dominant motif of the poetry of Gaeta is what Cross has called''the love of love'' ; An unfulfilled need of sweetness that is inserted in the bottom of his gloomy pessimism

Francesco Flora Gaeta called''a grim, say even a tragic spirit in search of happiness'' .

Henry Wallis.
THE Twilight in short

E' un movimento poetico che, nato nei primi anni del Novecento, volle reagire alla clamorosa e ostentata retorica dannunziana.

Alla base della lirica dei crepuscolari c'è il disperato bisogno di parlare di sé, di confessarsi, ma in forma di colloquio più che di canto ... preferiscono i toni smorzati e dimessi, le forme discorsive, i ritmi facili e un vocabolario volutamente povero fatto di parole quotidiane e banali

Sempre preoccupati and afraid to force his voice, loved the twilight irony also seek further protection against the risk of sentimentality too explicit.

The favorite themes were the feelings common objects and everyday things, states of mind wrapped in a gray tired and lethargic, resignation from the soft shades and uncertain as those in the twilight .... hence the name given to the movement .

The crepuscular that one side is linked to certain ways of grazing languidly caressing and more pathetic, he felt the influence of the similar French and Flemish poetry (Samain, Maeterlinck, Verlaine, Laforgue ).... represents then a stage of progress of poetic taste and is rightly seen as a lyrical form of modern ones Pascoli and D'Annunzio.

it's also credited with having created new rhythms and metrical rhythm, new attitudes of language which will build the later writers

The largest of our representatives are crepuscular Guido Gozzano, Marino Moretti and Sergio Corazzini

henry wallis

Di Gaeta, Aldo de Gioia (pedagogical, historical, Neapolitan poet) writes ..... Gaeta

The poet does not deserve the twilight

Repubblica — 26 gennaio 2010 pagina 1 sezione: NAPOLI

TRA i poeti napoletani tra l' 800 e il ' 900 è l' unico ricordato dalla Treccani come poeta in versi "italiani". Francesco Gaeta è stato un grande crepuscolare del primo Novecento, eppure dimenticato, soprattutto nella sua città. Qualche giorno fa ne discutevo con le signore Pina e Susi Savarese, nipoti di Gaeta, che hanno osservato come la fatica di scrivere una storia generale della letteratura italiana per chiunque voglia cimentarsi, non può non tener conto degli infiniti punti sparsi di storie biografiche. E tra queste la vita e l' opera di Francesco Gaeta. Le nipoti vorrebbe creare in sua memoria una fondazionee io ho il dovere to understand, in the gray culture of our time, if there 's intention to support somewhere in this city' s initiative. In my research I often met Francesco Gaeta, especially following studies Alda Croce, daughter of Frank, perhaps the first to discover the talent of the poet. Who distinguished himself among the poets connected with the tradition of Italian poetry, though not unrelated to 'influence the experience of contemporary literature. In his life, had a long and fruitful literary activity which consisted of a stable disposition to seize the most diverse and contradictory aspects of life. anificando conventions, prejudices, appearances and stereotypes of society in the early twentieth century. Approached to the various literary experiences of that time always treating them in a position of freedom and originality. For this reason, you can register in the course of his artistic attitudes characteristic of various literary moments, especially in the twilight for his congenial disposition to melancholy that often appears in the vision of things, men of 'friendship, of family affection and of 'love. Intense was his activity which is expressed in a variety of reasons in a relentless experimentation with themes and forms. He wrote important works: "The Book of Youth" (1895), "Songs of Freedom" (1902), 'The literary Italian d' aujourd 'hui "(1904)," voluptuous Sonnets "(1906), "Poesie d' amore" (1920), "Novelle gioconde"(1921) e tante altre cose. Insieme a Silvio Novaro si collocò nell' importante corrente di poesia che prese il nome di "Crepuscolarismo" il cui vocabolo fu suggerito da un recensione di Giuseppe Antonio Borghese pubblicata in un quotidiano del 1910 con raccolte di versi di tre poeti: Mario Moretti, Fausto Maria Martini e Carlo Chiaves. Pur senza dare al "Crepuscolarismo" un valore dispregiativo, Borghese lo adattò metaforicamente: identificava quei poeti come epigoni della grande stagione poetica italiana da Parini a D' Annunzio. Scriveva Borghese: «La poesia italiana si spegne in un mite e lunghissimo crepuscolo cui forse non seguirà la notte». Successivamente Guido Gozzano fu riconosciuto as the "master" and the most authentic representative of the "C repuscolarismo, but Francesco Gaeta is yet to be discovered through the 'careful analysis of its sources and its texts to which I am dedicated. When I was a member of the commission could be place names, thanks to Arturo Fratta Vajra and Max, to name a street near Piazza Carlo III. He was born in Naples in 1879 and here he committed suicide in 1927, in his own home in Via Pontecorvo number 6 in the heart of the city when his mom died. His pain was so great that not survived. He left a note on which he wrote: "My sweet mother follow you ...". -

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Ungaretti … il periodo milanese II

Man walking in the desert (Marinella Albora)
Ungaretti writes:

' ' I was born at the edge of the desert and the mirage of the desert is the first sense of my poetry ... ..
It 's the desert the first stimulus, the initial stimulus, the stimulus that movement followed by the poem that can also express a different reality, a reality fertile, but still leaving from this nothing, nothing from this and from this feeling of this as not based on anything that the illusions that lead to perdition.

The twelve poems of the Milan period
published in the journal gradually Lacerba''futurist''close the experimental phase of his work more closely and predict a long, successful poetic adventure.

in nine verses that encloses the burning desert and its mirages also contains a plan of life and poetry ....

die like the larks on the looming thirsty

O such as quail
past the bushes in the early sea

because of flying
no longer want to live But

moan like a goldfinch blinded

'' May Night''
where it emerges as a dense city in the heart of childhood ....

The sky puts on the part of the minarets

garlands of lights

'' Silence'' ,

where the memory of his native city Alexandria lost for ever and ever found by poetry, becomes the expression of a nostalgic return to a city suspended a radiant sunshine that the poet has left a summer evening, seeing it vanish like lights in a last embrace.

a city I know that every day was filled with the sun and everything is
at the time I left one evening lasted
In the heart of the cicadas Limio

painted ship di bianco
ho visto
la mia città sparire
un poco
un abbraccio di lumi nell’aria torbida

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Edgar Lee Masters - Il violinista Jones

La terra emana una vibrazione
là nel tuo cuore, e quello sei tu.
E se la gente scopre che sai suonare,
ebbene, suonare ti tocca per tutta la vita.
Che cosa vedi, un raccolto di trifoglio?
O un prato da attraversare per arrivare the river?
The wind in the corn; you
you rub your hands for the oxen are now ready for market;
or hear the rustle of skirts.
Like the girls when dancing at Little Grove.
To Cooney Potter a pillar of dust or
whirling leaves meant ruinous drought;
looked to me like Sammy Testarossa
who danced to the tune of Toor-a-Loor.
How could I till my forty acres
not to mention getting more,
with a medley of horns, bassoons and piccolos Stirred in my brain
crows and robins And the creak of a wind mill - only these?
And I never started to plow in my life
without someone stopped on the street
and take me away to a dance or picnic.
I ended up with forty acres;
I ended up with a broken fiddle -
And a broken laugh, and a thousand memories,
and not a single regret.
The painting by Marc Chagall .....
Chagall in his work was inspired by the everyday life of European Russia and drew several biblical episodes that reflect his Jewish culture. In the sixties and seventies, he oversaw large-scale projects involving public areas and important religious and civic buildings.

Chagall's works fit into several categories of contemporary art in Paris took part in the movements that preceded
the First World War and was involved in avant-garde. However, it remained on the margins of these movements, including Cubism and Fauvism. It was very close to the Paris School and its exponents, such as Amedeo Modigliani.

His paintings are full of references to his childhood, although often preferred to forget the bad times. He was able to communicate happiness and optimism through the choice of colors bright and shiny. Chagall's world was colored, as if seen through a glass window of a church.

Marc Chagall was too busy to see Mailart book "The recovery of the memory of Eraldo Di Vita Milanese.
(Source Wikipedia)

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Emily Dickinson .... Bussava il vento .....

knocked the wind like a tired man. I
, hostess,
"Come in" I told him bold, and then went to my room

a guest fast, without feet:
tell him to sit
would be as absurd as to offer an armchair

It was boneless, and therefore elusive.
His speech was like the wicked
of birds without number, which they sang together in a bush

His face was a wave, to move his fingers

let out a sound, like
tremulous breath on glass.

Always moving gave me his visit;
and then, shyly,
knocked again - with excitement -
and I found myself alone.

The Dickinson is a poet are extraordinary ... his extraordinary sense of nature, his ability to distill "an amazing sense of ordinary meanings and essences of species so huge family, "the evocation of metaphors and symbols without affectation or research of the effect.

The language of Dickinson is harsh, terse, elliptical, but an unparalleled intensity, and never as in this case the translation is to betray the letter to try to get closer to the vibrating core and index of verses.

The paintings are of IMAN MALEK


Iman Maleki was born in Tehran in 1976. Attracted by a very young age, he began painting at the age of 15 years, under the leadership of its first and one teacher, Morteza Katouzian, considered the greatest realist painter of Iran.
His works are characterized by an extraordinary realism, expressiveness clear, without veils, which takes a look almost photographic in its country, now celebrating its glorious past, now capturing moments of everyday life today.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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It 's been too S. Valentino, now we will prepare for the carnival ....

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Congratulations to all those who love ......

Amo immensamente mio marito,i miei figli,adoro la mia mamma,il mio papà,mia zia,mio nonno e la mia adorata nonna che non c'è più.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Turtle Eye Infection Medication

Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra?... Questioni di ieri e di oggi

Cicerone, the Oration against Catiline ....

long, O Catiline, continue to abuse our patience?
How long will your crazy behavior will mock us?
To what extent this will trigger your rashness that knows no restraint?

Do not make any impression they reinforced the department that oversees the Palatine at night, or patrols carrying out patrol in the city, nor the anxious concern of the people, nor the rush to agree with all good citizens, or here so well fortified for the seat of the senate, nor the expression of the face of these?
not you realize that your plots are known?
not you see that your conspiracy, as it is known by all present, it is now kept strictly under control?
of us, in your opinion, please ignore what you did last night and the previous one, where have you been, who have gathered here, that decision did you get?

[ .... .... .... ] ….. tu sei stato capace non solo di non tenere in nessun conto ne leggi ne giustizia, ma pure di sovvertirle e distruggerle. Ora, i tuoi misfatti precedenti, per quanto assolutamente insopportabili, pure li ho sopportati così come ho potuto; ma che adesso io debba vivere ….. nel terrore solo per causa tua, che ad ogni stormir di foglia si debba temer Catilina, che evidentemente non sia possibile ordire nessuna trama ai miei danni che sia indipendente dalla tua delittuosa attività, questo è assolutamente insopportabile.

Vattene dunque e liberami da questo timore: per non soccombere, se è fondato; per cessare una buona volta per tutte di temere, se è privo di qualunque fondamento.

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Monica Roccafortefather


di Trilussa, al secolo Carlo Alberto Salusri,
(Roma, 26.10.1871 - 21.12.1950)

La cosa annò così. La Tartaruga,
mentre cercava un posto più sicuro
pe' magnasse una foja de lattuga,
j'amancò un piede e cascò giù dar muro:
e, quer ch'è peggio, it was co
glide 'Home arivortata.
Then the churches to help him Cagnola;
says: - If you forgive me in posizzione
t'arigalo, on the other hand, a chop
that this home rests der master.
Alccetti? - Alccetto. - And that, in bona faith
co 'du' paw arimise in the foot.
Then he asked: - And the chop? - Says: - What?
- Ah! - He says - you're rushing mò Deny Santa!
T'ammascheri be dumb! Of course! But there is bona
giustizzia that you care! Er
we are called Cat, j'aricconto all
you and I raise my heart the thirst ham! -
Er Cat, who was a lawyer, designed
er done and j'arispose: - I think that is a key
a little bit delicate, because there is the question
der consideration:
and in some cases, says Orazzo,
promissio boni viri obbligazzio east.
But before I decide, you must
that the beast itself is made
co 'Home Vorta a nun as long as the incontrario
reconfirms the promise
pe' hath been established only a method ch'addopra
if quanno is upside down. -
this was done. Er Cat said - I hope that the chop
really exists ... - The Turtle
je said: - It 's true! He
berth in the gratticola ... I've seen.
- Alright, - said Gatto er - nu 'I doubt
I make a come back and bring all soprallogo beam. -
and back, defatti toward evening.

- Avemar won! - Told the criente.
Dice - Really? And the steak? - There was ...
m'è but remained only the bone, because the meat
over now I
pe 'bear the costs der process.

(The paintings of Georges Seraut)

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Ungaretti … il periodo milanese (I)

Ungaretti leave the French capital in 1914 and moved to Italy where hound dramatic events: World War knocking at the door.
Anarchism innate and rebellious spirit make him a vigorous interventionist believes that war, that war is inevitable ...
In Milan, where he will live for some time at a landlady from parts of the Monumental Cemetery where to live and teach French to spend entire nights walk with the painter Carlo Carrà
discovers the existence and consistency of the''fog''that cancels the scenery and backdrop to the twelve poems published in Milan, the journal gradually Futurist ''''Lacerba founded by John Pa pines and Ardengo Soft nel 1913, in seguito riunite nella sezione dell’ Allegria intitolata

Dopo la nebbia
Dopo tanta
a una
a una
si svelano
le stelle.
il fresco
che mi lascia
il colore
del cielo

la vicinanza del cimitero richiama alla sua mente Moammed Sceab, l’amico arabo

anche le tombe sono scomparse
spazio nero infinito calato
from this balcony to the cemetery

I came to find my partner

Arab who has killed the other night
draws back the days

graves flattened in the dark green of the last

dark green in the dark
first clear

The memory of Alexandria that the verses of the Levant, one of the more imbued with autobiographical lyrics of this early period are crossed and nearly hurt by visions and feelings experienced during the sea voyage from Egypt to the ' Italy ....

dies away to circle the sky
spikes heels peaks
hands and clarinet flourishes
shrill and the sea is restless
trembles sweet like a pigeon
Aft emigrants tabby dance
A bow is just a young
On Saturday evening at this
away their dead
funnel snail

alleys of light water

Confused as I hear the noise of breast
within the shadow of


Alexandria, the desert the landscapes of Africa's poems Latest cram and it is natural for someone like Ungaretti is deeply rooted in those places ....

''I was born at the edge of the desert and the mirage of the desert and the mirage of the desert is the first sense of my poetry ... ..

(The paintings of Carlo Carra)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Edward Hopper

Edward Hopper (Nyack, July 22, 1882 - New York, May 15, 1967 ) was an American painter known for his portraits of solitude in contemporary American life .

Hopper nasce a Nyack da Garret Henry e da Elisabeth Griffiths Smith. Edward già dall'età di 5 anni dimostra una spiccata abilità nel disegno. I suoi genitori, scoperta questa dote, lo incoraggiano facendogli leggere riviste e libri sull'arte. Nel 1895 dipinge il suo primo quadro dove mostra uno spiccato interesse verso le navi e tutto ciò che è legato ad esse.

Gli inizi

Nato a Nyack, piccola cittadina sul Hudson River from a cultured middle-class American family, Hopper entered in 1900 at the New York Art So the institute is located alongside other future stars of the American art scene of the early fifties: Guy Pene du Bois, Rockwell Kent, Eugene Speicher and George Bellows. Important for the formation and growth, however, is the contact with three teachers: William Merritt Chase, that would incite to study. His first job was as an illustrator for advertising C. Phillips & Company.

trips abroad

Nel 1906 si reca per la prima volta in Europa, visitando Parigi, dove sperimenterà un linguaggio formale vicino a quello degli impressionisti, e proseguendo poi, nel 1907, per Londra, Berlino e Bruxelles.

Lo stile personale ed inconfondibile, formato da precise scelte espressive, emerge e si forma nel 1909, quando decide di tornare a Parigi per sei mesi, dipingendo a Saint-Germain-des-Prés e a Fontainebleau.

La sua pittura predilige un particolare e ricercato gioco di luci e ombre, la descrizione di interni, imparata da Degas e perfezionata durante il suo terzo e ultimo viaggio all'estero, a Parigi e in Spagna nel 1910, e il tema centrale della solitudine.

Mentre in Europa took foot Fauvism, Cubism and abstract art, Hopper is attracted mostly by Manet, Pissarro, Monet, Sisley, Courbet, Daumier, Toulouse-Lautrec and the oldest Goya.

the return

returned permanently in the United States, which will leave no more, Hopper leaves the European nostalgia that had influenced him until then, and began to develop subjects related to American life, shaping his style to life every day. Among the subjects which are especially dedicated to the representation of urban images of New York and the cliffs and beaches of nearby New England.

in 1918 is one of the first Members of the Whitney Studio Club, the most vital center for independent artists of the time.

Between 1915 and 1923 temporarily abandoned painting, engaging in new forms of expression such as engraving, etching and puntesecche running, thanks to which will get many awards and honors, including the prestigious National Academy of Design.
In this building adjacent to Washington Square Park in New York, was the study of Hopper


The success con una mostra di acquerelli (1923) e con un'altra di dipinti (1924) contribuiscono a fare di Hopper il caposcuola dei realisti che dipingevano la "scena americana".

La sua evocativa vocazione artistica si rivolge sempre più verso un forte realismo, che risulta la sintesi della visione figurativa combinata con il sentimento struggente e poetico che Hopper percepisce nei suoi soggetti. Diceva: "non dipingo quello che vedo, ma quello che provo".

Predilige immagini urbane o rurali, immerse nel silenzio; i suoi spazi sono reali ma in essi c'è qualcosa di metafisico (senza alcun accostamento alla corrente italiana), che comunica allo spettatore un forte senso di inquietudine. La composizione dei quadri è talora geometrical, the sophisticated play of light cold, sharp and deliberately "artificial" synthetic details. The scene is often deserted, there is rarely more than a human figure, and when there is more than one, seems to emerge a dramatic estrangement and lack of communication between players that accentuates the painful loneliness. Him was that he knew "paint the silence." Hopper used compositions and photographic cuts similar to those of the Impressionists, who had seen the true, as has been said, in Paris at the beginning of the twentieth century, but in fact his style was very personal and, in turn, imitated by filmmakers and photographers.

Hopper in 1937 bought a house in Truro (Massachusetts) in the peninsula of Cape Cod, where he has since started to regularly pass the summer months. The landscape of Cape Cod, with its sand dunes, houses and lighthouses, is found in many of his paintings, like The House on The Hill, Cape Cod Cape Cod Morning or Evening.

In 1933 the Museum of Modern Art in New York dedicated the first retrospective and the Whitney Museum of American Art, the second in 1950.

Hopper died in 85 years May 15, 1967 in his studio in downtown New York. Today it is considered one of the great American masters, in some cases cited as a precursor of Pop Art.

Source Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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