Yes, I leave the old walls, where
a bit 'of my heart with a tender longing
remain attached
And I'll leave that lasts even
between the feast of the swallows and the dismal evening
goodbye So, if the sunset, where
fire, butterfly
on your yellow wall, an extreme beam
cards with flowers, where the footprint of each painting
known friend and puts his Talking empty
who can not even fade;
hollow rooms, hence the unusual step
alarm boomy
grass roof where pigeons from resting
e tu ancora, che dal sasso
esci, trepida lucerta,
a la loggia ormai deserta
che d’asfalto odora al sol.
Or, se qui svolga la vita
Senza me le sue vicende,
altra casa non m’attende,
non mi chiama, aprica, a sé ?
Ma una parte ahimé svanita
Dei miei giorni è qui sepolta.
Vecchie mura, qualche volta
Ricordatevi di me.
La situazione is very simple: there is a traslco.
A man in leaving the house where he lived for a long, lingering look at those old walls in his family. The memories invade the soul along with a moment of sadness that everyone in similar situations, may have tried. The lyrics could easily fall into sdolcinatura formal or relaxed, yielding to the temptation of tearful regret, the insistence of the minute description. The poet instead keeps the tone of lyrical tenderness measured on a plan of redeeming the banality of the references in realistic dignity of a literary vocabulary and constructs its pouring ... in the sweet melancholy of the music that pervades the verses. Francesco Gaeta is a Neapolitan poet born in 1879, who committed suicide in 1927. Critics described him as a poet of transition from pasture to twilight. On the first approach for the strong sense of mystery, death and pain; other for the tone of the arguments and dismissed the taste of realistic scenes of everyday life. dominant motif of the poetry of Gaeta is what Cross has called''the love of love'' ; An unfulfilled need of sweetness that is inserted in the bottom of his gloomy pessimism

E' un movimento poetico che, nato nei primi anni del Novecento, volle reagire alla clamorosa e ostentata retorica dannunziana.
Alla base della lirica dei crepuscolari c'è il disperato bisogno di parlare di sé, di confessarsi, ma in forma di colloquio più che di canto ... preferiscono i toni smorzati e dimessi, le forme discorsive, i ritmi facili e un vocabolario volutamente povero fatto di parole quotidiane e banali
Sempre preoccupati and afraid to force his voice, loved the twilight irony also seek further protection against the risk of sentimentality too explicit.
The favorite themes were the feelings common objects and everyday things, states of mind wrapped in a gray tired and lethargic, resignation from the soft shades and uncertain as those in the twilight .... hence the name given to the movement .
The crepuscular that one side is linked to certain ways of grazing languidly caressing and more pathetic, he felt the influence of the similar French and Flemish poetry (Samain, Maeterlinck, Verlaine, Laforgue ).... represents then a stage of progress of poetic taste and is rightly seen as a lyrical form of modern ones Pascoli and D'Annunzio.
it's also credited with having created new rhythms and metrical rhythm, new attitudes of language which will build the later writers
The largest of our representatives are crepuscular Guido Gozzano, Marino Moretti and Sergio Corazzini

henry wallis
Di Gaeta, Aldo de Gioia (pedagogical, historical, Neapolitan poet) writes ..... Gaeta
The poet does not deserve the twilight
Repubblica — 26 gennaio 2010 pagina 1 sezione: NAPOLI
TRA i poeti napoletani tra l' 800 e il ' 900 è l' unico ricordato dalla Treccani come poeta in versi "italiani". Francesco Gaeta è stato un grande crepuscolare del primo Novecento, eppure dimenticato, soprattutto nella sua città. Qualche giorno fa ne discutevo con le signore Pina e Susi Savarese, nipoti di Gaeta, che hanno osservato come la fatica di scrivere una storia generale della letteratura italiana per chiunque voglia cimentarsi, non può non tener conto degli infiniti punti sparsi di storie biografiche. E tra queste la vita e l' opera di Francesco Gaeta. Le nipoti vorrebbe creare in sua memoria una fondazionee io ho il dovere to understand, in the gray culture of our time, if there 's intention to support somewhere in this city' s initiative. In my research I often met Francesco Gaeta, especially following studies Alda Croce, daughter of Frank, perhaps the first to discover the talent of the poet. Who distinguished himself among the poets connected with the tradition of Italian poetry, though not unrelated to 'influence the experience of contemporary literature. In his life, had a long and fruitful literary activity which consisted of a stable disposition to seize the most diverse and contradictory aspects of life. anificando conventions, prejudices, appearances and stereotypes of society in the early twentieth century. Approached to the various literary experiences of that time always treating them in a position of freedom and originality. For this reason, you can register in the course of his artistic attitudes characteristic of various literary moments, especially in the twilight for his congenial disposition to melancholy that often appears in the vision of things, men of 'friendship, of family affection and of 'love. Intense was his activity which is expressed in a variety of reasons in a relentless experimentation with themes and forms. He wrote important works: "The Book of Youth" (1895), "Songs of Freedom" (1902), 'The literary Italian d' aujourd 'hui "(1904)," voluptuous Sonnets "(1906), "Poesie d' amore" (1920), "Novelle gioconde"(1921) e tante altre cose. Insieme a Silvio Novaro si collocò nell' importante corrente di poesia che prese il nome di "Crepuscolarismo" il cui vocabolo fu suggerito da un recensione di Giuseppe Antonio Borghese pubblicata in un quotidiano del 1910 con raccolte di versi di tre poeti: Mario Moretti, Fausto Maria Martini e Carlo Chiaves. Pur senza dare al "Crepuscolarismo" un valore dispregiativo, Borghese lo adattò metaforicamente: identificava quei poeti come epigoni della grande stagione poetica italiana da Parini a D' Annunzio. Scriveva Borghese: «La poesia italiana si spegne in un mite e lunghissimo crepuscolo cui forse non seguirà la notte». Successivamente Guido Gozzano fu riconosciuto as the "master" and the most authentic representative of the "C repuscolarismo, but Francesco Gaeta is yet to be discovered through the 'careful analysis of its sources and its texts to which I am dedicated. When I was a member of the commission could be place names, thanks to Arturo Fratta Vajra and Max, to name a street near Piazza Carlo III. He was born in Naples in 1879 and here he committed suicide in 1927, in his own home in Via Pontecorvo number 6 in the heart of the city when his mom died. His pain was so great that not survived. He left a note on which he wrote: "My sweet mother follow you ...". -
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