La terra emana una vibrazione
là nel tuo cuore, e quello sei tu.
E se la gente scopre che sai suonare,
ebbene, suonare ti tocca per tutta la vita.
Che cosa vedi, un raccolto di trifoglio?
O un prato da attraversare per arrivare the river?
The wind in the corn; you
you rub your hands for the oxen are now ready for market;
or hear the rustle of skirts.
Like the girls when dancing at Little Grove.
To Cooney Potter a pillar of dust or
whirling leaves meant ruinous drought;
looked to me like Sammy Testarossa
who danced to the tune of Toor-a-Loor.
How could I till my forty acres
not to mention getting more,
with a medley of horns, bassoons and piccolos Stirred in my brain
crows and robins And the creak of a wind mill - only these?
And I never started to plow in my life
without someone stopped on the street
and take me away to a dance or picnic.
I ended up with forty acres;
I ended up with a broken fiddle -
And a broken laugh, and a thousand memories,
and not a single regret.
The painting by Marc Chagall .....
Chagall in his work was inspired by the everyday life of European Russia and drew several biblical episodes that reflect his Jewish culture. In the sixties and seventies, he oversaw large-scale projects involving public areas and important religious and civic buildings.
Chagall's works fit into several categories of contemporary art in Paris took part in the movements that preceded the First World War and was involved in avant-garde. However, it remained on the margins of these movements, including Cubism and Fauvism. It was very close to the Paris School and its exponents, such as Amedeo Modigliani.
His paintings are full of references to his childhood, although often preferred to forget the bad times. He was able to communicate happiness and optimism through the choice of colors bright and shiny. Chagall's world was colored, as if seen through a glass window of a church.
Marc Chagall was too busy to see Mailart book "The recovery of the memory of Eraldo Di Vita Milanese.
Chagall's works fit into several categories of contemporary art in Paris took part in the movements that preceded the First World War and was involved in avant-garde. However, it remained on the margins of these movements, including Cubism and Fauvism. It was very close to the Paris School and its exponents, such as Amedeo Modigliani.
His paintings are full of references to his childhood, although often preferred to forget the bad times. He was able to communicate happiness and optimism through the choice of colors bright and shiny. Chagall's world was colored, as if seen through a glass window of a church.
Marc Chagall was too busy to see Mailart book "The recovery of the memory of Eraldo Di Vita Milanese.
(Source Wikipedia)
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